For real, hitting thirty and then moving into my mid thirties just opened up a whole new world with both men and women. It’s been so wonderful to grow into the role of a dad.
Now I just need to make some little yeens to really be a dad.
Plus, life, in general, got to be tons better after thirty. My career really took off. I got to see and enjoy more of the world and all that it can offer. I also have been able to impact the lives of others in a meaningful way.
I had to delay a TON of gratification while I finished my education and post-graduate commitments. It was difficult, at times, to see my friends enjoy life while I was constantly stuck in the lab and working nonstop.
It was absolutely worth it, though. Life immediate shot up after finishing.
Yeah, met my hubby, best decision of my life was to go down to the Starbucks fur meet those many years ago. You never know how one small decision changes your entire life until it happens.
I spent a lot of my early 20’s saying “we MUST be inclusive and make room for the mature age gays in our culture and events.
Now I’m in my 50’s I say “leave me alone, I have naps and Xbox.”🤔
Now I just need to make some little yeens to really be a dad.
It was absolutely worth it, though. Life immediate shot up after finishing.
also i might not be able to make little yeens with you but what's the harm in trying 😘
Now I’m in my 50’s I say “leave me alone, I have naps and Xbox.”🤔