writing something really quite knotty for my newsletter and don't half feel like I've willingly beclowned myself, no-one asked me to have some Big Thoughts on a rainy Thursday morning yet here I am, trying to figure out whatever the fuck I think about a thorny issue
We are all confident that in the 6h since you posted this, you've come up with excellent Big Thoughts or the self-deprecating wit to get away with Little Thoughts without anyone minding.
Bet she is well chuffed 😜
(I'll let you decide if I mean the original act, or the writing 2000 words on it)
Fucking. Like every other age.
brain too smoothy, no worky
I still fucking hate writing. Let me write [computer language] all day, don't make me write words.
This is a problem because academics, like journalists, are in fact supposed to write.
like, if you can organise THAT, do you not have the skills to organise other, more rewarding stuff?
21 words, probably not cut out for Substack.
I do think the men should have sung "Ooh! Ah! That's the sound of the men working on the gang bang," while waiting in line, but each to his taste.