get him out of anything to do with education don't forget he paid Wikipedia to remove the information for him getting funding for school when he claimed he was poor by a democrat
This is about the ability to criminalize something in order to impose a monetary benefit to the state than it is anything else.
From experience...cell phones are a distraction.
Removal increases engagement.
The state wants money.
Don't pay or multiple violations will land you in jail.
Exactly. Remove the access to guns and then let’s remove cell phones in schools. I have zero public policy strategy experience and this seems like basic logic.
No joke, our district sent out a survey for input on banning phones. I put basically that response in the “other” field. Focus on what’s killing our kids people.
When they can guarantee kids safety at school then we can talk. Until then, I will be able to see where my kid is at all times and have the ability to call them.
We had a lockdown for a kid with a gun. Heard it from my daughter first. The school contacted parents at the end of the day. Kids should have their phones.
That is the first thing I think of when I read about schools wanting to take phones away. I think about who will call the police if not that little elementary school girl? Who will tell their parents good bye?
I had to do this once. I received a call about mid-day from my 12yo son at school on his cell phone. He was whispering that they were all on lockdown. He said there was a guy walking around his school with a gun. They put all of the kids in the cafeteria, and he was hiding under a window.
I could hear kids crying. My son’s voice was cracking. I heard a teacher tell him to get off his phone. I told him the same. He said “I love you, mommy.”
It was just a deranged man with a fake gun walking around the school perimeter.
There's a significant enough subset that want phones gone because they record things that shouldn't happen. Children are prime targets for conservatives to bully into compliance, whether that's for sexual purposes or labor.
It is infuriating that as a parent, I understand my kids having a phone is a huge potential for distraction but I will fight my school to allow her to have it because of school shootings. I'm so damn tired of looking forward to summers, not for vacations but to know my child won't get shot at school
That’s been my stance, and whenever I say it I get lambasted. Until they do something to curtail the shootings, kids should be able to call 911 and their parents. They can figure out a way to keep them offline during class with the ability to get them for the worst case scenario.
My kids school the principal grabbed the phone out of a girls back pocket of her jeans. Her parents are suing him and school district. They said he has every right. Oh no they don’t. They will allow unvaxxes kids into schools here. But god forbid they have a cell phone or Tylenol.
We had a bomb scare at our high school last year. (there'd been 3 other bombs at schools nearby) Kids were told to "GET TO THE FOOTBALL FIELD. NOW" We only know this because kids called their parents. School said "no way" to send out text. Except snow days. Teacher service days. etc etc etc
Yup. Teachers complained to me that my kid was on her phone in class, many times. I finally just locked her phone during school hours allowing only select numbers to be used during school. Problem solved. It’s called parenting 🤷♀️
One of my kids ignored me when I told him expectations for school performance. Basic stuff like do your homework. He ignored that, did not do his work and was failing. Umm. Locked all his devices from home WiFi, could only call or text me. Was surprised and had the convo and voila. Lesson learned
Oh, you were guessing? This is very real lmao. And it’s called parenting. You buy this stuff for your kids, time to get informed on how to make sure they use it in a way you approve. It’s called parenting lol
My kids were teens in middle and early high school. Not working. When they got jobs, up to them how to spend their money. By the time they got to that point, they had learned and shenanigans were done thankfully
Lol. I had ingenious and mischievous kids. They forced me to up my game. I discovered I could record the MAC address of every device I purchased for my kids and lock them from my home wifi too. Sass me, mock me, ignore me…no problem I just blocked you from home WiFi and you can only text me 🤣
Yes. The parents that get me are the ones that worry about the kid's "privacy". JFC. The LAST thing a teen need is privacy. My daughter told me something in front of her friends, who told she shouldn't tell parents that. She just said "I tell my mom everything. It's how I know it's ok to do it."
Whether you thin phones are good or bad for society, that genie is out of the bottle. They're hear to stay now like it or not. Realistically, I think we need to find a way to incorporate them into schooling in the same way they should be incorporated into the workplace. They're here now.
