Folks, I need to say something. The number one rule of protesting is know your organizer.
If you don't know who is organizing an event near you (including a widely advertised rally), you should find out.
I have DEEP concern right now about "peaceful protests" seeding violence.
If you don't know who is organizing an event near you (including a widely advertised rally), you should find out.
I have DEEP concern right now about "peaceful protests" seeding violence.
It pays to be careful.
Visit your local senators if you can. That sounds even better than a phone call.
It's imperative.
And don't circulate anything for events where you don't know who is organizing it.
Once I find out, I will let others know.
But I am asking for caution because I am concerned about safety.
And until big orgs sign on to something (indivisible, WFP, AFT, SEIU, DetentionWatch, etc.) you should be very cautious.
Who is obtaining permits? Who is providing security? Who is obtaining the required stages and port-a-potties and providing safety training? Will there be descalation monitors in the crowds? Will there be legal advisors present?
Dear lord.
If Indivisible, etc., have signed off on something, fine. But anonymous is an ENORMOUS red flag.
Please, please do not be a person who amplifies unverified/unverifiable events.
Would love to hear a longer list of respectable national groups that are actively organizing protests now.
Trump had Texas prison guard corp @ the Church where he held Bible upside down. Imagine now after he’s tried 2 compromise DoJ?
Vague, no time or Org