The fuck are you supposed to do when the parent who emotionally and physically abused you and made your life hell when you were growing up sends you a text coming out as gay decades down the line and seems to be expecting some sort of support. Asking for a me, because this just happened and…
Put the blindfold back on and ignore the text?
I think you can both hold your boundaries with them but also still be somewhat congratulatory (if you want) that they’ve begun to figure their shit out?
And remember all your feelings are valid. And this doesn’t change how they hurt you, or absolve them of it either.
If you’re on good terms with her and open to that kind of emotionally loaded scenario
Also, they don't deserve your support. They can deal with the consequences of their actions
… but probably professional therapist help… for you, them, and any others directly impacted!
Good luck and best wishes
I thought I was done with therapy for a few years 🥲
Seems sadly not… but at least you know how to approach the process and that I can help? :)
Contact can be a mind-fcuk
They need therapy.
I sent him a link to some local therapists with appropriate specialties and said good luck.