Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how a lot of climate leaders freaked out when David Wallace Wells’s article “The Uninhabitable Earth” came out(before the book) bc they said it was too alarmist, too worst-case scenario and it was bad to scare people. And yet…
Years ago, my one academic engineer friend and climate denialist absolutely would not listen to arguments that the biosphere was already being impacted by climate change. Likewise, I have deep experience dealing with evolution denial and it's physical scientists.
Seems sensible
We ALL live in the world and every moment, from every direction we KNOW it's crying in pain at what we have done, and the energy needed to ignore that is huge
Which is why so many are exhausted and enraged
Tbh, the effect of fear is somewhat paradoxical rn. Fear generated by anticipated personal loss (of burgers etc.) seems to motivate inaction - but the effect of fear about the consequences of climate change is currently not great…
We should def be aware of behavioral research in this domain when communicating about communicating!
We know, now, what DOESN'T work, so what are the behavioural scientists telling us about
a) what DOES work?
b) with whom?
c) how long would it take to get to a critical mass?
Because time is now short
But - science provides information, not decisions. Decisions should be based on good information/ science, and ethics.