Have your gaming tastes changed as you’ve gotten older?
Have they broadened or maybe you play less of certain genres now?
Have they broadened or maybe you play less of certain genres now?
The absolute gall of responsibilities.
Like last night playing the new brick world game solo player I think I’d have gotten bored after about 30mins in playing with the kids I laughed all night so much fun to the point I realised it was 9pm and way past bedtime 😂
What have I missed?
Just got the kids a PS5 for the holidays, and would love some game advice for a 40+ dude who hasn't touched a game in almost a decade that isn't Zelda related.
I play a lot of roguelike games which is weird because that should be the definition of a samey time sink, but when the loop is right 👌
I definitely play more indies and other genres thanks to getting them "free" with game pass or ps+ too haha
There was a time I could've never imagined even trying a souls game, now I'm so addicted to them. Before that it was the same with FPS 😂
Something I'll never warm up to is racing & sports games though I think.
I used to be pretty much into every genre.
As I got older, certain ones just started to reach me more and give me joy.
I no longer play sports or driving sims (unless it's from the N64 era, Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Kart!), my time with first-person shooters has lessened, too.
But I definitely know the types of games I just won't play like FIFA
It's just not for me
When I was younger, game length was important, the longer the better. So JRPGs were the obvious favorites
Nowadays, it's almost the opposite. Long games are a negative thing. I want games that respect my time and not have filler bs.
I used to be a big multiplayer fan but then I hit my head a bit too hard and I’ve struggled with those games ever since.
I started diving into SP games like Ghost of Tsushima and then got into trophy hunting. 😊
There was a time I wouldn't even consider gaming on a non Nintendo console
But as life went on, and I got my own money, I now play every single of the 3 main console makers games nowadays
I definitely play fewer games that require system mastery and heavy time investments in general. Turn based RPGs are another one I tend to avoid.
It’s interesting though that when I was younger I thought games like Baldur’s Gate were boring and preferred ARPGs like Diablo. But now I prefer Baldur’s Gate lol. Still love both though.
If I wanted that in my life, I'd drive on the DC Beltway more often than I already have to. Hard pass.
as a teen: western RPGs, like Witcher and Skyrim
early 20s: Souls likes, Bloodborne
and now mid 20s: classic CRPGs, like BG1 or Arcanum (and still Souls likes)