I realized this morning that we shouldn't wish Trump dead. If he is killed, he will become a martyr and give the gun-toting MAGA a reason to lock and load.
He will need to be deposed from the inside; from the Pentagon, or from the FBI.
This has been the long con. Repugicans have been working on this project for a very long time. They have kept wages depressed and kept the population stupid with poor education and corrupted media. Unregulated and exploitive capitalism will always kill its host.
Well I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt it scares the ever living shit out of me there are people like you who are stupid enough to believe the mainstream media.
At the grocery store. Little brown lady complained about prices going up. How they would come down soon. How she had faith the man in the white house would fix it. How she loved him. I would too dumbfounded to make a good response. Totally brain washed.
I’m not afraid. I’m completely incandescent with fury at a particularly malignant breed of voters. May they suffer greatly as decent people are forced to suffer with them.
Honestly, I think I'm more afraid of the fools who believe he's doing a great job. They've successfully drank the Kool aid, they'll defend him no matter what. He'd be nothing without their backing. He has control over them and that's really scary
I think the fools are far, far scarier. The world has plenty of corrupt con-men who try it on, but they do little damage in relative terms because 99% of us see through them. Trump's difference is that he's the rare con-man who's found a mass-market audience, and that make him extremely dangerous.
Definitely the fools who think he’s doing a good job. There aren’t that many million/billionaires. We can weed them out & shut em down. Getting rid of stupid? It’s like trying to tear out ivy. Often poisonous and stubborn. Deeply rooted w/lots of friends. Happily attacks anything vibrant.
I believe most repube members of Congress don’t think he is doing a good job. They do however definitely don’t want to piss him off because then their gravy train stops. Somehow, we must institute term limits, no stock trading while in office, no lobbyists on Capitol Hill. These would help.
The ppl who believe. The Republicans who are complicit and cowardly. And the billionaires that they don't care about humanity, pull the pols strings, and have planned the destruction of democracy because it's now simply a game to them to see who can win the real life game of Risk.
It feels hopeless, about half the country is on board with his insanity. It’s going to take us going to an even darker place for maybe a handful of his supporters to face reality. The rest will never turn on him.
Oh, the fools are killing me. Comments today include "I wasn't aware that we needed Canada and Mexico to be a viable country" and "Drill baby Drill, I'd rather not be using canadian fuel!"
All the fucking African moron, musk who he’s letting him do whatever he wants and making sure he can take the fall so the felon won’t get it or so he thinks anything that must does we need to put on the felon make him responsible!
Trump is predictable his carnival of fools not so much. I fear the cult more than the leader. He is too much of a coward to take action himself. The crazed loner that seeks a scrap of favor from him and his toady sychophants are the real danger.
Fox News scares me the most. They have the largest conservative viewership and are pulling all the strings. They spin things so hard it's not even funny. If Fox News shut down tomorrow, the world would be a much better place.
Before election, it should have been ignorant right-wing masses. Now, they're useless & have no value to Republican puppet-masters. Now, entire Republican party is terrorist organization. Even Cheney & Kinzinger DECLINED to enshrine vote of American citizen by voting NO on Lewis Voting Rights Act.
The fools that think he’s doing a great job are just sheep. They will follow the next thing once he’s removed. Not intelligent, not critical thinkers just buffoons.
Definitely the fools who think he's doing a great job as well as the mesmerized sycophants (Congress, Cabinet) who think they're going to come out ahead by bowing to him. He's dangerous, but stupid; Musk, Stephen Miller et al. are smart and diabolical. Most of the American public is just clueless
There are plenty of clueless folks, I agree.
Wait until their SS checks are late to be deposited or mailed.
Suddenly, they will all start yelling how they saw it coming.
What frightens me the most is that I’m a random citizen with no power and the people with the power are just shrugging instead of arresting him and his associate criminals.
Blocking out my anger & fear of those that continue to support Trump helps me focus on those who do not. Until a Trumper wakes up they’re not worth my time. My real enemies are those in power. They are the source.
I watched a video on one of the J6ers who refused the pardon offered. She was an older woman and she is on probation. She said no because she seen how culpable they were & she would rather fulfill her whole probation.
The fools scare me more because without his fools he’s nothing. trump will be dust in the wind in the near future (not near enough) but his groupies will still be here waving flags and wearing diapers.
I feel the same way! I hope the collapse of our Democracy rocks their lives and incomes!
We tried to warn them he was mentally unwell and not very smart!
That will change when their social security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP and/or other benefits are cut off. Unfortunately, we all are suffering because of people’s ignorance.
