What Smartphones are doing to kids' mental health is NOT terrifying (no matter what a child psychiatrist says)
My response to the Guardian's latest 'Phones are destroying the children!!' article. As ever, it's... problematic
#Phones #screens #brains
My response to the Guardian's latest 'Phones are destroying the children!!' article. As ever, it's... problematic
#Phones #screens #brains
I’m in a lot of parenting groups, and the moral panic about phones is constant.
I blame Johann bloody Hari. Again. (Among others)
Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It
Some young people even rely on SM to stay safe, like trans teens lacking support from parents.
The rest of Mum's family were always very pro-education and reading.
1. It would ruin my eyes, I’d have to wear glasses and no boys would fancy me
2. It would Turn My Head, I’d be Too Clever and no boys would fancy me.
I can't help thinking every time someone says lockdowns or smartphones have affected young people's mental health and development lately, how long it's going to be before they consider repeated infections of a novel neurological trash fire of a disease to be a factor.
She's not been to a cinema recently then?
I suppose she wouldn't though would she, as that's three hours of "screen time" right there
As ever, The Guardian article fails my “Is The Charleston Ruining Young People?” test, and as we all know, any headline like that automatically has “No” as an answer.
cf rock and roll/ pop music generally, videogames, video nasties, newly launched Channel 5 etc.
Thank you.
came along and people learn to read. Combined with the rise of the novel and penny dreadful. “Serious” news papers decried the rise of reading and how it was bad for society and the individual. Reading was one of the symptoms listed in reasons for women put in asylums!