A mass deportation op would cost the US government an estimated $315 billion.
"Starting" at 1 million/year? That's $88B annually.
It'd cut GDP by 4.2-6.8%. That's the Great Recession on the LOW end.
A mass deportation op would cost the US government an estimated $315 billion.
"Starting" at 1 million/year? That's $88B annually.
It'd cut GDP by 4.2-6.8%. That's the Great Recession on the LOW end.
It is like saying the Russian military can't learn.
They both are slow an corrupt.
The means are horrendous.
But failing to respect an adversary is the road to defeat.
Trump 2.0 is going to be staffed differently from day one.
I know he will try, and I’m not trying to say he won’t. I just can’t even begin to wrap my head around the absolute chaos this would unleash.
But what they're really pushing for is more the Purge / Day of the Rope - mass lynchings across the country.
A would be UK Conservative party leader says he wants to deport 100k per year while threatening countries that would resist returns.
1) Picking crops that cannot be picked mechanically
2) Building houses
3) Processing meat and eggs
if you think inflation is bad, just wait until these knuckleheads get into office and start this stupidity.
And if we don’t vote blue up and down the ticket, he won’t need Congress (they’ve basically abdicated their role as a check on the other two branches for years anyway….)