Significant! BSW has just hit 5.0% on the latest projection. Would rule out two-part coalition and make only options Kenya coalition (CDU/CDU-SPD-Green) or minority government.
Merz, Scholz, Weidel et al are on ZDF’s “Berliner Runde”, a first encounter between major parties. Merz is asked about Kenya coalition. Doesn’t address the question but rules out deal with AfD. Weidel talks of a “Pyrrhic victory” and accuses Merz of stealing AfD policies.
Worth mentioning that Habeck is the only one here who takes initiative to discuss elections in the context of the current geopolitical situation of US and RU and the urgency of becoming ready to act.
Meanwhile old red lines on centre-right starting to crack. Söder’s absolute opposition to a coalition with Greens seems to have become a mere “preference”.
Lindner on Berliner Runde sounds like one defeated. Wishes Merz well. But on latest projection his FDP is 0.2% from staying in Bundestag. And if it does, it probably has a good chance of governing again.
Notable: Scholz says that he won't be negotiator for SPD in coalition talks. Means that will probably fall to party leader Lars Klingbeil... or a certain Boris Pistorius?
Hope he’s out of DE politics for good
One hopes it’s worth the wait.