I keep returning to Chad- 13 times so far
Climate crisis hit Africa hard. In some areas it hasn’t rained for years. Crops wont grow. Ppl starve. Babies die first. If an aid group comes, they bring life saving nutrients & medicines. Now USAid is shuttered, countless children will die
Climate crisis hit Africa hard. In some areas it hasn’t rained for years. Crops wont grow. Ppl starve. Babies die first. If an aid group comes, they bring life saving nutrients & medicines. Now USAid is shuttered, countless children will die
1 million children will go untreated for severe malnutrition, up to 166K people will die from malaria & 200K children will be paralyzed by polio over the next decade they estimate. He didn’t care.
They will claim it as DOGE savings … at the cost of the lives of children.
Do we worship the Golden Calf?
He's been bankrupt many times and is only good at spending, losing other people's money.
That's the "art" of his deal. Others pay the price for trusting him.
Trump is a curse on everything he touches, but Americans gave him power, again. 🙏 get him out
I’ve always admired you, Ms Farrow, & hold great respect for your opposing the #AmericanNaziRegime & decrying #Genocide they are committing. #RFKJr aka #FUCKYOUBOBBY has been a pervert junkie lunatic & menace for decades now & is dangerous. Stop him at any cost.
Thank you.
I'm looking at hydroponics as a home gardener. What I understand is that it takes considerably much less water than regular farming - 90% less water from what I've read. I'm sure others have thought of it but just thought I'd toss that out there. Hoping.
Jimmy Carter was out building homes and making water safer to drink. trump is evicting people and pissing in their water bottles
His cuts to programs are designed to kill ppl from groups he wants to eliminate
It's how he can control the population
He makes cuts to programs that provide aid, while millions are dying in Africa, & many Americans need help from social programs
Hitler used gas chambers
Prolife my ass.
However, I do have to say thank you for your efforts and using your voice for humankind.
Oh and thank you for Ronan.
“We are a Christian Nation!”
Elon grew up in Apartheid South Africa.
Black babies dying means nothing to him.
Black children suffering mean nothing to him.
... and he feels the same about Americans who aren't White.
While Trump wants to create Putin's Russia in the USA, Elon wants to re-create South Africa.
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
If I knew how (I don't) I'm make it an AI screen saver and hire a hacker to put it on all the White House computers. Even for a moment.
If anyone knows how, please be my guest.
Has God seen this picture ❓
We can never say we are civilized - no one on this earth - until there are no starving children.
Is that so hard?
Putin is controlling US policy and our lives here.
It's quite a shame that we Americans has seen the truth
out of sight out of mind. They don’t have the balls to do what you’ve done! Thank you for helping them🤗
Dear God.
#GOTVBlue2026 Start Now
This doesn’t have to happen!
Food is sitting in warehouses… and will be wasted unless policies change!
America… “We forgotten who we are!”
The 2 of them want those African natural resources for free if possible.
Still Karma will come for the 2 of them.
You vote for the lesser of the evils. Too many voted Trump because you’re bored and needed to spice it up.
You spiced it up alright.. is it a bit too warm for you?
That’s the hell you created.
Own it.
I would be afraid to hold that child
Wouldn’t want to drop or squish the little angel
Trump and Musk kill . . .
... that is the reality.
💠 😔 💠
Stands taller
Than when they
Stoop to help a child!
They're just vole, cruel people
#ElonMusk couldn't do ANY of this if #Trump didn't sell the US Presidency to him!
They want only the strongest to survive. Which in this global crisis is no one