Exclusive: The National Institutes of Health will cancel or cut back dozens of grants for research on why some people are reluctant to be vaccinated and how to increase acceptance of vaccines, according to an internal email obtained by The Washington Post on Monday.
The problem will be solved.
The NIH is one of the most important institutions in the world for medical research!
Trump & Elon Musk are directly responsible for future lives being at risk throughout the world-
They know it & R doing it anyway!
#DOGE #BoycottTesla
See, Nana had polio. She'd beat these idiots with her cane! Why a cane? Because polio can mess you up if it doesn't kill you.
If you're not pleased do something about it.
1 - People don't like getting poked with needles.
2 - See 1.
If they die, their opinions don't matter.
Ye gods.
Imagine efforts to reduce vaccine hesitancy didn't exist in the 2000's when the study linking autism to vaccines was debunked. The entire country would have been West Texas by 2015.
Try it (many, many times)...
Billionaires and their enablers are not to be trusted.
You reap what you sow...
He wants the people in your community to die of preventable diseases.
Vaccinate your damn kids! Get your own shots if you haven’t!
Vaccines are the product of science, and science doesn’t give a fuck what you believe!