Fix the problem, but don't defund it! Guys like this should have spent more time watching Mr. Rodgers, Sesame Street, and other learning programs to learn to treat people from other cultures with respect because now they're just racist, vet hating, Misogynistic pigs! https://youtu.be/5kzDTGGMrxo?si=QIBT34E9YbQHjwCg
Fix the problem, but don't defund it! Guys like this should have spent more time watching Mr. Rodgers, Sesame Street, and other learning programs to learn to treat people from other cultures with respect because now they're just racist, vet hating, Misogynistic pigs! https://youtu.be/5kzDTGGMrxo?si=QIBT34E9YbQHjwCg
I saw a movie a long time ago called Joe. The ultimate premise of the move was do you blame the out of control protagonist. Or the people that know better but get caught up in the activity? When the end result is death and destruction I blame them all!
Yep, the tech bros don't get a pass either. I feel like the tech bros watched a sci-fi show called continuum-where everyone is basically born into slavery of a few all-powerful companies, that have replaced government.
I have no answers- i feel STUNNED and so scared, disgusted, pissed the F off. Feels like yesterday or a million years ago I was dancing in my backyard with friends banging pots celebrating President Obama’s win- WTF happened
Obama was 100% better than any of this shit but he also presided over bombing the fuck out of foreign lands more than most presidents and the strong support for a genocidal state cuts across both blue and red.
Nixon and Kissinger killed hundreds of thousands by bombing Vietnam and Cambodia. Bush Jr. did the same with Iraq. I’m not excusing Obama’s kill count but it’s a hell of a lot less than those other monsters.
The fools, hands down.
It's reached the point where only a unified action by the common folk is going to stop this, and every die-hard Trump supporter takes away from our ability to present a unified voice of the people.
I've always said Cheeto is one moron, what we should be scared of is MAGATs who SWEAR he's d orange Jesus & will continue supporting that POS 4 eternity.
I’m not such it’s “good” people who were fooled. It seems like he has given license to those who want to hate and hurt those who are not like them. When it turns out that he hates and wants to hurt them too, they act like they were simply tricked into his nastiness. They were ugly to begin with.
There are very few truly good people in the world who won't allow fear and hatred to blot out their light. The rest of humanity will turn people over to authorities.
IQ47-CF is NOT the worst that can happen for next 4 years. He is the old, demented puppet. Those BEHIND the strings are controlling everything he does!
We will be faced with a much more dangerous Vance presidency w/Musk, Miller, Bannon & P2025 planners w/i the new administration!
I think this is the one thing we might be wrong about. Musk isn't popular within the Republican party, neither is Vance. Even if they were, they don't have the same "charisma" (if we can call it that) as Trump does. His fanbase won't last after he's out of the picture.
It's the fools...who'd have thought there were so many brainwashed 🚫zs walking around. Those are the ones that scare me.
In all honesty, besides the trash talking heads on Faux spewing propaganda, do they honestly do subliminal messaging? I know unethical, but we know they aren't ethical.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
He will need to be deposed from the inside; from the Pentagon, or from the FBI.
Hate on MAGA because they voted for this WWE Style Political Pageantry and Fascist Shitshow.
Curious, is there a date for this picture?
Without them there will be trump still but not as president at all
Wait until their SS checks are late to be deposited or mailed.
Suddenly, they will all start yelling how they saw it coming.
Take these to twitter/X
That Guy is taking notes.
We tried to warn them he was mentally unwell and not very smart!
Hopefully someone does something about one/both of those things.
The people who believed in him made the Nazis.
Trump is a failed businessman, reality tv star who seems to want to do nothing but golf.
Be afraid of MAGA and those around Trump. He's the face.Nothing more
Fucking monsters
They are trying to make it real.
It's reached the point where only a unified action by the common folk is going to stop this, and every die-hard Trump supporter takes away from our ability to present a unified voice of the people.
“You’ve got to remember these are simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know . . . Morons.”
We will be faced with a much more dangerous Vance presidency w/Musk, Miller, Bannon & P2025 planners w/i the new administration!
God bless DJT! ❤️🇺🇸❤️
Brought to the USA by a plurality of voters/non-voters putting an unprincipled, lying, seditious conman bent on authoritarianism back into power.
Trump's version of Putin-style tyranny has also arrived with it.
Whatever it takes to tap into idiot brains, I guess he has it. My vote is that he's the Antichrist and it's all a setup b/c nothing else makes sense
He would tell them they are living in the Golden Era.
In all honesty, besides the trash talking heads on Faux spewing propaganda, do they honestly do subliminal messaging? I know unethical, but we know they aren't ethical.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires