Apologies to all Canadians for the actions of this dumb@ass republican administration who is hell bent on ruining our country and offending all our allies. 😢
Good. Fuck us up. A lot of us absolutely despise that orange fuck in the White House. Firmly on Team Canada for this one, even though my citizenship is in this embarrassing shithole right now.
As an American I am truly sorry what the maniac in the White House is doing. He is making no sense and we are paying the price along with your country. Please know many of us are not standing with him we are standing with the Canadian people in this trade war. Do what you must. We understand. 💙. 🇨🇦
The GOP Americans currently in the White House and such? They have no idea how. You're dealing with petulant, ignorant, unreasonable, swollen, porcine trust fund sucking 4-year-olds and anti-Christian Jesus freaks. This is the biggest "own goal" in the history of Western Civilization. We suck.
It's certainly not the majority of people there. Tons of what looks like online MAGA support is just bots and paid shills. The U.S. is under attack by Russia, so you have some big fish to fry...
It’s not “The Americans”. Most Americans feel quite brotherly towards you. This is strictly DJT, his MAGAts, his “VP”, & our equally insane co-president Skum. You have no idea how scared most of us are, by how this administration is isolating & alienating us, & endangering the most vulnerable of us.
Unfortunately, they were. And unfortunately, they still are. But they weren’t the majority, and we are trying really hard to hold them (and the insane Jenga tower at the top) responsible & accountable. Clearly, we’re fighting an uphill battle, & America is losing all credibility.
We need to look at strengthening European ties, drop the tariffs we put on China largely to appease the US and even look at our IP agreements with the USA given at this point the US Gov't has decided to pursue a policy of aggression and annexation against our sovereignty.
I think the entire world would be better off if both those things happened EVERYWHERE, especially here in the Autocratic American Republic of Ignorant Assholeistan.
Also do something to rein in any rightwing agitprop outlets you may have up there - TV channels, radio, podcasts, etc. The main reason all hell is breaking loose now is that the US right developed a huge propaganda/disinfo machine and now millions of people are brainwashed to believe crazy nonsense.
Are they brainwashed? I believe these people always held these views and the RW news outlets have only served to legitimize them. Our governments underestimated the degree of racism and prejudice in our society. I underestimated the proportion of truly deplorable people there are.
I agree about the deplorables, but yes, they have been brainwashed. They used to think of Russia as the enemy, now they see Putin as a good guy - it's like a switch has been thrown. Just like in "1984". And they believe the most outlandish lies. The right wing has "created their own reality".
I truly believe the main reason for all of this is racism. The Americans have a Nazi running their country, because they believed his puppet was only going to hurt people who were not white. And they were content to suffer as long as people who didn't look like them suffered much more.
This is the alternate reality they live in: one woman told me that Calif didn't have enough planes to fight the wildfires because Biden had sent them to Ukraine. And this week after the news came out that DOGE was laying off hurricane trackers and gutting NOAA a guy said "It used to be that the /1
It's more complicated than that but it's a long story. I'd be happy to explain it further in DMs. Race is being used as a political wedge issue by the Rs but so is misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia etc.
Agreed. But Starlink is not reliable. It can be turned off at any time, and there is no way the data transmitted across it is safe. Also, supporting a Nazi is not a viable alternative to anything.
Go Canada! The US cannot behave like an irrational, bullying, unreliable neighbour. Your position is our position: who knows what fickle thought would see Trump treat the UK with similar disregard?
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔As a Canadian I am certainly hoping that we aren’t forced to go to the polls for a new election soon!
I hope the NDP, Bloq, Green and Liberals will stick together on this so we can be united and free to fight Donald Trump.
Pitting parties against each other is not what we need!
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
Could you please have a long chat with Quisling Marlaina Smith about what it is to be CANADIAN 🍁!! Then on behalf of all Albertans get her to Quit privatizing healthcare and destroying Alberta!!
CORRUPTION = attrition of the most vulnerable Albertans! Alberta is burning 🔥
I am hoping something can be done on a federal level Marlaina’s corruption is harming/killing Albertans!! Perhaps withhold transfer payments until proper PUBLIC healthcare is established! Oil and gas tariffs? Should be at federal doing. She is not a federal spokesperson but a Traitor! 🤡💯
Honestly, individual Premiers need to stop challenging Trump directly. As much fun as it was to see Ford puff up his chest then get the wind knocked outta him, he muddied the waters big time. Premiers need to simply have their say to the PM, then let the feds handle this.
Doug will do the bare minimum unless we all hold his feet to the fire. He's an ignorant dick, but we can use him if he's frightened of us. Our job as citizens is to keep him and his buds sleepless.
