No more financial support from me if Schumer does not vote NO ,I am pretty tired of giving time, energy effort and dollars when leadership does not have our back
These are resistance fighters in action. Bring it to the adversary. I'm grateful, Ken. Now it is up to us. Go to a town hall in your area. Do not forget that we are #StrongerTogether.
The DNC chair writing about the problems with spineless Republicans right now just seems like cover for spineless Schumer and others to vote yes, and the Dems pretend it's all the GOPs fault while they literally hand them the power.
Schumer literally locked his door today and hired police to keep his constituents out. What do you expect us as voters to do about it when the Dems we voted for are pledging fealty to a king.
Just disband your entire party, it's useless like this.🤬
Schumer and the spineless Dem leadership has to go. Republicans won’t work with us to oppose the unpopular, undemocratic MAGA agenda if some of us are working to further that very agenda! We have to be an unwavering pro-democracy foil to MAGA for meaningful bipartisan partnerships to flourish.
Its all just empty words if the Dems pass this bill in the Senate. He can't call the Republicans spineless when we have to deal with the likes of Schumer and Jefferies. It's the pot calling the kettle black. I just can't take this guy seriously until the party actually does something.
Weak Tea. Instead, launch attacks on Dem representatives. You'll have to clear out the Dem Party (your bread and butter) before we can do anything to the Republican Party.
So, Ken, what about spineless Democrat Senators who are caving on cloture without a fight??? Are you ducking that question today?? Thinking nobody is paying attention?
Come to SW Virginia! There are many veterans here, lots of people on medicaid/medicare and social security. I think you would find a receptive audience. Come to Roanoke!
Even after today, and today is critical, use this to email all the fragile snowflake Dem senators EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. You fill it out one time and it automatically sends it to all the cowards:
1/3 Why should we vote for Democrats ever again? The level of betrayal is outrageous. Because of the cowardice of Republicans AND Democrats, I had to watch my terrified students participate in active shooter drills for YEARS. Do you know what it's like to watch children be forced to be brave about
2/3 because these GROWN ADULTS can't even do the job that TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING THEM TO DO? You think you can keep doing this to us? Do you know what it's like to be shot in the heart at age 21 during WWII by the Nazis and become a POW for 2 years only to survive with severe trauma and die in your
mid 90's with the SAME BULLET in your HEART while watching your fellow Americans vote for TRUMP? Can you imagine how veterans feel? Speaking on behalf of my MANY deceased veteran family members, including my dad and grandfather, I'd like to tell you, the Democratic Party have betrayed their service
AND failed to protect this democracy for their offspring after they died. HOW could you possible be more of a failure? When you can't lead, get out of the effing way!!! If you're too scared to do your job, get out of the way! You are harming the vulnerable, disabled, elderly, kids, and more. FAILURE
I have been a registered independent for years however I can see a shift in the right direction the problem is a handful of establishment figures who are collaborating with fascist and trying to stop progress because they also serve the same oligarchs.
I agree with you in many, many ways. As a former government and constitutional teacher, independents are problematic and me be partially how we got into this situation. We are a two-party system because of the US Constitution. This video is very helpful and I used it when teaching.
Relay a message to the senate Dems for us, would you?
We see Schumer playing us trying to appease his Wall Street donors. We don’t like it. We want new leadership, and we’re going to advocate for primaries for every single senate Dem who doesn’t publicly call for new leadership.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Today was the last nail in a generous coffin. I’m switching to independent and never giving a single cent more to the DNC. It’s run by feckless cowards who just sold out the American people to a fascist dictator. Absolutely disgraceful.
A very important topic I agree. However, he is going to sell US down the river and then expect us to buy his book. Maybe we’ll need that money when we’re having to outfit homes for grandparents to come live with us when they’re kicked out of nursing home. He’ll be fine with his millions.
I don't really care any more. I'm a lifelong Democrat but am switching to Independent. I've lost faith in the democratic party; feel you're to weak to prevent the loss of our democracy, the loss of our independence. Can no longer trust Dem politicians. But, enjoy your photo ops. 🙄
Hate to break it to ya Ken but the money funnel is done. The base is done with the current leadership so if you want to be successful better make some changes.
You need to get rid of unless you want the dems to shut down contributions. I'm independet, but have contributed. If schumer votes with MAGA and y'all don't kick him out of senate leadership, it's over for me. You will never see another dime.
