A test to distinguish Americans scouts of the invading US army entering us in the North from Canadians - ask them if they want gravy and cheese curds with their fries.
You can apply for your Canadian citizenship as a Canadian born abroad. You don’t need to be born in Canada. But it’s not automatic, you need to apply for it.
Thank You, I hear the permafrost is a shifting issue for homes etc.
I wondered. Climate?
Big differences from the lower parts that sit half way between the equator and the North Pole. Do us proud by joining all Canadians , again. We need help in NS.
Do you think maybe he was waiting to get all of those agreements in place with the EU countries before he called the election because he knew damn well that Poilievre would not do any of that?
He expects to call an election before 24 March .
Does the right wing not realize we have a parliamentary system? He's leader of the party that's still currently in power; he's been PM for 5 days & has used every one to begin shoring up our ties & security.
Parliament reconvenes literally right after this weekend.
He'll call the election soon.
Working together to advance sovereignty, housing & services in the Arctic is a glorious goal. Many Canadian hearts are definitely glowing brighter with this announcement. 💛💛💛 #MarkCarney4PM #MarkCarneyForPM
Another day, another positive action from our new PM. Trump's most recent FOX not-news meltdown underscores the fact that he doesn't belong at the G7, and will not be worth your time in the Oval Office. Frankly, I think he's very worried about you, sir. I like that.
So, Mr PM, do we have any plans to streamline professionals from hostile nations like our southern neighbour who want to leave and that we are in need of (say, Doctors and especially Nurses) into needed roles here?
If you haven't travelled in the far north you are missing a truly remarkable experience.
I taught in the NWT for 3 years. Amazing people, incredible landscapes.
Canada's North is not for sale.
Canada's North is strong and free, as is the rest of Canada.
Parliament will reconvene in 5 days. He's using his 1st 10 days as PM to strengthen natl & internatl links & plan for our growth & security in a Canada that can no longer trust its former chief ally. That kind of thing. I'm sure you wouldn't rather have him sit home critiquing his opponents.
I just had to share. I’ve always been a Liberal and hubby has always been a conservative but as of this afternoon he said to me ‘I really see what you see in PP and I don’t like it. I will vote for MC’. Patting myself on my back for no arguing and a stealth campaign in my house 😀. #mamaknowsbest
To me, my vote boils down to who is best to lead Canada. Period.
If we just compare him to the others as an applicant,,
Carney could be Green, NDP, Conpublican, etc. I wouldn’t care what party he belonged to.
I’m voting for this guy cause he is by far the best person for the position.
Who would've thought the world would become a battlefield once again instead of a Eden for our species...This is going to be a turning point in our history doesn't it?
Reflect carefully on the best way to act… always.
Respond calmly yet firmly to any abuse of power and injustice.
We should signal PM Carney @[email protected] & all of Canada 🇨🇦 that we are in solidarity with them by bringing Canadian flags to all protests and town halls. Let's show the world that we oppose Trump and will fight alongside our neighbor and ally to the North in fighting this fascist regime.
Trump using reverse psychology as if Canadians are dumb like maga 🙄. He wants PP to win and you to lose because he KNOWS you will stand up for our sovereignty! PP will bend the knee if he wins and Trump KNOWS IT! I 🙏 you are our PM because Canada needs you.
Excellent. Now, could you tell Israel to get out of Gaza and stop the bombing of children? The “but, Hamas!” refrain is bs and we all know this. Palestinians are going to be thrown out of Gaza because Israel wants their lands. We must not condone this.
I support you Carney, because actions speak far more than words and you appear to be a man of action while your competitor doesn’t even have any weight behind his words.
I kinda of laugh at P.P's newest ad where he attempts to copy the We Are Canadian tone, if that makes sense. All it really does is showcase his desperation. #NeverPollievre
We should signal PM Carney @[email protected] & all of Canada 🇨🇦 that we are in solidarity with them by bringing Canadian flags to all protests and town halls. Let's show the world that we oppose Trump and will fight alongside our neighbor and ally to the North in fighting this fascist regime.
The degree of Trump's sense of responsibility toward Canada is directly proportional to Ottawa's quantifiable strategic value within Washington's algorithm of interests.
I am a citizen of the country that he has declared war on. The same country that he had agreements with, which he is reneged on. Without a sense of responsibility or propriety, we cannot enter in any agreement - unless we have the might to curb future bad behaviour.
Excellent. Great first steps (along with the Montreal, Paris, and London visits.)
It's very important to deliver the results with those promised $s.
The Arctic is an integral part of Canada.
Thank you Mark Carney for serving the people’s needs and for fighting against the corruption of the fascist dictatorship unlike the conservatives who are manipulating with the “woke”mind virus. Keep defending our sovereignty at all costs. Canadiens have to support their democracy in trying times.🎯🇨🇦🇨🇦
Very happy to see this happening as a first move. I hope you run for the NWT seat, and give the good people there the recognition they deserve for their role in our history and future!
That would have to be part of any ultimate agreement From what I understand about China's approach to becoming the world power is based on everyone winning.
They seem to understand the benefits of having the infrastructure to allow their partners to succeed as well.
How can we even have a discussion about trading more with China when we learn today about their executions of four Canadians! China has to reflect on its human rights violations before we can even have this conversation!
I don't believe in the death penalty period. But according to their zero tolerance policy on drug crimes. They were given the same punishment as anyone else convicted of similar crimes.
How many Canadians do you think are serving ridiculous sentences in harsh American prisons for drugs?
China’s ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and Muslim minorities must come to an end. How they treat their workers, etc it’s all part of the same bullshit.
Americans prisons are just as dangerous, I agree!
I think we stand a far better chance of helping China improve their human rights if we have a better trade relationship. But if we are going to use human rights records to determine our trading partners, we won't even be able to trade with ourselves.
