Retired high school English teacher here and I’ve been saying this since 2016. Why didn’t my Dem leadership listen to me and simplify the messaging? Duh!! 😡
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Recently read an analysis of presidential speeches on this topic. Washingtons was highest at 29th grade level, from there it drops preciptiously, right into the range your on about. I think it is less the language and more the information silos people liove in, never hearing the other side.
Do you think Felon 47 actually won? Elon's coders and Putin's hackers worked for 2 years prior to this election to make sure he got the Presidency, Senate and House to become an autocrat, just like Putin. His venues were empty. People walked out on him. Believe your eyes, not the MSM.
of the 78 million that "didnt vote": Millions of mail-in ballots were tossed out, thrown into rivers, burned, purposely held or misdelivered by DeJoys's USPS, bomb threats at hundreds of blue polling locations, while millions still were illegally purged from voter rolls by GOP organizations.
The 78M+ are Harris or 3rd party voters that did not vote for Trump. The 65M+ are the ones that either didn't get counted or didn't vote. I keep checking the Secretary/Election branches of each state often to see what their final numbers will eventually be for the missing votes.
Those departments are currently being gutted, and all current analysis are being stopped in their tracks. Trump and Musk are trying to cover up their crimes as fast as possible.
Yes, I understand that.
I'm explaining that Trump is doing everything he can at the FEDERAL level to hide his crimes.
All it would take is the 7 AG's of each swing state to do proper audits/recounts, find the election manipulation that the data points to, and move to invalidate the election.
I was reading on a college level in the first grade. Parents don’t want to encourage reading in their children. It’s either sports, sports, sports, art, art, art, or just sitting them in front of a screen.
That's mainly due to the red states. They don't ask you if you graduated, they ask what grade did you finish? The fifth grade is the most common answer given.
and sadly the felon is one of them
that is why he wants to do away with education, so no one is smarter than he is
kindergarten must be abolished also for that to be accomplished
I agree there is a problem but not sure this alone represents it. Been in business for a long time and even in 1980 we were taught to write manuals, a 6th grade level.
“Speech-ification” is easier. Schumer on the Senate floor? Useless. Jeffries? Unemotional and uninspiring. The others? Only a few are out there speaking it, but the well has been poisoned against AOC, Crockett, and other “loud” women. The sole
Man of note is Jamie Raskin.
Can they do the math ! Can you say this is close to equal.
Don’t have a job .
Trump and heritage and silicone valley has the people to work the farms . No place to stay . Stay at one of our concentration camps!
Maybe they shouldn't have run on a policy of continuing a genocide.
Maybe they shouldn't have tried to convince the people living paycheck-to-paycheck that the economy was "fine, actually."
I guess we'll never know, because they are simply tools of the oligarchs who actually own this country.
AS a teacher for children with special needs for over 26 years now, I've worked w/many, many, MANY parents. The Dems would do well to listen to this advice. Just saying. Simplifying things can only be good for everyone. That's what I'm saying.
It might be 54% but it was only about 30% that voted for Trump and Kamala had around 30% but else then Trump but that’s cause him and musk cheated and over 35% didn’t voted at all and the rest voted for other party’s
When I look at my freshman university students, it's closer to 80% read at a 5th grade level. They all tell me, "But professor, I'm a visual learner." Reading is a visual skill, dumbasses.
My very intelligent friends also don't understand that "argument fallacies" are in fact work in real life. Superintelligent arguments are annulled in a glimps by just saying "they're eating the dogs"... Smart people should figure out the right, simple signs which the masses understand.
There's a poster I've seen that opposes vacciens by showing all the vaccines surrounding an image of a baby. But the vaccines aren't all given at once. The years were given, to be fair, but the same image could be done with baby food.
I see the connection between our declining test scores of our schools to what is happening now. Dumb down the population and you can lead them like sheep wherever you want to go with the government.
I been saying it too and I dropped out in the 9th grade Lol. But I read a lot. Like Herodotus said: “The worst pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing.”
They don’t read anything. They watch FOX “News”, Joe Rogan, OAN, NEWSMAX, and every other propaganda outlet in order to get their daily fix of addicting hate.
Having struggled, back in the day, it isn't necessarily how fast you read, but what you read, or whether you read... not including "research" you do at home.
This was spoken about by Pat Robertson and Jay seklow on the 700 club as a target that they started in the 80s to publicly take over the publication of textbooks in the United States
Trump happened because of the Alt Right. I was homeschooled in that environment. I read at a HS level in 4th grade...but was limited to a white-washed version of history. I had never heard of the Trail of Tears. I had no idea what Apartheid was. THESE are the voters who now support Trump/Project25.
and this makes sense since his IQ is below average, as is all of his minions (except Musk of course), who is supposedly autistic, which I find highly offensive.
I don't find his being Autistic offensive. I find his blaming his psychopathic behavior on Autism. He behaves like a psychopath bc he is a psychopath, not bc he's Autistic.
I would imagine that psychopath is a form of neurodivergence.
The GOP intentionally did this. They took over the majority of publishing houses in the 80s so that the majority of textbooks would be published by them which currently the majority are published in Texas.