Yup. Teachers complained to me that my kid was on her phone in class, many times. I finally just locked her phone during school hours allowing only select numbers to be used during school. Problem solved. Parents could solve this on their own and kids keep their phones
It's not about any time taken from studies, as they would like to frame it. They want our kids to be vulnerable and not be able to provide proof of wrongdoing, that's the main goal.
These same hogs when teachers suggested this for years and years: "DON'T TELL US HOW TO RAISE OUR KIDS!!!! YOU DON'T GET TO TAKE MY KID'S PHONE! WHAT DON'T YOU WANT RECORDED!?! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING!?!"
The kids should always have the ability to call their parents. We used to have pay phones at school. Let them have the phones in case of a school shooter!!! These people are insane!!
As a school board member I do think smart phones can be problematic. Give kids a flip phone - a communication device that they can use in emergency, but the distraction factor is much lower. That said Vivek is awful.
It's really more effective to give them a flip phone. And it is a marginal tactic to keep it in their backpacks. Also there are significant costs to provide the 'phone pockets' & the monitoring of inappropriate use. Better to get kids a dumb phone.
How about this? When the kids come to school they turn in their phone and are handed a Glock. At the end of the day they turn in the Glock and are handed their phone.
Valid point for sure, and they’ve failed us on gun safety, but I can’t deny I support no phones in schools. Dumb flip phones w/text tech would suffice, in the event of an active shooter, but smart phones should be banned.
This! My exact thought about yondr pouches. I ask my kids if the teachers are able to open them in class in an emergency. Then told her to she will need to find scissors.
MPK if they cared about kid’s they would give them a lunch everyday so this is just another example of all of us being throw away people no matter your age color or anything else. Trump’s AMERICA suck’s donkey D_CK'S
Nope, the need phones to record shady shit going down and this is exactly why he wants them gone. If they think they’re doing genitalia checks in bathrooms and in sports without permission…. Then kids need to be able to protect themselves and contact parents should something inappropriate arise.
I guess he’s finished licking his wounds and mustered up some nerve to show his face again after he was fired from Doge on his day off for being darkskinned ..😂😂😂😂😂
The reason why they want cell phones out of schools is so that kids can't record their Nazi-sympathizing teachers behaving like Nazis themselves.
I would rather see religion out of the schools.
This blows my mind. I agree with no phones in classrooms but it's not possible bc of what u said. How will they say their farewells or even call 911? We've seen kids call 911 during shootings. This is so fucking sad.
My Grandsons Math teacher tried to take his phone... 1 time.
I told him to tell any staff member this.
"My Grandmother said When you can assure her 100% that will not be a school shooting, I will let you have my phone, until then It stays with me"
After telling that to his teacher, there was a school shooting at a neighboring school and there were credible threats for this school.
This was the 4th lock down in 3 months.
I pulled him out after that.
Kids should feel safe in school, but they don't.
Tbf, I can, as a hs teacher of 26 yrs, confirm cell phones do contribute to less safety in school for a variety of reasons. Of course, guns are also a serious danger and we have had a few scary incidents, but the phones are a daily problem. Even the kids openly acknowledge this.
When will Mr Ramaswamy realize that he is totally the wrong color to be sucking up to the fascist regime. When Musk sticks him and his family in a concentration camp, he'll have loads of time to think about it.
Special ed parapros use cell phones in emergencies if a student has trouble in a classroom. Diabetic students use smart phones for Dexcom or other devices. Students who are escaping domestic violence need access to their safe parent. Students suffering from ptsd from school violence, sexual assault
His way means when ICE hauls the kids away to be sold into slavery with the Republican Party gathering the profits, parents can no longer track their children. It makes it easier on the slave traders.
At the core of all Republican policy is kill as many “useless” people as you can in any way possible and they are removing protections that keep us alive to do so . It is calculated murder of millions we are seeing unfold before our eyes.
Yes. When kids can’t call for help when the gun nuts show up to shoot up the place. Get guns outta schools then go do the phones. Or is that just too complicated for you?
