So happy to hear that there may be common ground re: the rights /the owning of droids/"synthetic persons" & that it may be outlawed throughout the Galactic Republic. Did they issue a press release to every news agency and government office in the Cularin system?
Singularity, anyone?
If he has presidential aspirations (he does!) he’s singlehandedly tanking his chances with every interview he does. He’s too left for the right. And he’s leaning in too hard right, it’s unacceptable and unappealing to the left. Lose-lose.
Let's be real here, Marx would be too right wing for today's leftists.
In order to appeal to today's leftists you have to be beyond perfect, and even if you somehow managed that, they'd still vote against you to "own the libs".
Dude he was talking to Charlie Kirk about how his son was fan girling about him. And Steve Bannon? The Dena are getting exposed for what we’ve always suspected them to be.
Believe what you may, but if you actually listened to either podcast with Bannon or Kirk, you'll get insight on how they are moving voters into their camp. YES, it is absolutely by lying, which I equivocate to cocaine. Each lie is bump for a disenchanted voter. Anger is the fake path to relevance.
I feel like they're not reading the room and missing the moment. The real populist movement has always been on the left. It was just co-opted by Trump. People actually want some progressive policy. When you take away buzzwords and just tell them what you stand for, they love it.
Voted for him, then voted for his recall because of how he fucked overour Calufornia Delta for big Corp ag farms in central and S.CA. Will NOT vote for him again! For anything. He can be bought!
Again, I’ve been saying for a while now watch Gavin Newsom the Republicans do not criticize him. They know more about him then believed he’s another Chuck Schumer.
“I’m highly critical of some of Tarkin’s extreme positions, but I think there’s opportunities to find common ground since we both ultimately want what’s best for the galaxy.”
-Some Senator before Palpatine dissolved the Senate
He's already threatening to use the War Powers act to begin mass deportations.
Who's gonna do it if they aren't getting paid? Shutting down the government means no paycheck. This is still America where we don't do fkall without some coin
Gavin wants to be President. No denying that. But you have to trust the judgment of a President. (That's why I didn't vote for Trump.) Gavin's choices of podcast guests? Poor judgment. So, he's lost my trust, and lost my vote.
I think that’s the idea…people will have to vote for him. If it’s between him and JD Vance, he knows they will; it’s just now he might pick up a few right of center votes.
I think we have already proved that this strategy is not a solid strategy, otherwise we’d have the first woman POTUS. Instead, we have…
this. Yeah, Vance isn’t popular, but as long as he’s down with their agenda, he’ll get the votes.
I’ve been thinking he’s a problem (closet Republican) since he came out against rent control in California but did nothing to address the problem of the corporate landlords using software & colluding with each other to set rents beyond what renters can afford. Plus, he has terrible taste in women.
WTH is Newsom doing? All this does is destroy his credibility.
He can get 'conservative' viewpoints without platforming degenerate morons like Kirk and Bannon
He’s doing what he’s always done. Going the way he thinks the wind is blowing. He stands up to Trump sometimes, enough to get the accolades for it but he tries to be something to everybody.
Far right: I deeply hate immigrants, Jews, disabled people, Muslims, poor people, Black people, Latinos, gays, commies, trans people, women, and anyone more politically progressive than Ronald Reagan, and I create policy to erase them.
Far left: I hate the system that is trying to erase us.
But Gavin Newsom giving a voice to the liars and not calling them out for lying on his own podcast. That’s pathetic. He’s spreading the far right lies because he’s not correcting them. Live.
If 9 people are sitting at the table and a Nazi sits at the table. Nobody gets up to leave, there are now 10 Nazis at the table. Normalizing Nazis is never ok.
Newsom is not going to be a centrist. He does culture war BS to get publicity. I’m not sure what he will do faced with getting support outside California… besides this.
There is no far left in this country. There is right and fascism. The right has a few centrists but otherwise it is far right and fascists. Don't give fascists the microphone. That's the first rule of democracy.
I appreciate his 💡 of communicating w Rs as an intellectual exercise, I’m angered by his capitulations
I’d prefer he bring organization, clarity & cohesion 2 comms in martialing Ds on steps 2 take thru these crises, in place of converting Rs who won’t👂
Middling it is mid
The neoliberals are hoping to have a 2028 primary where they've limited our choices to Buttigieg or Newsom. I'm not fighting the fucking fascists just so we can go back to the status quo where we have 3 jobs and pray for another Luigi.
