It's been a VERY LONG TIME since the Democrats have talked down to billionaires with monopolies. Have you ever thought the Democrats and RINOs are willing puppets to the Corporate Puppets Masters? They are really corporate communists, in my opinion.
If you work for a successful business that pays you minimum wage then walk out and see if they want to do your job! The only way this ends is if people stop doing it!
Nancy Pelosi is “only” a quarter-billionaire. But if the Feds seized her ill-gotten riches by eminent domain, then divided it equally among us, **each and every** American would receive a check for nearly a quarter-million dollars. So, even after confiscation the Pelosis still would be millionaires.
I don’t have a problem with people making money. Self-made billionaire? Good for you.
But when you have more money than you could possibly spend in 20 lifetimes…it’s time to share the wealth. Help other people rise from the bottom so they can enjoy life too instead of struggling.
Agreed. There comes a point where it’s no longer about quality of life, but just showing off and spending ridiculous money just because you can. No purpose, just flash.
If I suddenly had millions, I’d just pay off my debts (and family and friends), and that’s pretty much it.
The thing is that there's no such thing as a self-made billionaire. It's just not possible, you can't become a billionaire without rampant exploitation of other people's labor.
And no, they don't use it for good. They use it to gain power, which means subverting democracy.
To be fair. Every job is about exploiting other people. But I get what you’re saying.
The problem is basic human greed. It’s rare for someone to sit back and say “I have enough. Time to give back.”
When you make 100k a month on interest and dividends alone…you’re set. Anything extra is frivolous.
The stockholders are the real villains.
They demand return on their investment regardless of consequences
The CEO/CFO etc… are rewarded for any increases in stock price even if it’s gained via buybacks.
So blame anyone who invests in any company
They are making the easy money
I get it, but realize not everyone can “win” at life. Someone still needs to do work. Someone has to draw the short stick. Someone has to need the crappy job. Society will not work otherwise. I wish it weren’t true but it is.
The solution is to make the really crappy jobs well paid and respected.
TBH I respect everybody as a human being even if I get pissed off with them for what they say and do.
I have never looked up to or down on anyone.
Yea, I like this train on thought. I’m not old enough to have seen new mustangs being sold for $10k, but I am from Michigan and the people in the plants could provide for their families and afford life.
We have to accept paying people well for blue collar work and be prepared to pay for it at the register. This is how the playing field will be leveled because small business isn’t about to eat into their profits for the sake of their consumers having more discretionary funds after leaving their shop
I broadly agree
But think a lot of the rise could come from profit rather than all going onto price.
I used to be a boss, and know how important employees are both for what they do and as perspective customers
They need looking after not exploiting.
Yeah but the ones with the shitty jobs used to and in some countries still do have homes and vehicles and eat out on occasion. They don't have to pay their workers millions. Just keep them above poverty level.
That’s true. But in the US, the idea is that we enjoy a really high standard of living where corruption/racism is hidden from public perception. That’s expensive. They’re driving smaller cars, living in smaller confines, and working to live not living to work. We see people that look like they’re
That is fair, but be ready to pay for it bc small business isn’t going to do it. Lots of the labor behind the things we buy comes from abroad and it’s cheaper. That also means the prices are cheaper for us to buy. We can’t pay higher prices for labor here and expect the same price for stuff.
Fair point….so I guess a way to be better than the competition is to offer better product or better service. Higher quality or more time on tasks is more expensive. Overseas they can have similar quality and production or services are easier to scale bc of the cost of labor. We can’t have it both
Ways here. We can say made in America if the majority of the product is conceptualized and assembled here. We are still relying on foreign labor. If we were to assume the same levels of work and quality here our prices will go up. And iPhone already costs over 1k Think if it were sourced in the US.
That’s fair it’s just it won’t work unless you’re ready to pay 25% to 50% more for stuff. The owners will only shift the extra costs of “paying people enough to live on” to us the consumer, they won’t even think twice.
If you were an underpaid child worker in one of the many foreign countries, OECD nations rely on for cheap goods, i assume you would be singing another tune.
I’d probably be REALLY motivated to get out of that situation however possible. My mom had to do that to provide for her family as a 15 year old kid in Dominican Republic in the 60’s. Her struggles pushed me to be as “marketable” on paper as possible for higher paying roles in corp America.
