It has been more than two days that the supply of electricity to Gaza has been shut off. It must resume — essentials including food, electricity, and medical supplies should never be used as political tools. (1/3)
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Since Ontario is imposing electricity tariffs on the US that comment about political use is hypocritical. Also Mendocino….seriously, what are you thinking !
If you want to keep winning over NDP and young voters you better get rid of your chief of staff Marco Mendicino for his very racist and anti Palestinian beliefs. Further, someone equating Zionism with Judaism like him has no place in positions of power.
Besides this. How can we, as citizens, financially help the Ukrainian military. I don't mean humanitarian aid, as there are many agencies. Could the government match funds? Make it tax deductible?
Well good luck in that. It’s state sponsored geneside or at best ethnic cleansing. It’s been going on for 70 years. And you think it’s going to change? Dream on
Other than talk, which is all any world leader can seem to muster up, will there be any direct action taken against Israel by Canada for their crimes against humanity?
One day we are going to go into those camps and there is going to be no one left. That’s on all of us :( I hope Canada can be a true leader in the world again and fight for peace.
Thank you for paying attention to this issue. So many of us are praying for peace in Palestine and for humanity. Please keep this matter on your agenda and let us know if any support is required to move this forward. We are willing to do all we can. 🙏💗 #humanrights #justice #internationallaw
Mr. Carney your Chief of Staff is zealous Zionist who agrees with the genocide. We just went through a government that wrote all these nice messages and then their actions did not match. It’s hard to take you seriously in these sentiments with your appointment of Marco Mendocino. Please reconsider.
Canada must work with our allies to stand up for international law to promote sustainable peace and security in the Middle East and to support full access to humanitarian aid for Palestinian families. (2/3)
I'll 100% vote for you if you prioritize 4 things:
1) The Palestinian resistance
2) Fighting against annexation threats from Trump
3) Repairing the Canadian economy
4) Protecting our environment and passing policies to preserve biodiversity in a landscape of imminent collapse.
Tbh #1 for me is the oceans and their collapsing ecosystems. It is always my #1, forever, and for always.
But 0 politicians give a fuck, while they pillage and collapse the commons. And now the future is extra bleak and competitive and cut throat and our extinction is imminent as biological beings
I learned lots from your book Value(s).
I liked that you took a strong position for Canada against the Mango Mussolini and are shaping a strong Canadian diplomatic position in the Middle East.
And I especially like that I can find you here on BlueSky since I defected from the other place.
The Israelis have abandoned humanity since 1948. Decades of kidnapping, rape, murder land theft, environmental destruction. I’m surprised it took this long for the world to wake up to the Zionist Genocide.
"Standing up for international law" are indeed some nice words but what of Palestinian land? Do you support the right to return for all Palestinians? How will you sanction an ally when they are indicted of war crimes? What of Canada's complicity in those crimes?
Indeed, it's not in any countries interest to have, an unstable middle east, with a highly confrontational military state threatening everyone in the region & having the potential to take its warmongering to Nuclear proportions.
Please listen to the others: you *need* all possible progressive votes if you want to have a chance against PC, you *need* to avoid alienating the already teetering Muslim/Arab support. Replace Mendocino with a moderate, otherwise you’ll have a worse blowout than Kamala did
It’s not just that. A super majority of Canadians oppose genocide, the targeted, intentional killing of children, forced starvation and other war crimes. We support human rights, the UN and international law. Mendicino is a hateful racist who has no place is public life.
Unfortunately there will never be a 2 state solution until HAMAS is out of there, and there is a legitimate government not a terrorist group. HAMAS has one thing only in mind, and that is to kill all Jews…it’s in their manifest. Until we solve that there will be no peace.
If that is true, you would think the Palestinians would round up Hamas themselves and deport them or imprison them . It would save them tens of thousands of lives. If what you say is true, Hamas doesnt really represent the best interests of the Palestinian people do they?
Having Mendocino as your Chief of Staff will alienate a good portion of your supporters. Rethink this choice or I fear you are certain to suffer the same fate that Harris-Walz did last November. They were unable to distance themselves from Pro-Israel propaganda on X. PP will spin the same about you.
Honestly Mark, BEGGING you to shock the system and prove you're not just Trudeau by bring Jagmeet Signh into the fold as a member of your cabinet. Publicly take his criticisms in stride, and be the Realist to his Idealist while simultaneously telling the Conservatives that they've been benched.
Come on, one step at a time. Everyone here knows Canada is one voice and we absolutely do not call the shots. We do have to step up in support of 2 state, ceasefire, durable peace etc. But let’s not start pretending we’re the biggest decision maker in this.
