I really enjoy seeing traditionally, perhaps even stereotypically masculine men also be legit good dudes
Earlier today JD Vance claimed our culture tries to suppress masculinity just bc men wanna tell jokes over beers; the implicit part here is that the jokes are, like Vance, bigoted and unfunny
Earlier today JD Vance claimed our culture tries to suppress masculinity just bc men wanna tell jokes over beers; the implicit part here is that the jokes are, like Vance, bigoted and unfunny
Reposted from
Chris Kluwe
Just got out of jail. Only forty four left to go to catch John Lewis’s record. Remember - peaceful civil disobedience. Don’t comply in advance.
......well, not that kind of gross, anyway
Why shouldn't masculinity be fighting for civil rights and building a better world
He's like 'they embody the most annoying parts of toxic masculinity and only know how to solve problems with bat'leths' and I'm like 'THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO BE HONORABLE'
Also Martok is goals.
Trim a sticky door.
Tie it to a suitcase that lost its handle.
Go to your former best friend's house at 1am, break in, and yell, "I will give you this bat'leth if you will forget our grudge and allow us to be friends again!"
Honestly, given the topics a floozy is liable to discuss on any given day, I feel lucky it's a bat'leth.
Honestly, I think we can map whoever we want over any of these folks, which is kinda what makes Trek great because it represents the entire human condition!
Also, point out the part where the Romulans and the Duras clan try to subvert the Klingon government by doing deliberately dishonorable things like killing folks in secret. The Klingons are different but not wrong!
(Which is particularly contradictory from someone who converted to Catholicism; but consistency is not something that concerns him.)
Not had one. He's had them. I just don't think he *enjoys them*. But he'll drink 'em because he thinks guys have to drink 'em. He has no concept of what being a "real man" is. Everything he does is performative.