Once you get used to it, they're way better. My buttcrack is like a lacquered piece of hardwood, a chemically hardened, smooth surface that poop and other ass-borne debris just sluices right off of.
I use the 20-grit, single-ply Scott paper. Mine ass is pocked and spongy like Vince washed his slap chop with it; it really seals the poo-particles in.
My dad did this on one occasion, and the best thing about that is I'm 99% sure that he himself never really wiped his arse for reasons too grotty to get into. I, on the other hand, very almost Johnny-Cashed my anus.
The one good thing he ever did for me was radicalise me communism-wise.
The one good thing he ever did for me was radicalise me communism-wise.
Yep. Did that.