Apparently there are 8 "spineless" Democratic Senators also who are just going along with this BS CR that hand over even more power to the Musk/Trump regime. How about you let THEM know what we all expect them to do -- FIGHT BACK! 🤬
Schumer must be removed as minority leader. He's no leader and we need someone with balls who will stand for us, not fold. Also, remove Gillibrand as chair DSCC. I, for one, and many others will not donate to any of you until you start representing us.
Dude, there is no good faith with Republicans. They will offer you what you want to get your vote, then say sike. Get fucking real. We don't negotiate with nazis and call out Schumer. Ffs, one of you grow a pair.
Some of the replies are telling. Even when Dems do exactly what so many have been asking for, resistance and town halls brought to solid red districts, they still won’t be acknowledged by some who just want to be pissed. They are responding directly to demands, yet still get shit on. Just silly.
Thanks to Republicans AND Democrats, our country is now in the final stage of ending democracy and heading to a full blown autocracy. I’ve voted and supported Democrats for over 40 years until now. Thanks to senate Democrats voting for this horrific bill, I am officially done with democrats.
If you want people to take this party seriously again, get rid of Chuck Schumer and the other nine Democrats who just threw us under the bus. Use everything in your power to help push them out. Otherwise this is just word salad.
I'm boycotting the Democratic Party until we see big, structural reform and a change in elected leadership (at the very least). I encourage everyone to do the same. Democrats will understand nothing less. They have betrayed their base.
Full boycott. No donations. No volunteering. No votes. Nothing.
Fox News is going to parrot anything that the tangerine turd says. I am awake. I emailed my senator and asked him to push Chuck out of the way. If any good can come from this, I hope Schumer stepping down is it. (F)Elon wanted a shut down. That's scary
We know 9 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump
Please have a D rep come to TX-24. My rep, Beth van Duyne, reneged on her word to have an in person town hall and said that she'd have a telephone town hall instead where she can dodge hard questions and control the questioning.
I like this - strong language, taking action with the town halls... but none of it will matter if Senate Dems allow the CR and cloture. Every one of them MUST vote NO on BOTH.
Unless Schumer is ousted, I’m not going to rest until every single Dem Senator is replaced. They all wanted to vote yes, and they sincerely think we’re stupid.
To cover for the rest of them. I am not stupid. If the leadership does something the caucus sincerely hates, then the leadership has to change. If it doesn’t, then I am treating them all as if they are yeses.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Tell your party to stop aiding and abetting the Trump administration. Not donating another penny to the Democrats until they show some actual dignity and leadership
You can’t even get your leadership to agree on anything. How should anyone listen to you or the leadership right now. Failure!! You continue to try to play within rules while the other half uses every dirty trick in the book. Resign
You have a difficult job ahead because we were abandoned by senate Democrats and we won’t be sending any money until we get fighters leading the party. Democrats were rolled and I’m embarrassed by their capitulation.
Time for a war room to figure out how you will get our trust back and fight
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
The democrats are the one with no spine and no courage to fight back. As much as I hate trump and MAGA, you have to give them credit, they are united, they control the narrative and have the monopoly of social media . Today Schumer rolled over and voted to give MAGA even more power. I am disgusted
Poorly timed with the spineless Senate Democratic show today. DNC leadership is going to have to get on the right page if they plan to have a party moving forward.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
You guys really need to learn how to #fight as a team. For US. Because after today there's a whole lot of us who will NEVER send another dollar to any of you. Ever! And, if we get the chance to #vote again? Oh, right, killed #Democracy and any future chance of voting today 😔
I will never, for as long as I live, donate money to the national Democratic party again.
You guys screwed the proverbial pooch and I will give money to my state's Democrats, but I will never send money to an organization who is helping Donald Trump destroy our nation.
Nothing personal, but
You can just go fuck yourself if you think I will donate another fucking dime of my hard earned money to the DNC. What a fucking disaster you run. House going one way, Senate Dems another. Hope you like living in a fascist dictatorship, because of
what Schumer and the other 9 did. #growapair
Amazingly poor judgement to post this today. American Democrats are hurting. We have been betrayed. Can you at least try to speak about the 10 Senate Dems' votes on the CR?
I have at one time given thousands of dollars and knocked hundreds of doors . Was an officer on my local Dem committee . This party is dead to me if you don't fight .
It appears they are trying, this is a great message. The House is furious with Schumer, other Senators are furious with Schumer, Dems at large are starting to get the memo and now is the time to support those fighting , and extricate those who won't. Also, thanks for all your own efforts!
This isn't the message . I don't want to hear about bipartisanship with fucking Nazis who are destroying education public health etc. No . This isn't business as usual . More out of touch messaging .
