We need a trumpian solution is like saying we need a hitlerian solution when it comes to museums, it’s fucking moronic to a degree I cannot begin to fathom.
You're waiting in a wonderful marvel of architecture and your only thoughts are "Non British people shouldn't exist in this space" (also, he splashed on a taxi in London, who does that)
Dude hasn't heard of VAT, or tourism economy. These people paid for hotels, restaurants, merchandise, flights etc. But who cares about British economy, not patriotic Brits.
Funny thing is, he assumes "sabre tooth tigers" are a foreign import. Because Homotherium, the sabre-tooth cat, was found in Devon and described by Richard Owen (founder of the museun he's complaining about).
WOW that is *way* more explicitly fascist (not that the original was sane). Like... isn't that hate speech over there? "Pesky foreigners"? "when we used to be great"?! There's taking off the mask and then there's grabbing a bullhorn
Well, maybe it's him who should pay for entry to the museum? After all contents of many British museums comprise mostly of things that belong to those other peoples from abroad. It would be not fair to charge them if they want to go and see the historic artifacts of their own culture, wouldn't not?
i don't understand how a person can walk into a museum or a gallery and have their thoughts immediately consumed by "why are there so many FOREIGN tourists here >:(", i know the term 'brainrot' is really overused but i'm not sure what else to call it in this instance
The telegraph has lost their minds. Tourism is good.
Education is good. Having a spare afternoon and not having much money and seeing interesting stuff is good. They wrote crap with a free education yet blame us who had to pay for one. Evil and weird people
Okay, here’s my counter offer: Museums return all items stolen from other countries. Then, when the museums have less stuff, they’ll be less of a tourist destination (though dinosaurs will remain popular), and this asshat can wander the empty halls by himself.
Didn't they get rid of the diplodocus skeleton in the foyer like... almost a decade ago by this point?
Like yeah, I slightly appreciate that they don't use as an aesthetic cudgel like libs do, but come on!
Education is good. Having a spare afternoon and not having much money and seeing interesting stuff is good. They wrote crap with a free education yet blame us who had to pay for one. Evil and weird people