They tried to punish the biggest war criminal, ICC put out a warrant fall of 2024 but US just gave him a pass and worshipped him. Not much Canada could do to remedy that.
Appointing Mendocino is a HUGE mistake. Kamala Dems blew it when they sidelined Arabs& Palestinians.You will lose many Liberal/NDP voters, students, staff & faculty who were harassed during protests.Liberals need every vote. You are sending the wrong message.
Please, let's not fight the Israel-Palestine war here in Canada.
Mendocino's role as chief-of-staff is administrative - not policy. The official position of the LPC is to support a 2-state solution and to strongly oppose the murder or injury of innocent civilians, be they Israeli or Palestinian.
There are many better options than Mendocino. Sends the wrong message. Same mistake made by the Democrats in a tight race. My vote is for Liberals but we need all the votes possible. It’s a very risky choice.
What message does it send? Mendocino is an experienced politician and parliamentarian who knows his way around Ottawa. Those are skills and knowledge that Carney needs. Mendocino is there to help Carney get organized before an election, not to mouth off about the Middle East.
We really will allow pp to form a government over this.
Our country is under attack.
This is the problem with the left
Splitting while the cons laugh all the way to destroying our country.
Surrendering our country will not help Gaza.
I read your post
It is not Americans who stood against genocide that had the wrong attitude, it was Kamala Harris' failure to stand with them. I hope Carney wins but unless I see a strong position against genocide, it will be without my donation.
Well the voters have a choice in Liberals or PP. PP stands with trump. Trump is helping cause genocide in Gaza . Palestines need to know what each party is offering. Or better yet, ask PP yourself.
Jill Stein took those votes from Kamala not Trump , yet you are willing to let the leopards eat your face for PP to win. Sad reflection on your motives .
Read the post. I’m trying to prevent that from happening. I’m voting for the Liberals but they will lose lots of voters with Mendocino. Many other better options than him.
If by standing up for international law you mean enforcing the ICJ and the ICC and their current prosecutions, very much agreed. If words mean anything anymore.
Thank you for this statement. However I am very disappointed to learn that you have appointed rabid Zionist Marco Mendecino as your COS. He was one of only 3 Lib MPs who voted against the NDP Gaza ceasefire motion. It will be difficult to gain the trust of anti-genocide Cdns with him as your COS.
The situation in Gaza is inhumane, it’s been devolving by the day, everyone has been focused on the Ukraine, Tariffs and Doge , Palestine has gone under the radar. They need help, now, no negotiations with Israel, they don’t have time. How dare Israel protect the genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu, shame
About fucking time CANADA recognized RULE OF LAW with the UN and ICC - the shit stained TRUDEAU along with War Criminal accomplices JOLIE, FREELAND and GOULD who should be ARRESTED as ACCOMPLICES to GENOCIDE bowing to corrupted Pro Genocide Zionist War Criminals!!!
You see? THIS is why the current federal/provincial division of powers must be renegotiated: Canada cannot be a mature democracy with random rogue premiers running away to MaraLago or wherever making international deals with foreign entities to enrich themselves and their little fiefdoms.
Please do NOT keep Mendocino as chief of staff. This is incredibly alienating to many voters that you will require in the coming election.
There are insufficient reasons to retain him while a multitude of reasons to choose someone without that baggage.
Everyone complaining about Marco Mendicino: Mark Carney needed a person with security clearance and knowledge. Marco was likely the sole option. Marco will only be serving on an interim basis, and will not be running for re-election.
Marco has supported genocide, opposed the UN and international law, retweeted domestic terrorists and called for Palestinian immigrants to be shot. He is a mentally sick, hateful racist. His selection shows extremely bad judgement.
Hundreds of people qualify. There are at least a dozen LPC MPs not running again. Frank Baylis would have been perfect. Choosing a hateful racist like Mendicino reveals an out-of-touch campaign.
I did mention that Mr. Mendicino was in the position on an interim basis, and will not run for re election. So this has absolutely nothing to do with Carney’s campaign.
It’s patently true that 100s of Canadians have full security clearance. Was Carney required to hire a pro-genocide racist? Of course not. That’s ridiculous. And his campaign knows they made a huge mistake - that’s what the damage control is about.
May I be the first to congratulate you, as a fellow Evertonian.......
Our neighbours have not won a single game in the Champions League since your appointment, and I solely credit your new position for their demise tonight on penalties!
'Mon the Toffees!
They also authored the DEFUSE proposal to Wuhan that included the introduction of a furin cleavage site to the sars-covs. The FCS had not been found ever in bat coronas before this. And all coronaviruses have always been airborne. Follow the tracks of disinformation on COVID transmission SVP.
I wish us Americans had a president that valued all human life like you do. Unfortunately Trump determines the value of people based on their bank account first and the color of their skin second.