Canadian diplomacy is CANADIAN - not provincal. He's looking to enter the fed level after PP. Yeah for Doug, but he doesn't have the brains or stones to run Canada.
God help us if he does. We will be the laughingstock of the world, right after the US.
But who’s worse, PP or Doug? Serious question. I’m not in Ont, so don’t know the specifics on him in detail.
Broken clocks and all - of course: he really want's to be on Team MAGA. But if he's worried about his electorate we can use that. Keep him as honest as a Ford bro can possibly be.
Doug Ford had the right intentions but over reached. Suggest he should check big moves out with Team Canada so he can hold firm and doesn’t have to back track on things. Backtracking leads to more bullying.
What Ford did only hurts 🇨🇦. He backed away instantly when Trump raised tariffs to 50%. He should have raised electricity tariffs to 50% too. Now Trump thinks he won and will continue more attacks. Ford folded. He’s not a true fighter as we saw with Starlink too, on, then off, then on… it’s stupid.
Yup. All Cons r. They r literally in cahoots with Cons in USA but due to the 80%+ Canadian bonding to fight Trump’s fascist regime, Cons in 🇨🇦 r PRETENDING to be against Trump/Rs but they’re not. 🇨🇦 Cs have same agenda to destroy democracy, same funding. Smith is in Florida now sharing stage with MAGA
Ford is in it for Ford and only Ford. Full stop. He doesn't give a flying fadoo about TROC. His Capt. Canada schtick is performative nonsense, auditioning for Trump for the role of tough guy Governor of US 51
I think the lack of respect really hits Canadians hard. We have been there during wars, 9/11. Every step of the way we have been there. I can't handle all the stupid that is happening right now. Cowardness should not be allowed (Dougie)
Make it count.
Canada needs to take all of Trumps threats seriously. He throws out into the public sphere what his intentions are as part of placing them into the stratosphere to plant seeds.
Pay heed. Beat him at his game
Cancel the F-35 order and order some of Sweden’s Gripen-E. Saab even pitched that Canadian Gripens be assembled in Canada (at IMP Aerospace & Defence in Nova Scotia). Seems like a win - win.
It’s amazing how competent “normal” world leaders keep using words to try and encourage sense making of this madness. Credible and reliable are never coming out of that 🤡🎪
Agreed. It may be time to just walk away and find other partners to work with. EU membership? Commonwealth? It’s clear the US admin is unwilling to listen. Their way or hwy. Life is a hwy.
USA should have to keep the agreement they already made. Anything less is a further demonstration they are neither credible nor reliable. We shouldn't have to jump and scramble because someone doesn't want to keep his word. No bending over for a bully. I want unconditional surrender of Trump
The fabricated ‘facts’ on Canada taking advantage of the U.S. need to be countered. We need to control and counter the rhetoric this U.S. is casting. The White House spokespeople are shameful.
Trump lives in a twilight zone of lies beyond any unimaginable permissible level. A convicted felon punk who lured voters into a big fake 💩 MAGA scam, jeopardizing 🇺🇸 Constitution & democracy, pocketing 💯 💵 of imposed tariffs with oligarchy backers😉, transforming 🇺🇸 in a bankrupted corrupted 📉society🫡
Please work hard on boosting non-tariff efforts too. Interprovincial trade barriers MUST come down — all of them. Make provinces justify the ones they want back. Woo Americans with skills whose jobs have been Musked.
Mr. Carney I fundraised for your leadership, I signed so many people up to vote for you. I have admired you for years, and most of all I know you are a good father. A good father would not pick Marco Mendicino who has harmed the fathers of daughters who have been killed. Please reconsider.
I'm sorry we have a wannabe dictator that has a reading and vocabulary level of a first grader. He acts like a child. I didn't vote for him. I was thinking of relocating out of the states. Hes goingvto ruin us
Maybe work with our democratic governors in blue states that import goods from red states. You could collectively place tariffs on just red states to place maximum pressure on the people who elected Trump/Musk and the politicians that refuse to do anything about them.
I’m sure there’s all kinds of problems with it but it seems like our Gov’s of blue states have some levers they can pull against the tyranny of our federal government.
Fair. I vote with my dollars too, and vote, and protest, and call my electeds. I won’t resort to violence or harassment. I pull all the non-violent levers I can think of.
American commenters tell us we're punishing States that are anti-Trump. He's their president. When the U.S. runs roughshod over Mexico, Bolivia or other countries in the South, are those people busy separating out which Americans might oppose that? Wake up. American exceptionalism is over.
Pappy Trump has no respect for anyone (except maybe Putin, and that's probably more like fear), so I'm afraid you'll have a long wait.
Rest assured, most of us down here are as sick of his antics as you are.
This is scary and will take resolve to get through
There is no use giving into tRump
He is a liar and any deal will not be valid
NATO may have to input here.
