I’m not religious so I guess I’m saying this figuratively but to those who believe I’ll say that one possible retort I’ve give if anyway gave a shit to ask me about what do I think of trans athletes is that the way this administration is treating trans Americans is a fucking sin
Like ghosts, astrology and Jesus.
Have you seen a portrayal of trans individuals who have integrated into our lives in a productive, caring manner?
But, to use a trans lawyer to argue trans rights before this court was a slap at your very final Judges.
I think they're staining and polluting themselves (I would say they're sinful too but I think of "sin" as more abstract than pollution)
Trump is soiling and staining his own self
I've always been doubtful of an eternity of damnation except perhaps for the very worst of humanity.
I suspect Damnation Management Inc is subdividing condos and filling those with lovely flammable furnishings.