Trump will not be held accountable by his base. They were only pretending to care about inflation, what yet actually care about it's bending the knee to their demagogue. If inflation is high, Trump will just tell them it's low. They'll never question it.
Remember when Trump told everyone that inflation would go down if he was president? He said it would be easy and it would happen quickly. Remember? Why hasn’t he done it? Do you think he might have lied?
"Conservatives" will talk how it's patriotic to spend more money on things. You can't win. There's no reaching them. And that headline is pathetic. As if this isn't according to plan. 'High death rates proved stubborn at Auschwitz'
Before the pandemic, the shit show had an annual inflation rate of 2.3 pct. It rose to 7 in 2021 under Biden and was 2.9 when he left. Like I said, under control.
Sounds like you're equating it was better than it's all time high so it's under control. Ya, no. It's improved but it's not under control. The last data point was from November which was 2.7. If 2 is the target it's not looking good.
No applause from me for contributing to the demise of American integrity, WaPo. Might as well admit you’re now a rag to be used in the smallest room in the house. Without truth, why are you here?
Or, as a direct result to the absurd actions of President Trump and his administration, inflation is expected to increase due to the volatility of his administration at a cost to millions of Americans.
😂😂😂 Between tariffs, removing the food harvesters, and destabilising the entirety of South West Asia inflation will go up. How humiliating that a so-called newspaper has to pretend otherwise.
Trump is cutting jobs and raising taxes (which to his credit he said he would do). If enough American are pushed back into poverty by unemployment surely inflation will ease. This will be the first administration in history to brag about all the jobs they killed and how much they raised taxes.
This teaser reads as if inflation has a mind of its own and prices aren’t directly & immediately impacted by the WH occupier’s stupid tariffs & ignorance of science (affecting bird flu prevention). Jeezus, you people are awful.
oh great - first it was Felon47 "hunked up" when we all know he is a fat slug, now we have to see Musk in a freaking speedo. My gag reflex cannot take anymore.
You are inverting parameters to excuse his crazy decisione and their effects on economy!
Trump is going to impose austerity on most of the economy
And print dollars for his family, Musk, world leaders who are open to being bribed & oligarchs wherever they are
An amoeba is more capable of having a policy ambition than Trumble is.
It seems your boy is creating unnecessary inflation deliberately.
Thank you for the lack of integrity at the executive levels.
He has done the opposite on the first 2, but his popularity grows. Seems like the last one was thereal goal for Trump and his supporters.