Tomorrow, my bill repealing the ban on same sex marriage will be heard in House Judiciary at 8am.
The ban on same sex marriage has remained in our state constitution since the early 2000s, despite being deemed unconstitutional for the last decade. It's time to remove it.
The ban on same sex marriage has remained in our state constitution since the early 2000s, despite being deemed unconstitutional for the last decade. It's time to remove it.
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
you're doing great
(It seems trite to say that because there is a tremendous amount of work going into your bill.)
Perhaps, ‘Fortune favours the brave❤️.
A man wearing pink used to be seen as wealthy in many cultures. Only weak people are afraid of colours. Anything to be hateful....
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
There needs to be a systematic effort to clean out these "dead laws" to make sure they aren't lurking.
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
Not sure why God can't deal with it himself so maybe it is really just that they think they are God.
if trump wants to do something, he does it
Personal opinion…why is marriage even a legal topic anymore? With divorce so common, marriage is no guarantee, more a money-making venture. Let people “couple” as they wish, as long as there is no harm. Medical rights? There’s a doc for that. Inheritance? Make a will. Bastard is no longer an issue
Thanks for starting for the people of your state!
He's ripping through our Constitution to take away the focus on any particular thing.
I wish you luck, although I fear this administration will rollback rights soon.
Glad someone is fighting these nutjobs.
If you cannot make it in person but still want to testify, you can sign up today (3/19) to testify remotely:
Let's celebrate queer love and get this outdated policy out of our constitution.
Worry about saving our country from fascism
This IS fighting fascism; You're part of the problem.
Liberty of consciousness.
Funny, for all that talk of personal freedom, Republicans here really like restricting what people can do.
It’s the only way to get the hard things done.
These women have had their rights denied daily for a long time.
You might have heard about this? 👇 It got coverage from MSNBC
Thanks for everything you're doing.
And there's not a super formal dress code, but dressing relatiey professional is advised.
That's one of the reasons Rep. Zephyr is trying to remove the ban with this bill.
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
My friend's marriages deserved to still be considered legitimate!!!
The ban, while unenforceable, is still on the books and in the constitution. Rep. Zephyr's bill seeks to repeal it.
thank you for ALL YOUR HARD WORK!
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
They NEED to get the same-sex marriage ban out of the MT constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that gay marriage is up to the states, the republicans will dig it up, and send its shambling zombie corpse after married couples.
this should trump state laws, right?
But even if that doesn't happen, the ban is stain on an otherwise mostly good constitution and needs to go