Please don't blame all Americans, although right now I understand if you do. Those of us with functioning brains LOVE Canada and HATE Trump/Musk/GOP and voted for Harris/Walz!
From the Blue part of the States, you go Canada! Help us #Resist Trump and Musk and their attempt to make America an oligarchic autocracy. Boycott the US. Tell us to go to hell. You have the support of Blue America.
Be it military, first responders or a multitude of other jobs it’s up to the individual to accept and mitigate risks or use the job as a stepping-stone to upgrade and find other work.
Hateful conspiracy theorist and Sandyhook denier Alex Jones says he and Pierre Poilievre think so alike that Jones considers Poilievre to be his "protégé," or "student."
Mark Carney will work with the Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, because he knows they are skilled, wise, and capable.
Pierre Poilievre, the man that brags that his politics have not changed in 20 years, admits that he will steamroll them, because he lacks a fundamental respect for any of them.
He did. But Harper himself wasn't that much better in his treatment of Indigenous peoples. He set back the relationship with Indigenous peoples by at least one generation. The Idle No More Movement was launched as a result of Harper.
I agree about Carney, but Harper was very corrupt. He silenced our scientists; he removed the laws that protected us from politicians taking money, privatized senior care, Then made money off it, and tried to weaken our election laws.
Harper also opened Cdn media up to foreign GOP-loving owners, barred select news media from the gallery, and worked his whole life to make Canada a deregulated hellhole (unless rich). American RW in sheep's clothing.
It's shameful. At the Assembly of First Nations General Assembly in Mtl last July, PP spoke at the Assembly and First Nations veterans, Elders and women stood and turned their backs to him for his entire speech. He is not liked.
I did see that and really cheered them on. Now I I know it must have taken great restraint. I admire them even more because my first thoughts of what should be done would get me arrested!
I love this because it’s an unintended consequence of the Trump administration. He’s delusional to think that other countries can’t build their military.
Trusting you with my vote in the next election dude. You’ve been here for like a week or two and already doing projects left and right like an absolute 🐐 no 🧢.
We want honesty you know. Tired of lying greedy politicians. Hope you don’t end up like them.
Build Canada’s defence by allowing law abiding citizens to own and practice with firearms at the range.
The RCMP does a thorough background check, and the process to acquire a PAL is intense.
Any citizen who is willing and able to help defend Canada and themselves should be given the right to do so
That's just an illusion, a false preception because Iceland doesn't have defence of any kind. It relies on others. It's essential for the usa, when they go for Greenland. Strategically, it's very important as a base.
I recruit for the trades and my husband is an equipment operator. Please take us. We are in Washington state. Canada should just take the entire state. 💙
I learned of Carney's financial exp, as well as his sense of humor when Jon Stewart interviewed him as a guest on "The Daily Show". This was before he declared as a candidate (he was pretty sly about it when Jon asked him if he'd consider running!) I'd flirt w/ anytime!
Did you see the episode w/ Mark Carney? I didn't know who he was until that interview (being American).
Jon Stewart is dead pan funny, and so freakin' intelligent! I started recording all episodes again when he came back to do Monday nights. I keep meaning to check into his podcasts, too.
Listen to Carney, starting at the 12:00 mark! Oh snap! This was in January. He said he was entering the race for PM, without saying he would be running for PM!
Grateful that the prospect of electing a PPoilievre majority is no longer a "cake walk"! But shocked that people like & want to resist Trump lies, but have caved to pressure to cut pollution pricing, to build MORE FF infrasctructure - not a solution!
🇨🇦🇺🇦I cannot remember a time where I’ve seen Canadians so passionate about our country! 🥊
Yesterday Donald Trump suggested “liberating” Canada-
which sounded eerily familiar to Putin justifying his invasion of Ukraine to “liberate” Ukraine from Nazism!
We must be LOUD & CLEAR!
Over our dead body! 🇨🇦🥊
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔 Yes-what has happened in Canada is the perfect example of what happens when you are tested & your patience has worn thin.
You cannot tolerate a next door neighbour abusing his wife or children & you’ve tried to ignore it.
And it wears on you because you know you are disgusted with the abuser…
…so finally one day you’ve had enough-the last straw-when the abuse is being directed YOUR way now—
It just won’t do!
You stand up to it & punch back!
Maybe it’s the romanticism of Canada always being perceived as an “underdog” that has sparked this movement even more-
I knew we had it in us! 🇨🇦
Thank you Tucson and the more than 23,000 people who came out to see me, AOC and Rep. Greg Casar.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
I never expected that every country in the West would be prepared for war. Here in France, every citizen will receive through the postal service a booklet whose object is a guide to survive in wartime, how many bottles of water are advised to be possessed, a radio set, and so on... Like in 1939!
