A lot of folks are blinded by the republicans in states, clamouring towards 2026, yesterday saw a state wanting to legalise same sex marriage, only thing trump EO states only 2 gender sex, no good trying to harnessing support when they forget EO's, like spraying water to get a rainbow for gold crock
I even think disappearing people is Bad no matter what their status is or what they’re supposed to have done but the local faculty of law basically got a pre-emptive restraining order in case I ever try to become a lawyer, so ditto.
I have a masters degree in public administration and it means less than the paper it's printed on. I feel like law is just who can be the loudest now and who has the richest friends.
I know we can force local law enforcement to do their jobs and protect all Americans.
Federal agents can be picked up and charged with kidnapping and a host of other charges by city and state law enforcement. A badge is not a pass to break laws
Letter I pinned to California legislators and Newsom.
I think imposing an apocalyptic circus of evil destruction of nuts-and-bolts government systems for trillions in tax cuts for the super-wealthy is also bad, but then what do I know?
I agree.... same for not allowing them in for academic conferences......... it's inSANE. All I can do is keep posting this everywhere as we seemingly head for a civil war. https://act.moveon.org/survey/impeach
as I've been saying we do have to be attorneys we do have to be teachers we do have to be activists we do have to be Senators we do have to do everybody's jobs!!
You heard the guy who introduced this was very recently arrested for attempting to hook up with a 16 y/o, but it was cops instead? Birds of a feather and all that. 🤮
Flying people you disagree with to El Salvadoran prisons seems eerily similar to trains full of people Germany ‘disagreed with’ ending up in Eastern Europe. Dehumanization is dehumanization no matter which decade or what odd Chode holds power.
I've been wondering....way above my head
If taking US citizens or those in the US legally ...to send to another country to jail them or worse
Wouldn't that be a human rights crime....crossing borders into another country ......wouldn't that be an international crime?
If so.......hello Jack Smith j/s
Breathtaking speed isn’t it. The Nazis didn’t have social media I suppose. Difficult to digest. Here in the UK a lot of boycotting, cancelling trips to the U.S.
If they are here legally it will be dealt with due process for citizens, if they are here legally as a visitor, we have the right to revoke their stay. Does this make sense to you? Every country has their rules for visitors.
Okay, but where in that says it's legal to disappear a bunch of people to a El Salvador super prison without due process?
The legal process allows for transparency. Right now the gov is saying "Trust us bro" and I do not in fact trust the government without the ability to independently fact check.
We have no room or more money spend on that. They had time to leave, especially the ones with criminal records. They lived off of us for more years than any American. They were warned.
We should always follow the Constitution. If you live in New York. Contact me, I’m in East Elmhurst queens. We help lots of people with no criminal record, to get back in legally and help people leave without a conviction.
Circling back around to this. Due process is part of the constitution for any human within the borders of the USA. It was written that way intentionally.
So explain to me how sending planeloads of people to a foreign prison without due process is okay.
A person with a moral compass doesn't need any fancy education to know in their gut what is right and what is wrong. I'm terrified that an overwhelming number of the world's citizens appear to have lost their compasses or never had one in the first place.
You know more than many. Besides, we have someone with a law degree who knows nothing about science, medicine, and health services, but who is in charge of the govt's HHS.
We’re in part of a movie, where it’s getting scary bad. Too many people are indifferent to the situation. Too many people are rubbing their hands together, in glee. And too many people are scared to death. I myself don’t know whether to shit down my legs or go blind.
I have one and what you have to understand is that Trump is not the state, and anyone who supports Trump or defends Trump is also not the state. The vast majority of law enforcement? You guessed it, not the state.
Only wokes are the state, whether or not in government.
Oh it was just a joke - a lot of MAGA folks will argue that things that are quite obviously the state (here, "the state" means government) aren't the state. Trump's actions are state action, as are those in government acting on his orders.
Not that I was planning to set foot in the US possibly ever again, but this, along with all the ICE detentions, and general ethics questions, should give pause to anyone planning to visit. Now is not the time to play tourist
Exactly. In a previously sane world, Republicans doing this kind of damage to a huge sector of the economy- tourism- would be anathema to the core of their being. But now it’s Fascism First, everything & everyone else be damned.
