They also won’t complain when being underpaid versus their US citizen or permanent resident colleagues
There’s a lot of nonsense going around about H 1B workers being paid minimum wage - they’re not but they clearly are being paid 1/3 to half and they rarely will cause a fuss sadly
Elon can threaten to send them home if they complain about hours and working conditions. He is on record as saying he wants people willing to put in 80 hours a week.
H1b or not to be?
Whether tis nobler for companies to pay
Our homegrown tech workers a fair wage,
Or import wage slaves to do it in their stead.
Greed? Ay, there’s the rub!
Mar a swampo and millions of hotels, crop fields, and more will be gone to seed without immigrants. Thousands of “dirty” jobs and landscaping companies with no workers due to mass deportations.
It's even worse than that. People on an H1B visa can't even bargain on their own since they have absolutely no leverage. If they leave their job for any reason, they have to find another employer willing to sponsor their visa in a very short amount of time, or move back to their country.
For Musk & Ravaswamy, H-1B is NOT about "job qualifications." That is a red herring. It's about at will employees working for low wages, without benefits, overtime pay or unions, under constant threat of deportation. Slaves.
MIT, CMU, Stanford, UC, and many more universities in the USA are graduating well qualified students who are ready to work. Leon really does just want indentured servants.
In fact, much of the seminal research these new technologies are built upon comes from those universities, paid for by our taxes, only to have their fruits privatized.
Yep. If the Dept of Ed, FDA, EPA, CDC and NIH lose funding or are contracted, many universities will have to contract as well or shut down entire programs of research. Trump's buds want that research in private company labs to increase profits and muzzle the researchers with contracts.
lonE skuM would have to live for a thousand years spending 40,000 an hour before he would use up his current wealth. How much is enough for him? There will never be enough. He needs to be stopped! He did lie on his immigration papers. He could be deported for that. Surely, they could do something. 🤔
At some point, it passes being about money, and becomes solely about power, the most addictive drug there is. And addiction is a disease of "more." There is never enough.
H1B workers have zero rights. They are tied to their sponsoring company. They work like slaves for slave wages or go home. That program depresses wages and working conditions across the tech industry and causes the best US workers to seek out other fields. I am in that industry. I know.
You're right. I retired after 44 years as an IT professional. I worked with hundreds of H-1B visa holders through the years, almost 100% of them from India.
They want cheap labor. Don’t care if it’s legal immigrants or not. The whole program was created for bad US companies who don’t want to pay fair wages.
Billionaires also realize they need intelligent, educated, skilled people that will become more and more scarce as MAGA politicians further erode the educational infrastructure in the US. H1Bs also can’t vote, so their education is not a threat.
#ElonMusk claims that Americans are unqualified for labor while also shunning formal education. A literal requirement of an #H1B is formal education. So let’s call it what it is - he wants cheap labor to pad his pockets at everyone’s expense & wants to mass deport those who don’t serve him directly
The real problem with illegal immigration, H1-B and H2-B is that none of these workers have full rights. We need immigration but this situation isn't fair to them or American workers.
They work for less money and are not highly skilled compared to their US counterparts. I know, because I'm a software developer who saw this trend starting in the early 90s
The CEO that sent the computer tech Indian workers to a well known U.S. insurance agency was caught embezzling back in the early 2000s,so they sent workers back to India even though they had nothing to do with his crimes.They were just replaced with other workers on visa from India ,not U.S.workers.
For those in the back row that means they have NO rights to stay here and that can be used as a cudgel against them. This is disgraceful. All of this is just fucked up.
Now they're asking why they won't invest in schools here in the US to educate and train future generations for these positions such a smooth transition from book banning don't ya think
Only because people quit going into engineering when they saw engineering jobs outsourced. The chips act should reverse that if it's allowed to continue.
Muskrat calls our scientists and engineers 'retarded' yet America has the top Academic institutions in the world. We put man on the moon NOT Apartheid South Africa.
The answer: Your union friends hate other groups of people more than they value their unions. Trump hates who they do, even if they claim it’s not so. There is no other reason why people would vote HEAVILY against their own best interests. Priorities in their lives are different than ours.
To them, it's always better to choose someone of their own race. Idiots, no matter the race, always make decisions based on perception and beliefs. Not facts or progression. They'll die on that hill every time.