Canadian PM @mark-carney.bsky.social has formed an alliance w/ the UK, France & Australia. PM Carney has filled the leadership void & is now the de facto leader of the US Opposition. The Canadian alliance has nukes. The Canadian flag is the symbol for the Opposition & a signal we will fight w/ them.
"O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand.."
Maybe you and the liberal government can also finally start making it healthy too instead of just strong and free because we can’t really be strong without our health and since that hasn’t been improving…….
Real Americans support you. Please help us. We don't know what to do. Please, please tell all of our allies that our election was rigged. He admitted it several times on live television. He is destroying the USA to please Putin. It's insane! Please make this a very global and public thing, please.
It is a very global and public thing. The world is watching and understands that it's not the majority of Americans that support what Trump is doing. Stand firm, be courageous and join with others in the US who are doing their best to resist and overcome.
We can't help you. We got our own problems thanks to you. All I hear these days is that 75 mio Americans did not vote for the deranged 🤡 so why do I see Dems bending the knee and I don't see 75 mio out in the streets. Look at Serbia, see how it's done
Lack of bravery, unwillingness to endure any inconvenience, I mean, who can go protest if there's hot yoga at 5, and then Oprah is on? White, middle class Americans, the most privileged people in the world, I'm looking at you
We sure hope so! NO compromises that jeopardize our Sovereignty & Democracy! PC's are bought out by US Corporate Fascists now...it must NOT happen in Canada. Stop the Fake media sources here!
Always remember how Poilievre stood by and helped Harper sell out our country to China, Russia, Saudis, and India.
It's why they aided Poilievre in winning the leadership of the CPC.
CPC/IDU members are involved in several insurrection and coup attempts globally.
Do you have any idea what being on a war footing means? Are you unaware of the fact that Canada is fighting for the social structure we already have? And that includes all the rights that we currently enjoy. When or if the US decides to invade us, it’ll be all hands on deck to protect Canada.
Women will also die in a war.
Not including half the population in decisions about the social structure will not improve our chances
Unified includes the voices of women and the disabled and the other marginalized people in our society
I'm not giving up my rights because of hostility by the us
Nobody is asking you to give up any rights. It’s a transitional cabinet, and a war cabinet. Have you noticed we’re in the midst of an economic war and our sovereignty is being challenged? Think of the rights you’ll have as the 51st state, Texas comes to mind. Join team CDN and vote accordingly.
I do not require a lecture about the issues and problems men in suits have driven us to.
I would like to be consulted before my ass gets blown off, is all.
I've been pretty clear that none of this 51 bullshit flies with me, and I'm willing to step up should Canada need my old body to.
I’m gonna keep saying this we need to sign a specific agreement with the British and the French to help patrol our north with very powerful ships whether it’s nuclear submarines or battleships we need some muscle on our northern border. Canada can pay until it develops its own. Makes sense.
I wondered. Climate?
Big differences from the lower parts that sit half way between the equator and the North Pole. Do us proud by joining all Canadians , again. We need help in NS.
Wtf are you waiting for? You are allowing deep blue to rearm
He expects to call an election before 24 March .
Parliament reconvenes literally right after this weekend.
He'll call the election soon.
I taught in the NWT for 3 years. Amazing people, incredible landscapes.
Canada's North is not for sale.
Canada's North is strong and free, as is the rest of Canada.
Please remember Iceland 🇮🇸
If we just compare him to the others as an applicant,,
Carney could be Green, NDP, Conpublican, etc. I wouldn’t care what party he belonged to.
I’m voting for this guy cause he is by far the best person for the position.
Reflect carefully on the best way to act… always.
Respond calmly yet firmly to any abuse of power and injustice.
Because of that Mark, we really need at least 20 or 30 nukes.
We need that to gain more respect in the world.
It's not to attack a country , it's a deterent !!!
might be awhile.
or sense of proportion.
I am a citizen of the country that he has declared war on. The same country that he had agreements with, which he is reneged on. Without a sense of responsibility or propriety, we cannot enter in any agreement - unless we have the might to curb future bad behaviour.
It's very important to deliver the results with those promised $s.
The Arctic is an integral part of Canada.
Here's one:
More like do as we say or we will ruin you and your entire family.
... And the kindergarten is now downstairs.
High-ranking officers in the US military have been fired. Go get them! Same goes for trans soldiers, scientists, USAID staff, etc
Go look in Ukraine : They're already producing useful weapons. Set up this kind of production here in CA !
Should be easy.
Nothing else will get America and Musk to shut up and behave!
Giving Chinese auto manufacturing a toe hold in North America is the best way to demonstrate our economic sovereignty!
They seem to understand the benefits of having the infrastructure to allow their partners to succeed as well.
The threat alone would be big.
How many Canadians do you think are serving ridiculous sentences in harsh American prisons for drugs?
Americans prisons are just as dangerous, I agree!
🚫 #NeverPoiLIEvre
🩵Please repost into BlueSkyVerse
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand.."
It's why they aided Poilievre in winning the leadership of the CPC.
CPC/IDU members are involved in several insurrection and coup attempts globally.
Freedom is not just for men.
Do you have any idea what being on a war footing means? Are you unaware of the fact that Canada is fighting for the social structure we already have? And that includes all the rights that we currently enjoy. When or if the US decides to invade us, it’ll be all hands on deck to protect Canada.
Not including half the population in decisions about the social structure will not improve our chances
Unified includes the voices of women and the disabled and the other marginalized people in our society
I'm not giving up my rights because of hostility by the us
I would like to be consulted before my ass gets blown off, is all.
I've been pretty clear that none of this 51 bullshit flies with me, and I'm willing to step up should Canada need my old body to.
I bet your daughter is amazing!!