Your anecdote about your mom is an edge case and is not indicative of the actual statistics regarding this issue. You cannot bootstrap your way out of chronic poverty when there are millions more in your exact position trying to do the same. Our system relies on their cheap labor.
The story is more about being a child laborer and getting out only to do enough to raise a family in the us. Hardly a rags to riches story bc if you’ve lived 10 minutes in the states you realize, it’s not at all what you see on television about the US abroad. She is still working to this day.
Maybe her “career” would’ve had been better if she had the time to study and follow her dreams. Maybe she’d have been more successful had she not come here in the 80’s. I would venture to guess there are more millionaires born abroad than born in the US. There are reason behind that.
Most of the countries im referencing (i.e. India, Nicaragua, Bangladesh) make up a large portion of the 100s of millions who are labeled as chronically poor. Most people in this group are unlikely to exit poverty in their lifetime.
We have the resources and technology to make sure that everyone can live a free and healthy life. Everyone can win to a degree. Even if that were not true, people “losing” shouldn’t mean starvation and homelessness. An economy that relies on a class of underpaid/underserved workers is a bad system.
Wageslave on the outside. If someone's in a for profit prison they are slave labor.
The MBAs forget that a working will put up with bullshit better if they are paid $15/hr rather than $12/hr, a $25/hr worker will also spend more at the local stores improving the economy for others as well.
So what does it make you if you are a billionaire and run a global company employing 20,000 people with an average salary over 6 figures (in GBP), give great benefits & perks including Healthcare, Pension, Gym membership, free food at work, where employees vote Co as one of the best places to work?
If they are creating high paid employment for 1000s of people and treating them well and making them happy do you have a problem with them making more for themselves? Or do you think it could somehow work if they made exactly the same as an employee despite the extra risk, ability & responsibility?
Now to be fair. My insurance is one of the best. (Which is why I still work there.) But I live in a state where 27$ an hr is a living wage… yet only make 18$
Look at the majority of storytelling in TV and movies. It's so rare to see all life treated with inherent value. The wealthy and powerful are protected and valued, and the poor are often nameless, faceless, and disposable. When the same thing happens in life, it can make sense if we're not careful.
Quite right, and just because they give to charity for a tax write-off doesn't reduce their villainy. We can tell the difference between those individuals and true philanthropists.
I have a solution. It's called the Temple Complex. Money is the real problem. The Temple Complex is designed to end money. It starts as a charity and ends as a government. No money is used within the Complex.
A thing that often happens that both pisses me off and escapes me in equal measure is when billionaires and a lot of millionaires become convinced they deserve and earn their massive wealth
A billionaire is nothing but a selfish hoarder, a spoiled brat who would be the kid to not share his toys & take his ball home. A toddler forever stuck in his terrible twos that is usually encouraged by a parent. The terrible twos morphs into the terrible tyrant & the rest of us are to be exploited.
Sounds like someone I know, a certain owner of an airline who stole from elderly to make that happen and leaving workers high and dry with bad insurance, no pay raise and impending lay off.
Every single billionaire could bump their employee pay 100%, pay for decent healthcare and working conditions, and still be billionaires. They've turned exploiting people and collecting dollar signs into some kind of score. They aren't measured by their accomplishments but their $$$ signs.
ohh boofuckinghoo. . the hate for successful people is ridiculous. if it wasnt for those guys you people wouldnt have anybody to give you jobs. if its a shitty job work your way up like a normal adult and stop whining
Billionaires are hoarders, hoarders of $ they can't possibly spend in their lifetimes, the lifetimes of their kids. They seem to need something to fill the hole in their souls, using wealth to find the love that they seek. Self love is the answer, but they're clueless.
This is how unsuccessful people cope with people better equipped to build systems (businesses). If you want to take their money or power away, that’s a separate issue. We are not all built equal, we are only equal under the law.
I tend to agree with this. Especially with smug self-righteous man like Elon Musk who seems to always show nothing but contempt for anybody that doesn't bow and scrape to him.
if you have some change in ur pocket, food in the fridge , roof over your head. Then you are in richest 10 percent in the world. So are you a villian too?
