White House officials stated that the Columbia U student had participated in “pro-Hamas rallies.” But is that true? Hamas is a terrorist group.
Being pro Palestinian or standing against the bombing of Gaza’s civilians is not at ALL the same as being pro Hamas.
Being pro Palestinian or standing against the bombing of Gaza’s civilians is not at ALL the same as being pro Hamas.
We need to move past talking and get the elbows up before it’s too late
Republican KKK members have the right to March in public in support of a terrorist group.
War is war. Israel did not declare war, but finds itself battling a terrorist organization. They have tried to play nice for close to a century now.
Must've been the 90%... I see earlier only 60% support Hamas
While Israel didn’t declare war, they did implement de facto apartheid against Palestinians ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which is insanely ironic, because when they're done eradicating Muslims guess who they'll come for?
In public and private, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made complimentary statements about Islam as both a religion and a political ideology,
That's the whole point. 😞
Note: I hate what-about/how-about. So Middle School. In this case though, I couldn't resist.
It also, coincidentally, doesn't make you a Republican.
not saying that particular student did- idk, just saying, a lot of protestors DID.
I would have thought Israel would be the LAST country on Earth to want to exterminate folks...
Without voter suppression laws the Republicans would never win. The Charlatan in The Oval Office say that Last term. I wish somebody could find that clip. Persistence💙
Dumpty tRump is revenge raging.
He doesn't give a flip about us.
Dumb morons who voted for this.
Anti Isreali does not mean Antisemitic.
Stop painting the world in binary b&w.
American's enjoy The Constitutional protections of The First Amendment.
Free speech is NOT a crime in America:
Only in Russia, China, Saudi, Iran, etc.