I’ll take your word for it, I stopped watching lamestream media when they all announced dump won before the polls even closed, thank u for watching so I don’t have to
What, she stands in front of the podium? Oh, all of the rest of her “awake” day until they turn her off and put her in the closet? 🤭🤭🖕that 🫏🕳️! Why do journalists report her utterances? Total🐂💩! 🦋💙🦋
Oh, don’t get me wrong—she gets to sit with Sanders and the great Mrs Former Conway up real close to Perdition’s flame. No apologies needed, no forgiveness offered. Just dry up and blow away, Twit.
that cross will not protect her from the vampires within
that's all he can do now
/does thing with shoulders/
"No, it's not true."
It’s their body language that gives them away.
The crypt keeper below was a defective model
That she one day will look back at this.
Nice of them to let me keep the same image so I only had to change the name of the douchebag.