And it’s so absurd, especially when you see the amount of money they are spending on executing their plan4 this new rule. Back in the day we were told no gum, candy, hats, radios, walkman. It was simply stated, you may get a warning but there were consequences and you had to pay the price if caught
LAUSD has taken away the phones- they go in pouches. Terrifying especially since the fires in LA in January when they evacuated my granddaughter’s school in Pacific Palisades and sent them to a school in LA and was on the phone with my daughter.
I've received that call from my sons under their desks when a man was found in their middle school parking lot with a rifle. I'm grateful they had their phones. One asked, should I run?? I will never forget that day and I was do grateful I could talk to them when they were terrified. Fuck Vivek
I agree kids should have their phone in case of emergency. But, have you seen your kid in class on their phone while the teacher is giving a lesson? I have. Then parents blame the teacher for not doing their jobs. Kids need to be responsible and respectful too.
Actually Illinois had a wide consultation and decided to take away the phones from classrooms
Security will be sorted differently but teachers gave clear indication that was a needed step to improve children's focus
Exactly, I’m so glad my kids made it through their education without being shot. They did text me during lock downs, grateful we could have that connection during incredibly scary times.
Believe it or not, that's already come up. They want a couple designated phone holders in the classroom. Presumably they can take turns going to Mom's VM.
Notice Cincinnati St. Xavier Vivek only wants them out of "public schools"--the ultra rich private schools in Ohio can have phones and an $8000+ voucher for every kid in those private schools---it's become horrible here in Ohio!
I was a political prisoner of China. I would like to tell the American people, to whom I owe my freedom, especially my Republican friends, that the US is not Xi’s China; At any moment you should and can unite and oppose and stop Trump’s authoritarian tendency without being put in a Gulag or shot.
I think this every time one of my kids tell me that they’re not allowed to have their phone. Like hell! I don’t care if they get in trouble. I’ll deal with that. They WILL be able to contact me!
f—k all the way off
Also, I thought they wanted to “leave it up to the states?” Thats all I’ve heard, ad nauseam.
Plus, how long will public schools even be around w/ elimination of the DOE and the pushing of charter (aka, indoctrination school) voucher bs.
From experience...cell phones are a distraction.
Removal increases engagement.
The state wants money.
Don't pay or multiple violations will land you in jail.
ICE, we have a shipment to El Salvador ready.
This post gives me chills.
The #Ramaswamy post is un-American.
It was just a deranged man with a fake gun walking around the school perimeter.
So yeah, maybe kids should have cells in school.
Wait doesn't he know Zuck banks on kids using his paltforms during the school hours. So much so Zuck even created a firewall work around for kids.
I didn't know you could 'select' a number and lock the rest!
I'm a genius and didn't know it! 😂
Cell phones/chat rooms etc ... all before my 'parenting' time!
You are now asking parents to bear the cost of replacing phones their kids already own. Nope.
They have their priorities fucked up!
Defund public schools by vouchers/tax reductions
Prioritize chaplains over mental health professionals in schools
Remove all gun free zones
Arm our teachers
Our teachers are indoctrinating our students
Our reading scores are abysmal
All complaints and attacks
No solutions
Maybe a tv next to the 10 Commandments.
That is the Ramalamadingdong Plan!
get conservatives and their hate, Bibles and guns out of schools.
I would rather see religion out of the schools.
I told him to tell any staff member this.
"My Grandmother said When you can assure her 100% that will not be a school shooting, I will let you have my phone, until then It stays with me"
This was the 4th lock down in 3 months.
I pulled him out after that.
Kids should feel safe in school, but they don't.
Oh wait! that's a UK woke news site, that's not real research I hear the right shout!
Cell phones are not out in any classroom I know of. The kids who have them need to have them in their lockers or backpacks.
Idk what more he wants, because parents won't take their kids' phones away.
Signed, a disgusted Ohio resident.
Education: Yale Law School (2013), Harvard University (2007), St. Xavier High School (2003)
Security will be sorted differently but teachers gave clear indication that was a needed step to improve children's focus
Agreed 💯