Where's our Canadian survival manual? Kind of conflicts with our assault style weapons ban, the Ottawa Treaty, Non-Proliferation of Nukes Treaty? Should swallow our political pride for the sake of protecting our nation. I'd rather be wrong than dead. The price of leadership.
Canada was never within striking distance of a tyrannical hostile government until now. I don't know if we're more pissed off we didn't see this coming or the fact we've been forced to accept that Bin Laden was spot on about American infidels. Or maybe it just sucks you can't trust anyone.
I remember my entire life of knowing about politics, being like, "So... we all just... trust the American regime?..."
It blew my mind the level of blind trust we put in this deteriorating empire. Like, "let's NOT do military stuff anymore and funnel wealth into the US to build up defenses..." 🤦♀️
A few years ago I told people the US empire was about to collapse, or in an act of desperation, expand. I said I could imagine Canada being absorbed in our lifetimes. I was laughed at and told I worry too much, we're safe.
Honestly I was about 12 when I realized countries like Canada, Brazil and Australia have similar natural resources to the US, but weren't nearly as wealthy. Eventually the US is going to run out and coming looking. I just thought we had more time.
Exactly. They pillaged the global south and middle east for decades under the radar... and now the brics nations have formed an economic allegiance and are racing against the US to advance AI capacities for international hegemony over this tech. So NOW the US is desperate for our resources. 😭
Yah, I'm not sure people understand why Trump is so against globalization. In the global economy the US can't swoop in on poorer countries and pillage their natural resources. With free and fair trade the US has to pay market rates. That means transportation drives prices.
It’s been made clear we can’t join the EU (because we aren’t part of Europe…) and that’s perfectly fine. We can build strong allies and enduring trade relations with all of Europe. One of our favourite places to vacation as well 😊
Just keep publicly and in tv ads connecting Pierre to trump and a 51st state. Label him maple maga. That's all you need to do. Use his pro trump words against him. Loop him saying how much he hates Canada. Negative from his lips.
🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦PM Carney is exactly the person for the job, with innovation and knowledge he will bring us to a great sovereign nation. He has the balls to stand up to a tyrant. He commands respect when pushed. He will be the envy of dictators. Show them how be a true leader Carney🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
American here. Love you Canada! Do what you gotta do to protect yourselves from our demented orange maniac. We're doing what we can here, but it might take a while.
🇨🇦🇺🇦🍻🦐 Cheers!!
I will buy ya a few pints, eh??
PLEASE, America, if you want to do something to help your Canadian friends, please visit us out EAST first!
PLEASE support our local fishermen 🎣 who have been slapped with 100% tariffs from China! 🦐🎣
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦🎣
#NovaScotia 🇨🇦
#Canada 🇨🇦
Mr. Carney, I need to know that you will get tough on crime, all Canadians want it but only the Conservatives talk about doing it. I'm sick of hearing about the same criminals getting caught, out on bail and doing it again, out on bail and doing it again.
I'm in my mid fifties and so have been around a while. GW Bush was the last time there was such bad sentiment towards the US government. But that pales into insignificance compared with now. Trump has managed to unify peoples from round the world and is making the US small.
You might want to banish anyone from the Trump administration from getting into Canada. How much worse can it get? They're *already* threatening you, calling you "our 51st State." They don't believe in diplomacy, only gamesmanship. So tell them to piss off- we *loyal* Americans will stand with you.
I did not vote for Trump. I love my country. I love Canada and Mexico. Stay strong and free. Americans love you Canada and want you to be free of authoritarianism.
Can you PLEASE help🆘defend the MAJORITY of 🇺🇸’s from the pathological-lying, sociopathic MONSTER installed into OUR White House⁉️
We are here to help you!
#Trump /his sinister Cabinet are committing Crimes Against Humanity DAILY!
He is destroying 🇺🇸Democracy DAILY!
A☠️National & 🌎 #Security Threat!
I fully understand this all. Just creating some debate. I do not think you should be able to govern without being elected. Either Cons or Libs or any party..
Come on... That's how rules go in Canada. See Danielle Smith in Alberta or John Turner, a former PM. Elections will be called tomorrow. If you're not happy with the party's choice, just vote. But don't spread lies.
Please 🙏 consider a permanent road to Churchill, MB. It’s hard to fathom an Arctic sovereignty initiative without incorporating the only deep water port in the Arctic!
