I’m a cafe au lait girl bc I’m from Louisiana & it’s torture if I have do drink any cawfee that’s not community cawfee with chicory in it. I likes it blonde bc as a baby & toddler we were raised up on cawfee milk in our bottles as well as sweet tea and cocola( coke) lol
Nice unit. Little tip about corn. I have a similar mill and I had given up on grinding my blue corn as it is so hard and hard on the motor. My daughter showed me to crack it first on the widest setting, then grind it for either corn meal or flour.
Oooh! I just re-started my sourdough starter yesterday (this one has been named Doughy Tribbiani) and was discussing whether we should buy a mill soon.
Looks perfect! First bread I made was French or Italian bread (I forget which it was) I love a crusty bread and it said to basically baste it at one point to make it crusty. Of course I did it 3x and ended up with a long rock!
Nice. We're fans of milling our own flour too. It does make a difference to be able to mill fresh flour right before baking. Do you do a mix of berry types?
Good job !!! That is a lovely loaf.. My first loaf turned out like a rock as I have no patience and didn't wait long enough to let it rise properly.. Bead making is an art.. 😆
I actually did the dough cycle in my brad machine. Then I took it out, put it in my stone breadpan, had a second rise in the oven. Then I scored it, put some butter and kosher salt on it. And baked it at 400 for 30 minutes (190 internal temp).
Nice congrats!! lol first time I made bread from scratch almost 40 yrs ago I woke everybody up made them eat it with butter on it hot & fresh - at 3 am lol
Getting our first bread machine this week. Part of our "Preps for the Tariff Grocery Budget". Read up on the joys and pitfalls of yeast. Hope the trials and errors are outlived fast due to the $. But pics like this inspire
My flour mill was one of the biggest/best purchases this poor ol' hippie girl ever had. Also a *large* weaving loom. Lost both of them along the way. Still do my own microsprouts, though!
It's that easy.
Great job -
Did Care Bear help to grow the wheat, thresh it, take it to the mill, then bake it into bread?? 😉
Like a lot of foods that aren't processed, you taste the food more.
I basted it in butter before I baked it and again after after it was done. Kerrygold of course.
Care Bear😺
Sorry I don't know who to credit for the photo.
Be careful! I’ve got something like ten 5 gallon buckets of grains (at least 6 kinds, probably more, I’m afraid to count!)
And just curious, did you milk the cow then bust out the ol’ churn as well? 😆 🐄 🧈
however, i do not understand how people allow their cats (or other small pets) onto counters and other area where food is prepared and/or served
I always wipe down the area before I use it, even if it's clean.