US homeless endure extreme temperatures, untreated illnesses/injuries, hunger, threats of violence, constant disdain by the public. Again, a large number of them are employed at jobs that will never be enough to lift them out of the situation.
You are OK w a very low bar for our citizens, I’m not.
You are a reflection of the times that we are living in.
As a wise person once told me, "Everyone wants to get into heaven, but nobody wants to die to get in".
Keeping costs down and expanding wealth is an ego game, which is why there needs to be a fair tax system and business regulation. Making billionaires “villains” is a waste of energy. Tax them and regulate them. You’ll be amazed at how culture issues disappear when the income gap is narrowed.
The distribution of wealth in this country is already worse than pre-Revolutionary France. I’m sure it will only get worse under the next administration.
News - because of the way share value works. Each new year the company must give less value for more money. To make sure the growth continues. Because that’s the only thing which makes shares valuable in most cases.
So expect more enshitification & at a faster pace every year.
Or change it.
5) So you have to offer the best to get the best or your 'billion' dollar company will be non-existent and all those workers are out of a job. Shareholders and fiduciary responsibilities to them is another bitch. Life is complex and rich should not be 'villified'. IMO
4) So there is much that goes into having a 'billion' dollar company and running it and those 'shitty' workers are not the only responsibility. Competitive workforces are a must for a successful business. People don't have to account or lower or etc. Best people want best pay and benefit package.
3) put out of business, fined, jailed and have everything taken away. You have to hire other companies to handle complex things that require professional handling. A company is not allowed to have it all under their own umbrella. That is called a 'monopoly' which is against the law in the US.
2) to the community at large is there and they and the customers benefit. A company has to be funded and the laws require a company of a certain size to have a board which makes decisions. A billion dollar company may also have investors that by law have to be taken care of you can actually be
1). that's not how it works. there is much more to running a 'billion' dollar company than just making a profit and paying workers. the workers would generally know what they were being employed for. They don't have to take the job. The company is also not obligated to hire anyone. The contribution
I yes I definitely agree with this. What makes it more interesting is how even within rich psychopaths, there is apparently a difference between newly rich and born into wealth.
Which makes me curious if Newly Poverty stricken has its own connatation. Think Great Depression Era.
If money is a quantity of your value inputed into society, there is no possible way that anyone could be a billionaire, you simply do not have enough hours in the day to do that much work.
No one’s vilifying the rich. They’re just benevolent heroes hoarding wealth while their workers scrape by on crumbs. What’s villainous about prioritizing yachts and stock buybacks over living wages and decent healthcare? Sounds so noble to me. 🤦🏾♂️
"Anyone who has money that you couldn't accumulate working a 200$ per hour job for the rest of your life most definitely did not earn it honestly." Is a reference point I tend to go back to.
1. Define "living wage"
2. What's the difference between "good" insurance and "bad" insurance?
3. If you're unhappy with your job, why do you continue with your employment?
America is the land of opportunity. The only thing holding you back from living your life on your terms is you. Just sayin'...
Do you not live in the US? These seem like questions a foreigner would ask because I’ve not had decent insurance since I left the military 30 years ago, and I’m an engineer. Most benefits really aren’t.
Living wGe is being able to pay the basic necessities- rent, basic food, transportation- public - utilities and phone . If you collect millions and give people less than that and insurance with 10k deductible- when they make 30-50k your a shitty employer. Stop telling people to get another job -
People who have never been in business for themselves don't understand that the goal is not to be "an employer" - the goal is to create a lifestyle that you want for yourself. Employees are paid based on their value to the company and their contribution in helping the company to achieve its goals.
We aren't vilifying it, we just decided they are the villains. They are evil, we said so, but that doesn't mean we are calling them evil, they just are.
I agree
Once everyone earns enough to lead a decent life with no fears and worries they can make as much as they want
They’d probably make MORE if people had more to spend
You're just a follower. Villain is accurate but also makes it seem like they know what they're doing and like weighed out the cost vs the reward. They're just like everyone else who needs validation.
and often, in order to pay themselves millions, they will strip the assets, sack key workers, and sacrifice long term viability to increase short term profits, which cause stonk prices to go up, and thus their own pay, until the point where it collapses.
