I rarely tell people to throw their devices into the sea, but you should throw your Amazon Echo into the sea.
Scary 😱
It has been known for ages that these wiretaps listen and record all the time, as in fact needed to react to the codeword calling, indeed highly illegally, but if asked it was "for training purpose and then legal"
And people who now claim "I have nothing to hide" =idiots
Echo: Consider it done.
You're the greatest, Echo.
I mean, if it wasn't listening all the time, how would it know when you say "Alexa?"
One night he told her to STFU. Answered back: "That wasn't very nice."
We use it for 2 things:
Playing Pandora all over the house and light switches.
I'm pretty sure Google has what I need.. (and they already read my email).
Throw Amazon to the sea,
That's where it belongs to begin with. 🎯
I hope more people will do the same.
The one thing they want is power. The one thing that gives them power is money. Take away their money.
people keep telling me "boycotts dont work" but thats missing the point
if i dont like what a company or business or institution does with my money, why would i continue to give them my money?
I hate Walmart. why would i give walmart my money if i hate them
fuck a boycott, i just dont want to give my money to entities that fight against things i like
I cancelled my Amazon account. I'm done with that traitor.
The difference is, now they are acknowledging it.
Tik Tok
Bezos will, of course, fall all over himself to set it up for everyone.
2. Even though we think our everyday conversations are boring, an authoritarian regime could absolutely use data from them to locate, manipulate you or even worse.
“Uh boss, we just noticed a 7000% uptick in people across the country asking Alexa for our CEO’s address and home phone number”
Built-in voice assistant ("Assist") for Home Assistant
Works with Matter, Zigbee, Z-Wave, MQTT, Philips Hue, Shelly, and more
Supports offline voice processing (no cloud dependency)
Compatible with ESPHome for DIY smart devices
Smack it with a hammer and bust out a soldering iron. Recycle, reduce, resuse! :D
Anyone that ever thought having one of these was a good idea, is one taco short of a combination plate.
Consumer slave spyware shit 💀
I’ve got to find a secure, preferably open source, replacement, though! I think I’ll be giving Mycroft another look.
My issue is that I have mixed devices, some using zwave, zigbee or wifi. I guess it's time to upgrade them to one standard.
Mycroft itself is no longer under development, but a community driven platform has taken its place:
I haven't trusted those since the first arrival.
with a young asking if she should cut her bags , etc like she was talking to a friend.
We got by with large-print stickers as long as we could, but it's a degenerative disorder and we're past that point.
Are you at all concerned about privacy with your voice assistant?
Also, disability reasons. Just have to make hard choices all the time anyway.
Though I suppose it could pick up work conversations over Zoom. Hmm, interesting. I should probably check to see if we have a policy for that. Lots of weird legal obligations to consider.
p.s.: yes I know it was a figure of speech but this is the internet
Almost impossible. I turn it off when I can, but don't trust it's really "off".
Just recycle them responsibly.
New Egg
Red Bubble
Always something 🙄
Go ahead. GET A RUBBER MALLET. SMASH ECHO. You'll feel so much better. (Then be good and take it to electronics recycling at Best Buy.)
As in, not since the very beginning?
where is the open source alternative?
everything needs an open source alternative
cars we need a car they are going to spy on evrting in cars to make subscriptions and monetize
I would have assumed not, but am not familiar with details.
1984, Anyone?
#BoycottAmazon #BoycottTesla
"Alexa, remind me to take my meds at 1030 am"
"Alexa, turn on the bedroom light"
"Alexa, turn off all the lights"
"Alexa, play Ram Ranch"
Literally all I ever say to Alexa but I use her multiple times a day
My wife bought two without even asking. I hate them with a visceral passion & frankly consider the whole episode grounds for divorce.
Sadly she feels the same about her ‘Luddite’ husband, which is unfortunate as generally we both quite like being married to each other.