I understand your anger. I feel we need to be creating a coalition, from as far left as it'll go to capturing those who either didn't vote, voted 3rd party, or realize the error of their most recent vote. This isn't business as usual, it's helping folks to see that they've been taken for a ride.
You're right . It's class war . It's 99 percent vs 1 percent and that includes most of Congress . But this war has too many fronts plus our own party . We are fighting for our lives and futures while they make deals with tyrants .
I agree completely, it's been driving me insane feeling like we're all on different pages and looking to leadership and they act like things are normal and we should just be patient. Things are broken and we (they) need to fight hard and loud. I hope maybe they are starting to. Solidarity, friend 🤝
TONE DEAF MEMO! Town halls because MAGA GOP isn’t listening????! How about the Dems risking cloture and passing of CR because Senate Minority LEADER IS NOT LISTENING to US today?!?! FFS, thought you would be different.
The US was born when the wealthiest colonists decided they would no longer be extorted by a tyrant. Billionaires forgot the democracy that regulates them is the one that protects them from tyranny. They can hire lobbyists to impeach Dictator Trump as a nonviolent solution in the national interest
It will be ALL for nothing if the CR passes. Warning you right now, us grass roots are going after Schumer hard. County and state parties are going to be flooded with various resolutions against him of no confidence, resignation demands up to and including censure. He cannot continue as "leader."
So -- WTF happened to Schumer and the other traitors today?? How are we getting them all out of the way so Dems who really represent and work for US can get in??
Are you also going to do something about the spineless Dems in the Senate who just voted for that appalling CR? They don’t look any better than the Republicans running away from their responsibilities.
Leaving the party after this stupid mess. Absolutely infuriating to hear this flim-flam argument from Schumer. This party is a joke right now and are only making it worse. Highlight those that speak out.
The US was born when the wealthiest colonists decided they would no longer be extorted by a tyrant. Billionaires forgot the democracy that regulates them is the one that protects them from tyranny. They can hire lobbyists to impeach Dictator Trump as a nonviolent solution in the national interest You now have a major uphill battle in the fundraising department. Disolutioned base. Thank you Colorado senators for holding firm!
I am starting to think NOT voting and NOT sending ActBlue Donations will be less disappointing than voting blue, giving money, and watching weak Democrats just roll over and let MAGA do whatever. It is the SAME outcome, but I spend a lot less. Get rid of Chuck Schumer!!!!!
Have fun with that Ken. Democrats in the senate just voted to make trump king. I’ve been loyal Democrat for 40 years. I vote, organize, canvass, donate and I am done with you dipshits.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Mixed feelings about this. Saying "Republicans will own the consequences" is weak. But I really want to see Democrats doing town halls in red states. But he could also have said "Schumer, fight or be primaried". There are three sides here and only one of them is the Republicans.
This is crap. “We’ll go and whine in town halls instead of voting NO on cloture which would be an actual stand against Trump and the Republicans.” What a joke. Not a penny for the Democratic Party until they do their jobs. too little too late. I'm going to repay the favor to the 11 spineless dems who voted against me today and Vote NO on on 11/4/2025. She can send her thank you cards to them. And in 2026? That will be a down ballot NO.
Why would you do that? Abigail didn't support this bill. There was a handful of senators and 1 from congress voting for this. The focus should be on getting the ones who voted w GOP out, they screwed us today, but not the ones we need to fight for us. VA can't elect a Republican govenor again.
I am DONE with the Democratic Party. You allowed Schumer to tank America and stood by watching because the Democrats are unable to stand as a united front.
As a test of your leadership, the CR vote yields a failing mark. It's crude, but bringing a knife-fight mentality to a gun-fight is resulting in the death of our constitutional republic, our right to vote, and respect for the rule of law. The moment demanded courage and we got acquiesce.
“We will not stand for this” rings a bit hollow after today’s capitulation. Why did we keep that filibuster, again?
Furthermore, Mr. DNC: local parties, Indivisible, Tim Waltz, Bernie and AOC are already out there doing what you say you’re going to do.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
We know 9 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump
The country is just cooked at this point. It's not a matter of if it goes full-on totalitarian but when. I'm basically done with the USA, it's going to either become what Nazi Germany wanted to be or it's going to Balkanize at some point and there will be civil war. I just hope I escape in time.
Not sure if you are aware, but this mix of Whigs, Know-Nothings, Vichy, and Quisling politics you guys (and lord knows, it's mostly guys) are offering is as appealing effluvia from a port-a-potty. You may wish to reconsider your options.