Canadians support an aggressive approach to his threats with no negotiations until we revert to the deal Trump signed in 2018
Thank You. Its going to suck for everyone but most Sane Americans are behind you.
Its the only way Trump will learn. It has to hurt.
Do not give in. He needs to learn this lesson. And so do his enablers.
Trump is a serial liar. Until he is permanently out of the White House, I do not think we can ever trust the USA for anything again; unless Americans clean up their mess.
We should instead be strengthening trade and relations with our other more reliable allies. It'll be painful, but necessary.
And by "clean up their mess" I mean a *serious* house cleaning. Restore checks and balances that have been eroded to the point of uselessness if not outright killed by their highest courts. Unless there are reforms to prevent another presidency such as this, we'll be right back HERE every 4 years.
That's also from the *very* optimistic view that we'll just keep having mostly fair elections here every four years. It's more like we need to restore the checks and balances now, or it'll take an armed revolution by the time four years pass
I wish from the bottom of my heart (and for the sake of every friend, family member, and acquaintance that lives in the US), that this sort of analysis will be proven wrong, but...
[*gestures wildly at everything*] All this has just been **two(-ish) months**.
As an American I support this statement. Canadians have been strong, dedicated allies who have fought for & sacrificed their lives for us in Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam etc & for this I as an American are eternally grateful. Unfortunately, we have a Putin loving wannabe dictator.
It's not Americans... it's Trump and the GOP! As an American I apologize for what is happening between our two Nations. As an American, I understand why you have to respond to the madman, but know that "we the people" in the US love Canada!!
I live in United States. I live in New Jersey and I am rooting for you. I think the majority of us are. He does not represent the majority of Americans.
American here, hoping the world comes together to shut down this self-destructive despot who has taken over my country. My only request is that Canadians please be generous to the inevitable refugees from the US.
Actually, I’d argue more than that. Some 30% Americans couldn’t bother to vote, and are regretting it now. And many who did vote for him have voters’ regret now too.
If Tariffs are paid by the country putting them on, then why put tariffs on Canadian goods. I can see a bit of a tariff to persuade the Canadian public not to buy American but we are already doing that. So no need to put more tariffs on. Let Trump keep upping the tariffs to show he is an idiot.
And by "respect" I hope you mean until he ceases all mention of Canada becoming the 51st state (as a start!) The "credible" part might be a challenge because he thrashes at ghosts.
Up the surcharges on everything. DJT will up tariffs regardless of what we do. All that's left is to make as much money as possible while we make new deals elsewhere. Use that revenue to help industries hit by trade war.
Go for it, MC. Admiring the Canadian reaction over here in the UK. People think being nice is a weakness. Wrong. It comes from a position of inner strength and that is being displayed for all the world to see. Impressive.
Thank you. So much confidence in your capability to navigate this. Premiers should really defer decisions & announcements to you. Just hope you keep all the liberal traitors especially Freeland out of your cabinet.
OMG yes - she is a diabolical treasonous b&$?!. Put her in a jail cell with all of her fundamentalist freakshows and let them rot. Sorry for being so angry.
I used to live in Alberta but we moved to a small village in SK. It’s full of the right-wing fundamentalists!!! I need to leave but it’s cheap to live here.
It said on Wikipedia that she claimed to have native American heritage based on what she's been told by her family. Isn't that the same thing Elizabeth Warren had said?
Yeah. You don't know the half of it. It has been a reign of terror that she took over for someone who seemed like he couldn't get worse. We were wrong.
The language should focus on "The Trump administration showing respect". Not "Americans". Many Americans support Canada but can do nothing about Comrade Trump.
If you are seriously thinking blue America will stop this, it is exactly like Poland thinking the Germans were coming to help - just before the Germans invaded.
There have not been protests against “annexation”. They are protesting domestic issues and I applaud them for it but no protests against annexation. Exactly 8 Dems have spoken- and the rest of the Ds will kill that bill.
I encourage we identify the problem as the “American Administration” or the President… less than half of Americans voted the despot into power. Referring to all Americans will only be used by the AA to weaponize what we say to further divide the two countries and legitimize AA’s actions.
I believe that although only about 30% of the electorate voted for Tr*mp, another 30% didn't bother to vote at all. They are as culpable for what is happening. Democracy dies with apathy.
Yes please, this. California is the fifth largest economy in the world, our Gov. is going off the rails, and we really like Canada. We have like 18.6% of the countries total dairy output. Need any new provinces? 😅
So Ontario backed down on the electricity surcharge today and there has been absolutely no respect shown. Rather we now have to listen to Trump gloat about how he forced us into submission and I am embarrassed and disgusted 🤮
It’s not because of anything Trump said that I’m embarrassed… it’s because Ford allowed us to be forced into submission. A fact I recognize for myself. We backed down first … no concessions has been made on their end and no respect has been show at all whatsoever. We need new trade partners ..
