i feel so much rage whenever people try to justify LLM use in art by saying well what about disabled people?
disabled people make art every day. they often do utilize tools to help them create. but they don't need a machine to make art for them, and that's all an LLM can do for a writer.
disabled people make art every day. they often do utilize tools to help them create. but they don't need a machine to make art for them, and that's all an LLM can do for a writer.
Reposted from
Anni Jyn
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i've noticed that the people making these LLM justifications (for visual art, anyway) are always doing it *on behalf* of imaginary disabled people; i don't think i've ever encountered one who claimed they were disabled themselves
They can go piss up a scratchy old polypropylene rope
This isn't just about AI but it's about silicon valley in general right now to be honest. We keep having tech "solutions" that are generally not solutions but harmful and because we have them we ignore the real and needed solutions
"Well now you can just do it with AI"
*starts to rage but doesn't want to dump in your comments*
I will never use A.I.
This take about disabled artists is from people who don't care about art or disabled people
Now that living is being taken away with these models dismantling and reassembling the corpses of their work. I follow so many artists with both/either physical and mental disabilities who are suffering.
- an actual disabled artist & writer
Especially given the state of domestic labor in the US and other highly consumer focused nations.
This is the future we could have instead.
Empathy is a weakness - when you let people use it against you so blatantly and transparently and you hesitate instead of tearing them their new and richly deserved asshole.
I wish I could find that YouTube video again. The author is no longer with us.
its just a bad idea to use an LLM to generate content. it removes humans from the process, stripping it of judgement, quality, and humanity. this is the opposite of what we need as a society and we see the repercussions daily
it's the reason why Claude writes better, just from the perspective of prose, than other LLMs on the market.
why would you let a machine take that
Art must serve a practical purpose, like propaganda. Otherwise it's subversive, a threat to power.
The machine will obey unquestioningly ; Once you have it, you can just remove the human artists.
You know it isn't going to be music, but you're there to be entertained by the spectacle regardless.
It'd be interesting to see how it compares to the research you do for figures like Vince McMahon.
Learning to write, or draw, or play music is hard. This use of AI to "create" is just another weak dopamine hit to pretend to be creative for zero effort.
I get exactly why people do that.
AI can't figure out on the fly if my main character is about to have a new love interest & whether it's honest or a rebound🤔
But the difference to rolling a dice or calling a friend is: You don't really know where that name came from.
But yeah, all this is moot when you factor in ecology. So I doubt, but only philosophically.
Both are made up arguments made to justify their actions and repress an already marginal group who are already suffering.
Both are dog whistles in my eyes.
Using it doesn't necessarily mean you let it write for you.
I can see some ways it might be useful to a writer.
Undermining that is horrifying to me.
Things that helped me, a disabled creative, create? A tablet, Procreate, and practice.
Things that did not help? AI.
Savage truth
The problem is the forgetting to eat/drink/pee, not the failing to do Today's Super Duper Awesomely Interesting Things.
Perfectionism and imposter syndrome are a whole different thing, obvs.
...which tracks for most AI proponents
I'm unable to persistently visualize objects on a 2D plane, and so anything I attempt to draw from scratch lacks proper scale, detail, or perspective.
Not a big deal to me, because I can write and I can sculpt just fine.
[For example I’m here typing this when I should be working.]
I had to choke back my response: "Is that why nobody reads your stuff?" (striving to be a nicer person).
I learnt to draw with a mouse, tryed ment things yet I still draw even if what is in my mind never truely translates to paper.
It’s frustrating as hell honestly this is the way we went as a society.
I don’t even draw or write in public due to this shame, really don’t get how people don’t hold the same shame in this ai generated stuff.
I know my method doesn’t work for everyone yet… I tryed, failed over and over again to work out a way to actually say my words, show my view on the world. Slowly got to the point I’m happy with and got a style that accommodates.
[ god that was a rant ]