Bit late for that. If Senate votes to fund govt you'll have already lost most Democrats. Dems are enabling and normalising Trump. Dems in senate are now serving Trump rather than the people.
Time for the people to force the party to fight for us, or abandon them to the fascists in favor of another party like DSA or Working Families Party.
#DemRevolt #CleanOURHouse
Democrat donation boycott until Schumer and Durbin are gone.
Don’t let your tenure die before it gets started. The next step you need to take this weekend is find new senate leaders, make the announcement Monday.
Yea, Ken, hard to unify around this message when the people in your own party can’t ever get on the same fucking page. Push Schumer and Jeffries OUT. NOW. “(in 2025)Schumer has failed 2 start forging his team into an effective fighting force. The decision not to use the most outrageous Trump nominees to test new tactics, new arguments & upgrade Sen. & House comms was one of the biggest pol. mistakes I’ve seen since I came to DC”
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Why don't you actually TRY and win NY 21 House seat back! Invest in developing and supporting a strong candidate. You guys are lazy quitters. That's why we are in this existential crisis.
I get several pieces of fundraising mail a week from the DCCC and DSCC, which goes to the trash unopened. Forget the countless texts. Until the Dem leadership is changed, this will continue to happen. Period.
So Ken, are you saying you would allow the republicans to make us suffer in good conscience? As though the bottom line voters will remember that pain, “learn their lesson” in 2028, three years from now?
Schumer is already waving the white flag. I can no longer support or contribute to democrats until you get some leadership that isn't clutching their pearls and being feckless cowards
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
The US was born when the wealthiest colonists decided they would no longer be extorted by a tyrant. Billionaires forgot the democracy that regulates them is the one that protects them from tyranny. They can hire lobbyists to impeach Dictator Trump as a nonviolent solution in the national interest
The US was born when the wealthiest colonists decided they would no longer be extorted by a tyrant. Billionaires forgot the democracy that regulates them is the one that protects them from tyranny. They can hire lobbyists to impeach Dictator Trump as a nonviolent solution in the national interest
Going to be a lot harder now, that 10 Dems sided with trump. It WILL be thrown in your faces every time you go after the GOP. it will be ' Dems voted for it too" . Count on it ..
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
There was no fight when the budget passed. There's been no fight with one illegal activity after another. There is no fight as they try to criminalize the infrastructure bill. Criminalizing Habitat for Humanity? If we can't argue against that, who the hell are we? And now the crap CR. What.The.Fck.
Your statement is beautiful. But do you think Joe Shmo public is going to read the damn thing? Put it in a form that is easily shared and easily understood. Short, factual, sweet, informative,. Get creative! This is worthless. Even I don't want to take the time to read it, but I will.
Looks like you are going be real busy finding good primary challengers for the 10 people of the #SurrenderCaucus in the Senate. Good luck with that.
We know 9 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump
They should make an official website and craft a proper embed/unfurl that works cross-platform. Use some actual tech instead of lazily posting inaccessible screenshots of text.
We didn’t vote for the cowardly republicans, we voted for the cowardly If cloture passes, what are you going to do, tell us the next fight will be the one… again? At which point do we reach the mythical world where you stand up for us? has got to go!
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Day late and a dollar short, Ken. Since some Dems refused to vote against cloture and the CR, they willingly sided with the Republicans, Trump, and Musk.
We know 10 Dems got paid. Now you know what needs to happen to impeach Dictator Trump, we’ll have to purchase Repub votes. US democracy has been nearly completely transactional since Watergate. Impeachment is the only nonviolent solution to Putin’s Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump.
Come to Missouri. We have numerous GOP-controlled districts all over the state and these GOP Congresspeople and Senators refuse to set foot in the state more than they have to, let alone hold town halls. You’ll also find that our state leg. is trying to undo the amendments/props we voted for in Nov.
Or they could just do their jobs and vote on behalf of the American people and the Constitution. Why did Senate Dems fall?! They lost the party. Their words and cries for unity are empty. Schumer claimed a united voice and bailed with *10* others. The uprooted all faith we have in our leaders.
Then resign, you are not listening to what the country wants. You stabbed the House Democrats in the back. The DNC needs to put pressure on him and force him to resign. You are not understanding the results of the election Nov 5th, 2024.
🧵2/2 Plus, Schumer had his own constituents ARRESTED at his DC office.
Straight from tRump's playbook.
It should be obvious that a Senate Minority leader of the Democratic Party - who blatantly supports the Republican Party - is DEFINITELY NOT acceptable.
