A billionaire talking about getting by with less is why we should have never gotten rid of guillotines
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☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️
Here one of Elon Musk's lickspittles explains their plan: Persuade regular Americans to accept huge cuts to Social Security and Medicare so that billionaires can get gigantic tax cuts. I don't think they'll be able to pull it off, but we'll see.
We should fight for the proper word usage, when it's appropriate.
It was a neat trick to add negative connotations to the most appropriate word.
And their MAGA Republican supporters will probably justify their pain…
“Well if we need to cut SS and Medicare because Donald Trump says so…” to them I say ENJOY!
(I really think this is going to be a hard sell. 98% of their voters were pissed off to think anyone got something for free that they had to pay for. Now, no one will get anything for free. It won't free up any free stuff for them either.
As he lies through his brand new teeth, he is...
Carcinogenic (Carcinogenic)
Over-working, working nurses and teachers
Whilst you preach austerity is...
Carcinogenic (Carcinogenic)