Would love recommendations on people to talk to about the Iraq war catastrophe!
(Particularly interested in people of Iraqi heritage, but also interesting commentators, academics, activists, soldiers etc)
(Particularly interested in people of Iraqi heritage, but also interesting commentators, academics, activists, soldiers etc)
@Charlie533080 on Twitter
It is called "No Questions Asked"
He paid Richard the Australian UN arms ‘inspector’ to say the Iraq was moving nuclear weapons between sites to avoid detection.
After the war Halliburton was granted the mining rights to the Iraq … Rumsfeld and his mates became richer.
Once you understand 9/11 you begin to question the 7/10 narrative, especially the ease with which Hama breached defence lines and (just like 9/11) lack of co-ordinated response from the security apparatus.
Still lives in Queensland
People talk about the decades, 60s 70s 80s and 90s, how life was different - better. Yes it's true, all i know is indeed the world changed, started sucking the day i was in marketing class and the tutor told us we had to go home as a plane crashed into the twin towers.