Regulator: We’re coming to audit you next week.
Me: Hooray! I have questions.
Regulator: Wait, what? That’s not the right reaction.
Me: Hooray! I have questions.
Regulator: Wait, what? That’s not the right reaction.
"We're here to give you an update."
"Great - here are my questions about the project."
So many regulators do only and exactly what it says on the box (ie the small list of things they're legally obligated to address) and are not prepared for all the things that could happen and might possibly occur in the future.
(And they need to prepare even if they don't make laws)
The regulator doesn't run facilities!
Auditee: How did you know?
Auditor: Does the name Phil mean anything to you?
Audited: *curses your name*
Wait, no, that’s moderators.
Me: Sure.... Hey, I don't want to sound like a jerk, but it seems your auditors never really know what they want.
Regulator: Oh, because you don't yell at them and show them how to ask for the right stuff, we just send you all the new auditors.
In the rest of the world, regulator audits you.
In Trump's USA, you audit regulator.