We all know what needs to be done for that to happen. I think US citizens are too comfortable in their doughy lives. I mean I’m down but that means nothing if others aren’t .
We will be "too comfortable" until our backs are to the wall & we don't have a choice. That time is coming faster than people think. What you going to do when SS isn't paying the elderly? Will you stand to watch them starve? The fascists do not understand that people like other people.
I think we are there. Just because it hasn’t affected everyone directly (namely the rich), we are truly all connected and this government is going to fuck every one of us. Now we know what our leaders will do when the worst happens. Just about nothing.
I like Pete and all, but I'm in my forties and we've done the neoliberal thing forever and it doesn't work. It's time for a push of progressivism. Actual left economic policy. My entire life has been under a cascade of cutting taxes on the rich over and over again. will run, hopefully. is toast, and I've been a loyal supporter since his San Francisco days. Jesus, he's a clown now!
Newsom has always been a clown. He knows how to spit, but that's his only redeeming quality.
I cannot find the article where Waltz said he would not run & only see where he is considering it. If he does he will need to learn to bare his teeth. I want midwest Bernie to vibe like he's taking bad
kids out behind the woodshed for a whuppin'. The whole neoliberal, "let's be measured adults" plays well to boardrooms, but we need spit and fire. He'll need to fight the neoliberals within the Dems as well.
The only person who I can think of who could be Grand Moff Tarkin would be Peers Morgan. But that's only because of the accent/loathesomeness commonality.
Don’t need to. He’s term limited. Don’t vote for recalls. That’s always the rights push is to do recalls. He can’t run in 2026. is my vote for the next California Governor
Thank you for your cowardice.
For years my wife has said we need to move to Europe. I’ve argued that the Dems are fighting. After all, I spent 30 years as a soldier and cop in this country. I didn’t want to say all was lost.
Your inaction has convinced me. We’re moving.
I’ve been telling everyone that Newsom’s a scum bag ever since I started following his administration’s policy on homelessness. He’s about as progressive as your average suburban NIMBY Karen.
CA has a lot going on and her people would be better served if they had a governor who was governing rather than launching a greasy right of center pandering bro cast. I never thought I would be able to legit say MN is cooler than CA. And I’m not talking temps. Thanks gov Walz!
Katie Porter is the only one in the race that I am aware of so far but I can’t think of anyone I would vote for California Governor for over her. I was loving the idea of her being in the Senate but she’d be able to do so much from Sacramento
Good news is it is still early. I think what we are going through now is going to produce new vital dynamic leaders. It is my silver lining to this shit show.
And Newsom just nodded and went “I totally agree with you. 100%.”
Singularity, anyone?
In order to appeal to today's leftists you have to be beyond perfect, and even if you somehow managed that, they'd still vote against you to "own the libs".
-Some Senator before Palpatine dissolved the Senate
Who's gonna do it if they aren't getting paid? Shutting down the government means no paycheck. This is still America where we don't do fkall without some coin
this. Yeah, Vance isn’t popular, but as long as he’s down with their agenda, he’ll get the votes.
The Force is Strong in this one.
He can get 'conservative' viewpoints without platforming degenerate morons like Kirk and Bannon
fascist racist pigs
christofascists + technocrats + CorpPAC money = MAGA republicans
coalition of evil will be the end of American democracy
To anyone else (aka in reality), this is the best indication yet that Newsom is serious about 2028 & could succeed.
When will the far left & right learn most Americans do not want to have deep hate for other half of America?
I find it hilarious that you think Nazis will ever let the US run a fair election ever again, let alone that a filthy Quisling like Newsom could win.
Maybe if he runs as a Nazi.
Far left: I hate the system that is trying to erase us.
But Gavin Newsom giving a voice to the liars and not calling them out for lying on his own podcast. That’s pathetic. He’s spreading the far right lies because he’s not correcting them. Live.
Wave buh bye to the jackass traitor. Byeeee Gavin. Thanks for stopping by.
I’d prefer he bring organization, clarity & cohesion 2 comms in martialing Ds on steps 2 take thru these crises, in place of converting Rs who won’t👂
Middling it is mid
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
I cannot find the article where Waltz said he would not run & only see where he is considering it. If he does he will need to learn to bare his teeth. I want midwest Bernie to vibe like he's taking bad
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Thank you for your cowardice.
For years my wife has said we need to move to Europe. I’ve argued that the Dems are fighting. After all, I spent 30 years as a soldier and cop in this country. I didn’t want to say all was lost.
Your inaction has convinced me. We’re moving.