The word "retard" as a noun did not become acceptable just because MAGAs use it. Nor are any derivations of it.
If you do that, you're an asshole. I don't care who you voted for.
If you do that, you're an asshole. I don't care who you voted for.
"A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth."
Also let's distinguish between lack of academic intelligence versus lack of moral character. I know simple-minded people who are kind, and clever people who are cruel.
Musk uses it, & as far as I am concerned, it is a word as disgusting as those used to denigrate people of any disenfranchised population.
F*ck Musk & his fellow MAGATs.
The word 'fuck' isn't, but that one is. Every time.
A teammate of my kid got benched, in the middle of a game, for calling an opponent that this season.
Shut that shit down, everybody.