She is absolutely gorgeous Tom- not the quiet, heroic, mature and serene beauty of Carla- but this gal looks like a youthful model in her prime- excellent choice.
Having a familiar perched on your shoulder while you talk might enhance your message. We do live in those kinds of times, you know, where smoke and mirrors are taking over rationality.
But you're the guest. You should have some perks! Lily could just 'wander in' unexpected. I've seen it happen with dogs all the time. Lily could be a star!
I weekly zoom chat with 4 friends across 3 time zones. My dog hears me talking & thinks I MUST be talking to him, and demands to sit in my lap and give me kisses.
It could be
At least you get affection! Cooper viewed a video call from my shoulder ... lost his footing ... but held on by grabbing my neck. Had to exit the call to stem the blood-letting.
I know, right?! She disappeared for three days a couple of years ago and I had to rescue her from on top of the bell in the belfry and carry her home. She’s barely left my side since.
My house (circled), to the left, the abbey tower with the belfry. She hasn’t learned her lesson - since that adventure I’ve pulled her from a tree and a rooftop but she’s not learned. But… those eyes.
Get them used to nail clipping while they're young. Our two tuxedos would shred our place if we didn't clip them every 3 weeks our so. Our previous cat - my profile pic - tore up a gorgeous Ligne Roset leather chair before we got on it.
She knows she merits an appearance Tom. Would it hurt you to just accommodate her well deserved evolutionary place in history by giving her some screen time.
I tune in to hear your expertise in addressing all the "waves arms widely" BS that is going on in the world. Truly appreciate you. Lily does lend a certain Feline expertise in bringing blood pressure down though. Cameo for Lily?
Oh my gosh I can relate!!! Sukanya can 'attend' my zoom yoga classes -says hi to everyone - then to her kitty condo (in same room) and then for Savasana she comes back out and lays on me. She is the star of the class, of course.
Lily is a diva.
Carla = The Dowager Countess.
A la Maggie Smith.
Lily = Eva Peron, a la Patti Lupone.
No offense.
(If that's even possible.)
She has fans!
It could be
My house (circled), to the left, the abbey tower with the belfry. She hasn’t learned her lesson - since that adventure I’ve pulled her from a tree and a rooftop but she’s not learned. But… those eyes.
*delete as appropriate (the dog’s the farter)
Seeing a purring sweetheart nuzzle your ear while you tell us how fubar everything has become provides a pleasant contrast.
**runs and hides from your cat fans coming for me**
Keep her there...
It would not Tom. It would not.
Let her stay !!
She is so adorable.🐈⬛