I believe they are trying to figure this out but do to bog it’s rough. Thankful there’s a rail line now I think after US bought old one and never fixed it. Hope so.
Youngest son headed for Churchill
Visited Montreal shortly 20 years ago but best memories are still from this Persian ad for Canada Dry from Shah times. 🙂
Mark, you need to understand that a lot of Canada’s security is directly linked to russian invasion of Ukraine! We must do everything possible to destroy russia in Ukraine!! Send weapons and weapons!
Hey, remember when Liberals mocked Pierre Poilievre for saying this? Like, just last year? I do. Can you come up with any of your own ideas, Mark? I mean, you are a Conservative by every measure, but this is just lazy. Do Liberals know this? Do they care? No. They are, too.
Well if that was like just last year I guess he missed the fact that it was already done in 2017. Mark is talking about expanding and expiditing what was put in place in 2017.
Canadians will stand tall and Canada will just get stronger and better in protecting its sovereignty.
Canadians businesses and consumers will change their buying practices to minimize suppliers from the US.
It is easy to loose trust and friendship and very hard to gain it back.
100%. Carney is going to bring our country together and we will put hardwork over money.
Carney will make military service mandated again so we can protect our country.
Mandatory military service, two years minimum. Those who cannot do military service, or refuse, can choose to do community service instead. Also, compulsory civics classes should be taught in schools. And mandatory voting for all Canadian citizens over 18, without exception. Everyone MUST vote.
I feel a huge sense of relief with PM Carney. I just hope 🙏 that our elections are 100% secure from tampering by Elon Musk and his cyber unit of incel hackers.
Trump will start a war sometime this year. And if Canada is invaded there are many Military Americans who will refuse that fight and many other Americans who will fight and die for Canada if that is what is needed to protect DEMOCRACY and freedom worldwide. #ElbowsUp God bless Canada 🍁🙏
🇨🇦 PM Carney is the de facto leader of the Opposition to the Musk/Trump regime. He's organizing w/ other world leaders a military alliance. He's the only one who has a plan. Let's show the world that we will fight alongside our neighbor & ally to the North in defeating this fascist regime.
Canada and Taiwan should develop a robust militia-based defense strategy focused on sabotage and drones to counter a potential American or Chinese invasion. This approach would align with asymmetric warfare principles.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is available, as is the Dassault Rafale and the Saab Gripen. Not to mention the BAE Tempest which will be even better than the F-35!
We need to enact article X.1 of the Non-Proliferation of Nukes Treaty in light of the "extraordinary events" of the US President calling for the annexation of our country. We need to follow Poland and get out of the conventions on landmines + cluster munitions. Mandatory military training for 16-55
Follow Denmark and do not buy American defense weapons, planes, chips, etc. They have kill switches, tracking, and can coerce compliance via supplies and parts
And we the Danes would love to let you secure the safety of Greenland together with us. Please Make it big, and give the Dump the mittel finger ! 🇩🇰🇬🇱🇨🇦
We got money for all that .. but we don't have dental rolled into our medical, our homeless pop is skyrocketing, due to no rent caps or affordable housing, grocery barons robbing us, no jobs due to automation & right wing fascists are in our gov't.
I’m British with no skin in the game of Canadian politics but I would definitely vote for this man. He did unbelievable work for the UK during his time as Governor of the Bank of England.
Hey Mark, though I am voting for your party rather than pee-pee because you are the best we have, you NEED to protect Canadians, you NEED to take the money saved from your smaller caucus and hire people to watch for scams and price gouging which are hurting our Canadian consumers daily FFS.
After watching multiple CBC gem Marketplace episodes, I am officially fed up with government and law enforcement! Why does it always take journalist to find faults and scams in our Country? Government and law enforcement need to get their asses off their chairs and start protecting Canadians!
Please keep that in mind!
But we do hate Trump and MAGAs.
Why did Poilievre want to attract these men to his party?
What does this say about what Poilievre thinks about women?
Pierre Poilievre is not PM material.
Pierre Poilievre, the man that brags that his politics have not changed in 20 years, admits that he will steamroll them, because he lacks a fundamental respect for any of them.
They’re, Indigenous aka
First Nations, Métis, & Inuit.
Sorry for quoting a MAGA, American-owned newspaper, but here's that story.
We want honesty you know. Tired of lying greedy politicians. Hope you don’t end up like them.
The RCMP does a thorough background check, and the process to acquire a PAL is intense.
