😃 Thoughts and prayers are what created this monster so repeating that nonsense will not redeem MAGA or associated idiots??? Our children will pay a heavy price if they survive?
FUCK THIS COUNTRY, WTF DID WE DIE FOR? WE ARE SUCKERS AND LOSERS. We are not equal under the law, we are going to take other sovereign nations property, we are going to rape the world using our military. We are going to use our military on our own citizens. @CNN
No matter what Trump says or posts he is embarrassed; he will be first felon to take the oath...that's his legacy. With no change he and America will be reminiscent of saying..."You knew I was a snake when you picked me up." I pray he grows into the Office...he wouldn't be first to change his life.
He was unable "to pivot" to become more presidential during his first chance. He remained unable to listen, learn or understand from experts in any department.
Yep, that's what I posted in my timeline about the unconditional discharge...not even a slap on the wrist. Merchan killed rule of law and democracy in one unforgivable decision.
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
During voir dire:
[Judge] Would any of the prospective jurors like to speak to the court?
[Me] Your Honor,
I am speaking to you today to state that if I am placed on this jury I will not under any circumstances convict the defendant. America has elected a convicted felon to the Presidency....1/2
His crimes include sexual assault, sale of our national secrets, financial crimes, and sedition. For those many crimes he has suffered no consequences or penalties. I will not hold a fellow citizen responsible for crimes when the rich and the powerful are not held responsible for their crimes.
Badge. Sorry. I am not even thinking straight right now. we all knew he wasn't going be serving time but still it's upsetting to see this criminal constantly getting away with murder and he isn't even some brilliant criminal mastermind. It's insulting.
As per the Scottish MP Patrick Harvie, I'm now officially referring to him as 'The convicted felon Donald Trump'. The Scots don't mince words and always have the measure of folks for who they really are.
I understand the disappointment in no penalty but you should all know that to Trump, being a Felon is a penalty for life. Technically he can’t even enter many countries as a Felon
They wore T-shirts saying they were voting for the felon. They put signs in their yards saying they were voting for the felon. Today they can say they elected a felon for President while they claim they are the party of law and order and back the blue. They are stupid and they are hypocrites.
They are so mean to widdle ol me!
Every pic of the orange ass from here on out should have a "CONVICTED FELON" badge across it.
Also, #PresidentMusk
He is now the orange FFOTUS (First Felon of the United States).
[Judge] Would any of the prospective jurors like to speak to the court?
[Me] Your Honor,
I am speaking to you today to state that if I am placed on this jury I will not under any circumstances convict the defendant. America has elected a convicted felon to the Presidency....1/2
you can all go fuck yourselves and your racist convicted rapist overlord king!