I dunno I keep hearing from Canadian friends that it’s increasingly likely a conservative is going to end up replacing Trudeau and it’s making me extra nervous.
Drawing the line straight down from the North Cascades through the California Cascades and south through the Sierra Nevadas would be just fine, actually. We can be a really long, skinny province called South British Columbia.
I'm going to point out this idea, which is just a joke, for the violence it is. You were literally proposing that you abandon me, my children, my queer children, to MAGA, placing all of us on the firing squad, because only 45% of us didn't vote for Trump. This is extreme violence, even in jest.
The same thing applies to the rest of the country! Abandoning America because you are too weary to fight is violence, violence to all the marginalized people and all the counties that you are too afraid to fight in.
I will stand by the queer kid and rural Texas, Alabama, and even Mississippi.
Badly for me. Don't get me wrong, I no longer feel loyalty to a country that has broken my heart, but this would put me, in Eastern Washington, on the front lines of a literal shooting war, and I cannot support anything that would cause that.
Or maybe just a new country with great seaports, coastal islands, and the fifth largest economy in the world.
I will stand by the queer kid and rural Texas, Alabama, and even Mississippi.
I think they might like to go with us, too.