Someone needs to write a paper on how the dragon Smaug was good for middle earth because that wealth only drove local inflation as the wealth was taken from the dragon's hoard.
The system is rigged. Congress acts in the interest of their biggest donors, not the people. The Fed funnels TRILLIONS of $$ to financial giants, the billionaires & their apparatuses! They illegally use Federal Reserve Act 13 (3). Details here.
One of my favorite things about these billionaires: In the employee manual of both Target and Wal Mart is a section under budgeting. In that section, both companies advise applying for food stamps to help make ends meet. Living wage anyone? Anyone?
Capitalists will always tell you how bad China is as opposed to America. Compare them.
One is a warmonger and destroyer. The other is for peace, builds and manufactures.
One is a parasite of society. The other invests in people and infrastructure.
One is corrupt to the core. The other disciplined.
Given that many of the employees require government assistance because they aren't paid enough to afford housing and food, the billionaire whose business is only propped up by the taxpayers is some kind of Communist, right?
Spoken like a person who failed econ101 in such a spectacular fashion, all they've got left is Marxist talking points to make them feel better about being the marginal shitbag who still believes they're worth more than they actually are.
“The top 10% of households by wealth had $6.9 million on average. As a group, they held 67% of total household wealth.
The bottom 50% of households by wealth had $51,000 on average. As a group, they held only 2.5% of total household wealth.”
I once worked for a chain sporting goods store. I was one of the few full time with benefits. Most of the employees are part time so they don’t have to give them benefits. The pay was very low.
I don’t think my company is owned by a billionaire but their benefits package to cover my whole family is so expensive I would only be working to cover our insurance. Make it make sense
Agreed. Not all wealthy people are evil though. A few actually take care of their workforce, are happy to pay their share of taxes for the good of society and give back a little of their fortunes to the causes they believe in. But, they are few and far between, unfortunately.
But when you have more money than you could possibly spend in 20 lifetimes…it’s time to share the wealth. Help other people rise from the bottom so they can enjoy life too instead of struggling.
If I suddenly had millions, I’d just pay off my debts (and family and friends), and that’s pretty much it.
And no, they don't use it for good. They use it to gain power, which means subverting democracy.
The problem is basic human greed. It’s rare for someone to sit back and say “I have enough. Time to give back.”
When you make 100k a month on interest and dividends alone…you’re set. Anything extra is frivolous.
They demand return on their investment regardless of consequences
The CEO/CFO etc… are rewarded for any increases in stock price even if it’s gained via buybacks.
So blame anyone who invests in any company
They are making the easy money
TBH I respect everybody as a human being even if I get pissed off with them for what they say and do.
I have never looked up to or down on anyone.
But think a lot of the rise could come from profit rather than all going onto price.
I used to be a boss, and know how important employees are both for what they do and as perspective customers
They need looking after not exploiting.
If someone hoarded food like they hoard money people would call it madness.
The MBAs forget that a working will put up with bullshit better if they are paid $15/hr rather than $12/hr, a $25/hr worker will also spend more at the local stores improving the economy for others as well.
A business is not a charity, ffs.
Three men, Musk, Besos and Ellison own as much as the bottom 50%
You are OK w a very low bar for our citizens, I’m not.
As a wise person once told me, "Everyone wants to get into heaven, but nobody wants to die to get in".
So expect more enshitification & at a faster pace every year.
Or change it.
Which makes me curious if Newly Poverty stricken has its own connatation. Think Great Depression Era.
2. What's the difference between "good" insurance and "bad" insurance?
3. If you're unhappy with your job, why do you continue with your employment?
America is the land of opportunity. The only thing holding you back from living your life on your terms is you. Just sayin'...
Once everyone earns enough to lead a decent life with no fears and worries they can make as much as they want
They’d probably make MORE if people had more to spend
One is a warmonger and destroyer. The other is for peace, builds and manufactures.
One is a parasite of society. The other invests in people and infrastructure.
One is corrupt to the core. The other disciplined.
The bottom 50% of households by wealth had $51,000 on average. As a group, they held only 2.5% of total household wealth.”
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Pay your taxes. Peasants