15 months ago or so a customer came into the shop to pick up his weekend FT, which featured a story on Gaza. He said that what Hamas did in October 2023 was evil and that what Netanyahu was doing in retaliation was evil as well.
“ GET DOUG FORD TO GET THEIR ELECTRICITY TURNED BACK ON,” he just negotiated a great agreement with President 50 shades of orange. Crumbled like a cheap suit 😂😂
That was all a show… a scam… no one is having the power off or costing triple or…
He will , of course defeat the evil America in the hopes of ruling for them here.
Given that Felon Trump just gave Wanted War Criminal Netanyahu all the fire power he needs to clear Gaza for his glitzy hotel….COME ON, CANADA, LET’S GO. I am tired of all this pearl clutching.
Well then, its official. Net-the-Yahoo has publicly joined the Cabal, with Musk-Sac and Peter-less-Son.
Isn't that sweet, Scooter finally has 3 friends.
I agree. X is a propaganda tool with intention of only allowing like thinking people. 1930's Nazi mentality. Thinking otherwise is a rose-coloured glasses view of the situation.
Unless a dictator randomly imposes tarrifs on your country... Then maybe consider the electricity thing. But I agree here. What is being done to Palestine is criminal.
I see what you're doing here, equating Ford's threats with Israel's war crimes - very clever... if you were a spokesperson for Trump. Jesus, what did we just get here? I hope your account has been hacked or you had a stroke.
Carney is still too cowardly to say the following words: Palestine, Genocide, War Crime. The leaders of Spain, Ireland, South Africa have all acknowledged the genocide.
Yet Doug Ford is using electricity as a political tool, and I am not sure I blame him. Trump is using everything as a political tool. No one has integrity or decorum. Idiocracy.
Tactful…not spineless. He has paused them, until after the meeting with Lutnick. He at least was willing to stand up for Canada…a lesson for the other premiers. I never voted for him, but on this I am impressed.
A lot of people are seeing the hypocrisy between Ukraine & Palestine. I am hoping you take the route of Ireland and South Africa and stand for what is good and decent. Palestinians have suffered for 70+ yrs. Canada use to be a beacon of peace and civility. Please put us back on the right path.
Gloves are off and we fight back.
Just know you will now be a target and everything you've ever said will be twisted and conflated.
Hoping you stand fast.
Read my lips,
"With a smile"
Expel Israel's ambassador? Recall Canada's?
Sanction Israel?
Other than talk, which is all any world leader can seem to muster up, will there be any direct action taken against Israel by Canada for their crimes against humanity?
Arab American activist in Dearborn.
Because they're Anti-Black racists Gaza is now Trumpland.
No one to blame but themselves.
1) The Palestinian resistance
2) Fighting against annexation threats from Trump
3) Repairing the Canadian economy
4) Protecting our environment and passing policies to preserve biodiversity in a landscape of imminent collapse.
Thank you. ❤️
But 0 politicians give a fuck, while they pillage and collapse the commons. And now the future is extra bleak and competitive and cut throat and our extinction is imminent as biological beings
I liked that you took a strong position for Canada against the Mango Mussolini and are shaping a strong Canadian diplomatic position in the Middle East.
And I especially like that I can find you here on BlueSky since I defected from the other place.
I understand he is not running in the next election.
Smart choices by both.
Mendocino's role as chief-of-staff is administrative - not policy. The official position of the LPC is to support a 2-state solution and to strongly oppose the murder or injury of innocent civilians, be they Israeli or Palestinian.
Our country is under attack.
This is the problem with the left
Splitting while the cons laugh all the way to destroying our country.
Surrendering our country will not help Gaza.
I read your post
It’s important to them.
There are insufficient reasons to retain him while a multitude of reasons to choose someone without that baggage.
You’re not serious if you think ‘Hundreds of people qualify’. That’s patently false.
Our neighbours have not won a single game in the Champions League since your appointment, and I solely credit your new position for their demise tonight on penalties!
'Mon the Toffees!
Are you prepared to stop providing material and political support for the regime?
Are you going to support Palestinian statehood?
Are you willing to ask for a return of stolen land so that a functional state can even exist?
Also, is there an ongoing action for a coordinated response? Ford’s decision was a strong response but it caused a backlash for all other provinces.
He will , of course defeat the evil America in the hopes of ruling for them here.
Some in Israel (and, allegedly Carney’s own chief of staff) would say "absolutely".
Not this again. Please, no. I had such high hopes.
Isn't that sweet, Scooter finally has 3 friends.
But focus, please.
It's part of the reason we could end up in the same mess as the USA.
The Israeli leader is already a wanted criminal, but that won't stop him from committing more crimes against humanity.