Can you imagine if Biden had nominated a child fucker for Attorney General?
How come Republicans aren't giving Trump heat for this?
How come Republicans aren't giving Trump heat for this?
He can go to the next session, he was elected. It really sucks.
This is like a $200 Jeopardy question.
The same reason how Trump was close friends for decades with one of, if not the most, prolific child sex traffickers and yet all MAGA does is make excuses for his friendship with Epstein.
The only thing that matters is that the price of eggs goes down and that there are fewer brown people coming into the country.
We have got to accept that if we ever want our country back.
“The guy with a current House Ethics probe on sexual misconduct?What the fuck! - Rep. Maxwell Frost
“Are you shitting me?” Rep. Mike Simpson
“He’ll never get confirmed, it’s the greatest day. It’s the best birthday I’ve ever had.” Rep. Max Miller
Squeakers and complainers better duck, quick.
They don’t care about reality or ethics or morality - only that they are in control.
Hell, Trump's very freedom depended on the election. Should we not assume those around him were in the same situation?
Basically if your guy does it, all is good. Got your team scarf wrapped so tightly round your neck, your brain loses the oxygen required to have a thoughtful opinion.
You're either on the team or you're not, and if you're on the team then you have the protection of the team. Gaetz's indiscretions will be overlooked as long as he delivers whatever Trump demands. If not, all of the info they have on him will come out and he'll be on his own.
“God” bless their brainless little skulls.
Do you see the Catholic Church protecting the kids and not the priests?
“He’s a pedo, but at least he comes to church”
They've seen what happens when one dares speak out againt the self-deified idiot.
1. Indivisible Plan:
2. 10 ways to be prepared and grounded now that Trump has won
Serious. “I don’t even know who that is…” okay I guess. Just trust the Dear Leader.
Plus they condone it.
Because nothing matters, apparently.
Big difference
I can’t count how many times I have been called one on the other site.
It’s so fucking weird that they back actual pedophiles.
Projection is real.
That's why they're so busy accusing Democrats of pedophilia.
What a jackass.
A complete nightmare. Biden can clearly prove he’s a threat to The Constitution. Joe swore an oath to defend that document w/ his life. Do it!!
Total #fascism loyalty
There's a thing here it's called just us and a thing for everyone else justice (where you are accountable)
But the just us get a free ride
#AboveTheLaw not what you know but Who
Crickets from the other side.
Nothing. Absolutely Nothing they say has any value, or even any meaning at all…
If it is valueless, listening is to be a victim of its intentions.
Moving to Bluesky is step 1 to regain the time to defeat them.