Even lawyers and judges cannot second guess the perfidy of 6/9 SCOTUS. Roberts and 5 other justices with black robe fever have abandoned precedent, stare decisis in lawspeak, and predicting their next jump off of the rational bridge over troubled waters is impossible.
Next we'll be like the Latin American countries in the 70's and early 80's where citizens were "disappeared" in the thousands, simply for speaking up. Needless to say, our country aided, funded and abetted the military governments responsible. They were rooting out communism was the rationale.
You are absolutely right, it is bad. On a multitude of levels, it is simply a precedence to him implementing a Dictatorship. At which point he will be above the law. Trust, there are a lot of us trying to stop this shit.
Yup, no law degree here either..... Yes, it is "bad," and the question will become, is it legal? If it is, then, when we get control of Congress back, we need to write and pass legislation that offers protection to folks visiting our country, some kind of due process overseen by judges.
I don’t have a law degree either, but the thought that the US administration thinks that they can unilaterally send “terrorists” to El Salvador without due process is abhorent.
It’s not right that friends and family can be “disappeared” in the middle of the night.
It is bad because migrants, whether documented or undocumented, have rights. One of them is the right to due process under the law. You don't need a law degree to know when something is evil.
Our country is in peril. Media type accounts can help amplify protests, platforms, and calls to action! There is no algorithm on Bluesky so any effort to help get the word out is mission critical. How might you promote upcoming protest with your following and reach? #MeetTheMoment #FiftyFiftyOne
I hope all the people who think the due process parts of the Constitution are part time options get to be the next test cases for when that concept does or does not apply.
Can I interest you in voting against the Republican party in the midterms? I think if enough people did that it would help turn things around a little but I’m not a pollster so what do I know
With you on both accounts, plus I lived in a country where this became a common practice. It’s criminal and immoral. Intimidating, devastating to families. It’s fucking wrong!
No, arguably the law isn’t complex enough, because a simple law would say something like “it’s illegal to kill a person,” but then you have to drill down into the situations where we make exceptions (self-defense, insanity, etc.), and then you really need to define the contours of those exceptions….
Why let that bother you? Pam Bondi has a law degree but what does she know? She has this goofy idea that she can tell the courts what they can and cannot do rather than the other way around.
This is real Gestapo shit:
“Badar Khan Suri, an Indian citizen who entered the U.S. on a J-1 student visa, was arrested by masked agents with the Department of Homeland Security outside his home in Arlington, Virginia, on Monday evening…”
American Citizens
All the rest just raises the level of bad.
Federal agents can be picked up and charged with kidnapping and a host of other charges by city and state law enforcement. A badge is not a pass to break laws
Letter I pinned to California legislators and Newsom.
Oh, coincidentally...
(/s, for those with defective sarcasm detectors)
Better than 100% of the Top DOJ brass! (Who "supposedly/allegedly" have legal degrees)!
If taking US citizens or those in the US legally ...to send to another country to jail them or worse
Wouldn't that be a human rights crime....crossing borders into another country ......wouldn't that be an international crime?
If so.......hello Jack Smith j/s
Breathtaking speed. Terrifying. I’m so sorry.
So, we were all warning about it would be quick but it is another thing to know it versus living through it.
The legal process allows for transparency. Right now the gov is saying "Trust us bro" and I do not in fact trust the government without the ability to independently fact check.
So explain to me how sending planeloads of people to a foreign prison without due process is okay.
What next, helicopter saltwater baths?
Only wokes are the state, whether or not in government.
It’s not right that friends and family can be “disappeared” in the middle of the night.
Thank you
I hope you get a dedicated and winning team
Turns out you can't really study Calvinball.
- Mr. Bimmler
it's literally the first thing in the constitution
Just *poof*.
What a wonderful day that would be.
As a human, you are fully qualified to identify something as Bad.
I agree with your expert assessment. This is very very Bad.
“Badar Khan Suri, an Indian citizen who entered the U.S. on a J-1 student visa, was arrested by masked agents with the Department of Homeland Security outside his home in Arlington, Virginia, on Monday evening…”