Any citizen who is willing and able to help defend Canada and themselves should be given the right to do so
America need not be involved
one for all and all for one.
can I help keep quetico pristine?
You are our neighbors. I can't imagine the devastation in that region. So many traveled both ways for work.
I’m neither! But I’ll bag groceries if that’s what it takes.
Don't let this become your Dukakis moment.
Won’t happen again 🇨🇦
It’s what Trump is really after.
The north is strategically critical, especially as the climate warms.
One. It’s fun
Two. Trying to show you support
Three. Canada 🩵 anytime!
Jon Stewart is dead pan funny, and so freakin' intelligent! I started recording all episodes again when he came back to do Monday nights. I keep meaning to check into his podcasts, too.
This one?
What did you think of this interview between Jon Stewart and Mark Carney?
to annex me?
Love from NY
Love from NY
Annex me, baby 🩵
I’m more than confident in Canada leading the future
Yesterday Donald Trump suggested “liberating” Canada-
which sounded eerily familiar to Putin justifying his invasion of Ukraine to “liberate” Ukraine from Nazism!
We must be LOUD & CLEAR!
Over our dead body! 🇨🇦🥊
You cannot tolerate a next door neighbour abusing his wife or children & you’ve tried to ignore it.
And it wears on you because you know you are disgusted with the abuser…
It just won’t do!
You stand up to it & punch back!
Maybe it’s the romanticism of Canada always being perceived as an “underdog” that has sparked this movement even more-
I knew we had it in us! 🇨🇦
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
It blew my mind the level of blind trust we put in this deteriorating empire. Like, "let's NOT do military stuff anymore and funnel wealth into the US to build up defenses..." 🤦♀️
A few years ago I told people the US empire was about to collapse, or in an act of desperation, expand. I said I could imagine Canada being absorbed in our lifetimes. I was laughed at and told I worry too much, we're safe.
But alas, here we are. The nature of empires.
I’ve always looked at how that country treated its own citizens, the insistence on holding on to the Jim Crow Era hate
And ALWAYS known that the nation we were stuck with was best kept in sight. Safer
Unchanging/unchallenged law is an afront to good democracy.
The problem isn't trump changing the rules, the problem is him breaking them without thought, due process, or democratic accountability.
We will resist the Nazis in the White House.
Not a president telling citizens they are ‘a genius’ and acing a mini mental exam.1
I will buy ya a few pints, eh??
PLEASE, America, if you want to do something to help your Canadian friends, please visit us out EAST first!
PLEASE support our local fishermen 🎣 who have been slapped with 100% tariffs from China! 🦐🎣
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦🎣
#NovaScotia 🇨🇦
#Canada 🇨🇦
ᓇᖏᖃᑎᒋᕙᕋ ᓄᓇᕗᑦ
(I stand with Nunavut)
Mark, you are only positive. Canada needs positive.
I did not vote for Trump. I love my country. I love Canada and Mexico. Stay strong and free. Americans love you Canada and want you to be free of authoritarianism.
We are here to help you!
#Trump /his sinister Cabinet are committing Crimes Against Humanity DAILY!
He is destroying 🇺🇸Democracy DAILY!
A☠️National & 🌎 #Security Threat!
Do it!! Protect us please! 💪🏻🇨🇦
I love Canada 🇨🇦
You need to lead your Party and gain the confidence of Parliament.
I suspect everyone caught it and are just treating your post as if borne out of igorance.
Pick up a book dude.
💪🇨🇦 Mark Carney 🇨🇦💪
💪🇨🇦 Liberals 🇨🇦💪
Youngest son headed for Churchill
You better know what that means or they'll start a recall petition up your way.
Five Eyes now has one blinded with myxomatosis. Infection.
If #Dutton gets in with *maga big thinking* we will be your enemy😞 #AusElection #auspol
Canada is in immediate danger.
Canadians businesses and consumers will change their buying practices to minimize suppliers from the US.
It is easy to loose trust and friendship and very hard to gain it back.
Carney will make military service mandated again so we can protect our country.
This is Canada's moment to shine even brighter on the world stage, and assume the mantle of democracy.
We Canadians need to get back to nation building again, make Canada stronger than ever 💪🇨🇦
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
I’ll fight for you… can you adopt me?
Cancel the defense co trat with the American military. Buy our new planes from a reliable partner.
CAN: 240,000 km / 150,000 m
USA: 95,000 km / 88,500 m
IMO, USA really NEEDS Canada's protection from the north!
That would be so great.
Thank you for all you do
We can only be as strong as our weakest link.
I already feel safer❣️🇨🇦