Ken it is time to push Schumer into retirement. He is starting to look like President Biden when he announced his 2nd run. Enough already. People spoke loudly for a change and this needs to be a part of that change.
What are you going to do, hold a town hall about your own failure?
Tell Schumer and Masto Cortez to Vote NO on Cloture and the CR while there's still time.
Every day. Let's see the outrage. I don't want to read someone's account of it.!
And you're taking credit for something Tim Walz and Bernie Sanders started.
Don't tell us, tell the Dem traitors. 🤬
Just disband your entire party, it's useless like this.🤬
BTW, until there is a change in the Senate "leadership", you won't be getting a penny or a minute of my volunteer time.
If Schumer, Durbin, Murray are not removed you can forget about me.
Fuck Schumer and Durbin.
Your party is completely irrelevant
We see Schumer playing us trying to appease his Wall Street donors. We don’t like it. We want new leadership, and we’re going to advocate for primaries for every single senate Dem who doesn’t publicly call for new leadership.
Ol’ Chuckie Boy is really going to make fundraising tough. Maybe he’ll donate profits from book sales?
A book tour? 🤦🏻♀️
Call each of these Senators to NOT vote with the GOP & instead grow a spine. Each number starts with 202-224
Schumer - 6542
Hassan - 3324
Peters - 6221
Durbin - 2152
Schatz - 3934
King - 5344
Shaheen - 2841
Fetterman - 4254
Cortez Masto - 3542
Gillibrand - 4451
Because today will already end bad or worse, and either way we must pick up the pieces and fight on.
Coons is on right now saying pass it and stay to fight. Very confusing.
“No” on cloture for CR or it tea party time for whatever rump remains of the Democratic Party.
Full boycott. No donations. No volunteering. No votes. Nothing.
Also, what is it with Dems and these unreadable white on blue typefaces? Impossible to read on the phone. Call a real designer.
Time for a war room to figure out how you will get our trust back and fight
You guys screwed the proverbial pooch and I will give money to my state's Democrats, but I will never send money to an organization who is helping Donald Trump destroy our nation.
Nothing personal, but
There will be hell to pay in those town halls if Schumer and others vote for the CR.
what Schumer and the other 9 did. #growapair
Apparently was the one who should have been in leadership.
These are hard to read on social media. Just use white background and black font and space it out better.
Town halls are fine, too, but right now, Schumer needs to be removed as minority leader. Thank you Colorado senators for holding firm!
I feel so betrayed.
Good luck fund raising.
We’re leaving the party.
Furthermore, Mr. DNC: local parties, Indivisible, Tim Waltz, Bernie and AOC are already out there doing what you say you’re going to do.
And while you’re at it, maybe you could tell Leader Schumer he’s undercutting everything you’re trying to do with his feckless surrender.
We’re going to vote EVERY DEMOCRAT OUT regardless of how they voted individually.
#StandTogether or we #ThrowTheBumsOut
#ShutItDown or we will #VoteYouOut !
This party is becoming a major disappointment. is a primary example of the kind of spineless leaders that we produce.
#DemRevolt #CleanOURHouse
Don’t let your tenure die before it gets started. The next step you need to take this weekend is find new senate leaders, make the announcement Monday.
Diverse groups opposing Trump-Musk agenda coalesce around date for nationwide protest.
We will fight for sure but not because YOU are telling us to!
Looks like you are going be real busy finding good primary challengers for the 10 people of the #SurrenderCaucus in the Senate. Good luck with that.
(Ken, ALT isn’t useful if you only do it for part of your statement)
(I gave up on making fake trump tweets ages ago, cos I couldn't be more absurd than reality)
Schumer is a Quisling and if he votes for cloture or the CR the entire party is done for forever, thanks
Y'all lost a whole generation of lifelong Democrats today; who won't:
- Vote Blue No Matter Who
- See you as the "lesser of two evils."
- Look to Democrats as the voice of resistance and change.
Dems showed us who they are today.
We believe them.
Then resign, you are not listening to what the country wants. You stabbed the House Democrats in the back. The DNC needs to put pressure on him and force him to resign. You are not understanding the results of the election Nov 5th, 2024.
if Senate Democrats 'are' TRULY UPSET over Schumer's betrayal:
The process for removing a Senate Minority leader is relatively simple and can be done via an ordinary resolution -
if a majority of the party's senators meet + decide on a replacement.
Straight from tRump's playbook.
It should be obvious that a Senate Minority leader of the Democratic Party - who blatantly supports the Republican Party - is DEFINITELY NOT acceptable.