They have been stealth busy packing the courts with judges since before Junior Bush. So many people have no idea about Grover Norquist and Karl Rove's activities pre Bush Junior.
I'm in Canada and once had a job speaking to Americans on the phone. I was shocked at how uneducated and ill informed some of them were. Lots of them lived in a bubble, having no idea what went on outside of their own country.
Former Spanish professor here. When smart phones became a thing, students started having trouble putting things together. Discrete chunks that can be googled, sure, but put them in a line & ask students to connect them? Nope.
Messaging now does NOT reflect the way people learn. This drives me nuts.
Yes. And the most striking thing for me is how students began to struggle w/connecting the dots. Over the years, it became remarkable how--as mentioned--they could deal with discrete entities that could be googled with a key word but putting everything together & drawing connections became hard.
I saw this coming 40 years ago when they started making cuts to education funding, began relying on standardized testing and refused to pay teachers a decent salary.
Yeah, keep blaming Democrats for the Republicans fascism and the media bashing Dems while uplifting Republicans. It’s so insane, How people are not blaming Republicans for all the bs happening in this country&still attacking Democrats. I said it will be the left responsible for our own demise.
Yes, I have worked as an editor and writer for large ghostwriting and SEO writing firms over the years. One of the first things my managing editor told me was that most Americans 'can't read' complex material, so I should avoid writing anything too fancy. I found this advice somewhat amusing.
I call it Plutocratic Populism. The plutocracy or rich & corporations looking to benefit from tax breaks. The Populists or the disaffected Americans who believe crap like immigrants are taking their jobs. They unwittingly joined forces. That is what got Trump elected.
This is part of the issue but also 40 percent of registered voters didn’t vote and 40 percent of voters eligible to vote didn’t vote. Plus Russian interference.
He won because of inflation and the majority of Americans tuning out in the last few years. It's worse than illiteracy. They chose to be ignorant and damn them for it. I hope they enjoy the consequences they've forced on all Americans and the world.
Thanks for Your Service.
.however there’s a bright side here….those same Adults can teach their 6th grade child how to shoot an AR15 when things are going wrong at school.
Yup. Look. I recognize it. And so when I'm reading something I am aware okay. Let's now re read it for safety to ensure I've completely processed what I'm reading.
There is no shame in admitting it. If anything it improves your comprehension. It forces you to be critical of what you're reading.
But you have to be willing to admit it... I don't read or no longer read at a university level. Which is to be expected, unless your career is reading heavy. But it is NEVER an excuse to stick your head in the sand.
Beautiful Bluesky friends, I’m so proud of you for just ignoring the tools that are slowly creeping in here to try and start fights. Everything is trash but we are doing a good job at not letting this site devolve. Leave em hanging
Yes. Monosyllabic words & simple oft repeated lies. “Good / BAD / Big /Small”. Plus he creates a cosy narrative of “we”. “We’re gonna do something about that” - immediately both creating an illusion there is some big committee in the sky running things & also the illiterate Redneck is a part of it.
I'm explaining that Trump is doing everything he can at the FEDERAL level to hide his crimes.
All it would take is the 7 AG's of each swing state to do proper audits/recounts, find the election manipulation that the data points to, and move to invalidate the election.
A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C Clarke, 7th grade
Better than Catcher in the Rye in 11th grade.
Bore kids out of their skulls and blame the lack luster results of them.
~ Marjane Satrapi
that is why he wants to do away with education, so no one is smarter than he is
kindergarten must be abolished also for that to be accomplished
Man of note is Jamie Raskin.
Don’t have a job .
Trump and heritage and silicone valley has the people to work the farms . No place to stay . Stay at one of our concentration camps!
Maybe they shouldn't have tried to convince the people living paycheck-to-paycheck that the economy was "fine, actually."
I guess we'll never know, because they are simply tools of the oligarchs who actually own this country.
One of my greatest accomplishments in life was when my teacher had me tested out in 5th grade for being able to read at a college level!
Just sayin'
The only thing that can be done is better education or more innovative vaccines that combine more and more medications.
But that is exactly what Dumpster et al want.
I would imagine that psychopath is a form of neurodivergence.
which I have tried to explain to some family and friends-
to which they say, "I am cruel, hateful,..............."
my response is, "deal with it". Talk to me.
Many years ago when I was at IBM one of my fellow employees asked me, "Why do you want a computer at home?"
IBM was a "good job". Why would anyone want to actually UnderStand computers? 🤣🧐🥱
In 1980 an IBM 3033 mainframe cost $3,000,000.
Messaging now does NOT reflect the way people learn. This drives me nuts.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Any ideas how to get over both these real difficulties?
KISS - edited for decency
Keep It Simple & Sane
And it happens that principles of propaganda work on the educated as well. Simple messages, repetition.
He had fElon steal our votes for him
She let them
.however there’s a bright side here….those same Adults can teach their 6th grade child how to shoot an AR15 when things are going wrong at school.
There is no shame in admitting it. If anything it improves your comprehension. It forces you to be critical of what you're reading.