freeze frame on man running through bazaar
Jason Statham (VO): yeah. thass me. aladdin runnin frum the fuckin fuzz again
Jason Statham (VO): yeah. thass me. aladdin runnin frum the fuckin fuzz again
Jason Statham aladdin: names aladdin, sweetheart. thass a big fuckin dog you got
Jasmine: it's a tiger
Jason Statham VO: that was Jafar. grand vizier, plonker, and weirdo. I knew he was a real bastard, but as I was about to discover, he was also a cunt
Jason statham: nothin mate
ray winstone genie: you rubbed the fuckin lamp ya twat
Jason statham: i didn't rub the fuckin lamp! Genies are haram!
ray winstone genie: *points with cig* don't. raise. ya fuckin voice. at me
russell brand: *weird whining voice* they calls me the monkey, bruv. on account of i got a monkey on me back eheheheheh
ray winstone genie: don't fuckin speak to me son
jason statham: don't bother love. i'm just here to rob the place
russell brand: eh, eh. eh. aladdin
jason statham: and if you got any pills, me monkey'll have those