Can you link me to something? I know nothing about it. He had a good catch phrase, repped processed meat and was on Spiderman is my full knowledge of him.
Useless info. Name escapes me. 60’s, brother and crew at the “Speck”, chicken restaurant in Portland. Villain wrestler, maybe Rowdy Piper, out with young fan with Down syndrome. National biker gang came in and yucked it up. He called them the Fuck out. They backed down.Bro’s crew was like Holy Shit.
I worked a side job in a tourist mall in Norfolk, VA. A bunch of wrestlers were in there drinking in a restaurant. Bam Bam Bigelow and a few others. The staff told me most of them were really good guys. I think Lex Luger was the only asshole (I heard it second hand from one of the staff).
Not my gig, but it's a discipline same as martial arts or ballet. Got out of a traffic stop after taking my stepsister to a ballet downtown. She's got CP on her rt. side. It's her gig. Woman cop asked where we were coming from. Uh, the ballet. "Oh, that's really nice. Don't do it again, bye."
Was he ever called an asshole?