Anytime I see a cabinet of men making choices for women as if they themselves have a uterus, I ask myself why. Why do you think you're qualified to make decisions about a woman's health? And where are the MAGA women to denounce this BS? Snobbing it up at trump's Circus? Deplorables. Every last one.
US Engineers don't want collective bargaining they just don't want to have 350k plus H-1B Visa employees willing to work for $70k and 70 hours a week under 3 year exclusive single employer deals.
Having previously lived and worked in a place where collective bargaining was a thing, I want collective bargaining. I remember my non-union coworkers complaining about how we had 9-5 jobs, with guaranteed 4+ week vacation, higher salaries, paid training, and too many additions benefits to mention.
Not sure if this is typical for Unions, but at least for this particular one, everybody salary who was under the Union was out in the open, this is how you get fair pay.
We were not required to be part of the Union, will always remember this one co-worker who acted as if he was smarter than everyone else because he chose to not to be part of the Union, same person who also complained to management about the benefits we got, he never figured it out why that was.
You know the ignorant ppl who voted for Trump have no clue how unions created the middle class
Think collective bargaining is a socialist propaganda
Know nothing about labor laws & think all this is just the way it always was
A basic tenet of slavery was always keeping the slaves in check by keeping them poor, obedient, and powerless. That's how The Muskrat and his pals see a 'committed' workforce. Similar to those guys who don't want American women for wives because they 'want' too much🤔
Imported slaves are much less expensive than the domestic kind. When they begin asking for what they are actually worth or contemplate collective bargaining, you simply not renew their work visa. Rinse, Repeat.
MAGAs have also been brainwashed into hating unions. I don’t think there’s any hope of them putting all these pieces together to see how it affects them personally.
Yes! What you said! How do you explain it to someone who's been brainwashed? When people refuse the truth because they've been spoon fed lies for almost a decade. How? It's like they are purposely choosing ignorance, to the ill fate of 330,000,000 people including themselves. I despise #gaslighting!
Almost aspect, so these billionaires want to profit from a cheaper immigrant workforce to provide us advanced technology, but do not want farmers/business owners to use an immigrant workforce to provide basic needs, such as food and shelter.
why not just hire them as remote workers? a lot of engineering work is knowledge work which can be done remotely.
means you can pay them less and they wont take up space in country.
seems like a win-win
As a US union construction worker for many years now, one of my laments of the 80 year war on unions waged by capital was that unions were for blue collar jobs only. EVERYONE should not only be in a union, but there should be sector unions to neuter another tool of capital: regional wage disparity.
Tech companies love the H1B, did you know these people can be subcontracted out to other companies? The company pays the original sponsor company, not the visa holder, original company, pay the visa hold and makes money off the visa hold, big loop hole
Hi I’ve changed my bluesky handle to my name now that America and the election failed. I’ll be using it a lot more now that Zuck has “unable to post” me on Threads from calling MAGA stupid! Please follow me at my new bluesky name. Thanks.
But no mention from Trump that highly skilled engineers with H1B visas are taking Black jobs.
We knew what how he thinks when he said it.
There’s a lot of nonsense going around about H 1B workers being paid minimum wage - they’re not but they clearly are being paid 1/3 to half and they rarely will cause a fuss sadly
Whether tis nobler for companies to pay
Our homegrown tech workers a fair wage,
Or import wage slaves to do it in their stead.
Greed? Ay, there’s the rub!
Hire people from the U.S.!
There are accomplished people right here at home.
You can’t send people away that have the wrong skin color, but import those that fill your requirements.
America first, right, MAGA?
Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers
The Apartheid way.
A la Musk.
Many wrote code that looked like spaghetti that did not work
It doesn't go any deeper
Just my opinion.
US Engineers don't want collective bargaining they just don't want to have 350k plus H-1B Visa employees willing to work for $70k and 70 hours a week under 3 year exclusive single employer deals.
US Engineers won't agree to those terms..
no rights ,poor pay.
Anyone defending this in 2024 is a parasite.
You know the ignorant ppl who voted for Trump have no clue how unions created the middle class
Think collective bargaining is a socialist propaganda
Know nothing about labor laws & think all this is just the way it always was
MAGA are hopeless.
means you can pay them less and they wont take up space in country.
seems like a win-win
It’s a frustrating situation.
Screenshot from video comment section this morning: