OH MY GOD the mansplaining whenever I try to explain basic principles of law here.
OH MY GOD the non-lawyer mansplaining.
The absolute gibberish gall of thinking you know more than someone with a 28 year old law degree who spent fifteen years practicing in the federal courts.
OH MY GOD the non-lawyer mansplaining.
The absolute gibberish gall of thinking you know more than someone with a 28 year old law degree who spent fifteen years practicing in the federal courts.
Follow me, God protect democracy. 🙏🇩🇪
Facts don’t matter when you have an orange Messiah to tell you what to think.
Ps 1. Using the word Mansplaining, even though mansplaining men excist, the word thrown at people who don't this or that build walls.
That's my two Swedish öre.
PS 2. He was an idiot. And they come plenty.
So much asshattery.
Hate it when you’re right.
And you are only trying to save them a lot of wasted energy.
Confident, secure men love smart, accomplished women because we can do more together.
$150,000 law degree plus two decades of interest clearly meaningless.
Expertise matters. Dumb ass shit on the internet translates to dumb ass shit in real life, and the last thing we need right now is false information that feeds despair.
Always with impressive confidence from someone so entirely wrong.
As a non-lawyer, my brain is absolutely scattered by this. Any knowledgeable insight would be appreciated. 🥺
get before i believe you.... and if its not a tik tok craze it can't be true....
Holiday Inn Expressinism at its finest.
Go Elizabeth 👊
revealed with such clarity as today.Their privilege put them in the position of being literally the dumbest person in ANY room, yet they (WMs) still believe their privilege *makes* them smart.Dudes, if you don't know who we're talking about, it's YOU
Q: Where does a pedant get their water?
A: From a "Well, actually..."
Thank for taking us with your thoughts and knowledge. I'm glad I learned the president isn't immune in all cases
What the hell?
TYT or someone will be on it. It might be epic. I can't see how he helps himself.
Meanwhile, people like US District Court Judge Aileen Cannon has sort of lowered the value of shares in legal credentials (or work for the federal system) haven't they?
That's why I follow lawyers.
I can't with these people...