Ford shoots from the hip & needs to think strategically. I don't see this as "us" being forced into submission. I see it as a guy who was unprepared for what might happen next, so he convinced himself an "olive branch" was appropriate. After 1 day.
I do agree that is what happened. But it was a bad move and that’s why I want to hear from Carney. We need coordination and there shouldn’t be any elected official making big moves alone. Big moves he can’t handle alone. The vast majority of news coverage will not be saying there was an olive branch
I had the impression the provinces had discussed strategies & that this was coordinated..even that the feds were part of the process? I may have dreamed this.
Carney is a planner & strategist, so I sure hope Ford & some others won't go off-grid.
At this point I expect our government to be intentional and coordinated and so I will hold Carney as responsible as Ford for this move and I want to hear from both of them. We have to be smarter in our approach in order to deal with them and that starts with unity.
I'm 32. seeing racism and bigotry of sexuality be outlawed in the states now. Please, I beg you as an everyday citizen that contributes to Canadian sales everywhere they can. Don't let them take our freedom, and don't trade our futures for money
I loved your speech to stand up to Trump. Elbows Up
Sadly, the United States government doesn't even respect their own government or their citizens. It's terrifying what's happening to the country I've lived for 66 years. It's maddening.
No trading with the enemy. I know that this is going to be rough for us here in Canada, but I don't care. We and everyone we know is done with buying from the States and since Trump has tariffed that market away, I think we should all just look to trade elsewhere.
This American is already planning on crossing the border to do my weekly grocery shopping over in Canada; I hope my fellow border town neighbors do the same.
Looking to the south, that kind of entitlement is at the root of our current problems.
Sorry about us.
The Canada uSA relationship cannot be repaired as long as trump is president!
Saturday, March 15, 2025 is the ides of March
1. It's been obvious for a while.
2. Too bad if so.
3. How does taxing unsold units already in the country affect people who bought already?
Also, if you have a Tesla i recommend selling it. You're in for years of dirty looks, middle fingers, and dog shit left on it.
If citizens of both countries have to bear the consequences of Trump’s madness, the oligarchs should feel it too.
Most of Americans are with you.
I hope the NDP, Bloq, Green and Liberals will stick together on this so we can be united and free to fight Donald Trump.
Pitting parties against each other is not what we need!
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
CORRUPTION = attrition of the most vulnerable Albertans! Alberta is burning 🔥
just what is needed in dispute with the felon bull(y) in china shop
But who’s worse, PP or Doug? Serious question. I’m not in Ont, so don’t know the specifics on him in detail.
Don't take any shit Mark
Canada needs to take all of Trumps threats seriously. He throws out into the public sphere what his intentions are as part of placing them into the stratosphere to plant seeds.
Pay heed. Beat him at his game
More than we usually see.
I hope that we can change the way we trade so that anything the US does has as little an impact as possible on Canada.
At least every province in Canada is on the same page right now and we are united to not allow the US Government do whatever it is they are planning.
Elbows out - we’re with you.
Oregon, 41%
California 38%
And so on…
Every state played a part in this and all Americans need to take responsibility for their president.
Rest assured, most of us down here are as sick of his antics as you are.
There is no use giving into tRump
He is a liar and any deal will not be valid
NATO may have to input here.
Canadians support an aggressive approach to his threats with no negotiations until we revert to the deal Trump signed in 2018
Its the only way Trump will learn. It has to hurt.
Do not give in. He needs to learn this lesson. And so do his enablers.
We should instead be strengthening trade and relations with our other more reliable allies. It'll be painful, but necessary.
[*gestures wildly at everything*] All this has just been **two(-ish) months**.
give em hell mark.
It’s the killer blow
I can promise you, the American citizenry respects you and is absolutely not on board with this unhinged lunatic.
Sorry about the idiot at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- I didn't vote for this debacle.
Try our gov. You are the leader not a dictator
We understand
It said on Wikipedia that she claimed to have native American heritage based on what she's been told by her family. Isn't that the same thing Elizabeth Warren had said?
I'm try to stay optimistic, but a dark path was taken by Americans recently, and deep reasons make me feel they are not coming back from it soon
- An American
This is a long-term battle. There will be ups & downs.
BTW Trump would gloat if a ray of sunshine fell on him & not on the guy next to him.
Absolutely, we need new trading partners asap.
Carney is a planner & strategist, so I sure hope Ford & some others won't go off-grid.
Ford won the election 2 wks ago on his tough guy
I loved your speech to stand up to Trump. Elbows Up