If Russia and the United States border each other, and the president happens to be this person, then the United States will become smaller and smaller, or even non-existent.
Oh, so Europe is a lost cause? Then explain why Putin is so desperate to destroy it. Maybe because freedom, democracy, and the rule of law are exactly what dictators fear? Your whining only helps those who want to weaken the U.S. 🚨🔥 Follow me for truth!
The only explanation is that when the adults in the room talk of immigrants seeking asylum, Trump, the moron, is convinced they are speaking of mental asylums. A stable genius, he is not.
Europe at least respects democracy and doesn't abandon allies. Do you think the world forgets Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons with security guarantees issued by the US, UK and Russia. Russia invades and now the US is saying Ukraine is the aggressor? How stupid do you think the world is?
Both can be done. If we put a freeze on political and rich people money, I'm sure those migrant rape gangs would have to go find another source of income to survive. Terrorism for hire is not a real job.
Then we can see if Putin crashes too. Coincidentally.
I really want to end up like Europe. Universal healthcare, good education for everyone, and gun control. Not to mention much better vacation, sick leave, and family leave policies.
My American wife will never come back. She’s extremely embarrassed just being from there nowadays. She’ll resign her citizenship as soon as we have the money for it.
Because why shouldn’t usa want money to get the fuck outta there!!?? 🙄
Aren’t all his cherished anchor babies mothers from Europe. The one he ignores the most is American. Which tracks since the Oompa Loompa hates this country so much.
Our children go to school and return at the end of the school day. They do not participate in active shooter drills. Teachers teach instead of training students to protect themselves from gunfire. Our students do not hide under desks. Our children are allowed to be children, free from fear.
It's a good thing the Donald wasn't president during World War II. He might have convinced the world that England getting bombed by Hitler was their own fault and told Churchill to just surrender and resign.
Europe with the help of #Felon47 have just deported to Florida two members of a migrant rape gang - the Tate #scumbros. Europe did this so they don't become like the #Divided-States-of-Trumpshitfuckery.
I love that Donald is telling us what to worry about!!
Let me do my thing with Putin and let him have our country! Worry about these things that don't exist and aren't an existential threat to the existence of our country!!
We have an orange Dick tator who lies easier than he breathes, a cabinet of criminals and loonies, a VP who seems abusive and has furniture fetiches and a South African Nazi firing people without having the authority to do so. I am more afraid of these people.
And what is he talking about....end up like Europe? We have more gun violence and mass shootings than anywhere in Europe. Maybe we should consider being more like Europe.
No, we should worry that the current POTUS (Felon) has totally sold out to deliver the economy and power of the United States to Russia and its dictator, Vlad Putin, to secure a bipolar World, instead of a tripolor World. The result is that the U.S. is now a minor player to determine Earth's future.
Still sticking with "mental institutions"? So that means that none of his bootlicking minions has summoned the courage to tell him (sir, with tears in their eyes) the meaningful of asylum?
trump *still* doesn’t understand that seeking asylum isn’t the same as coming from a mental asylum. It must be hard to be that dumb. I was going to say ignorant but it’s just dumb.
Funny, the felon Trump talks about this when he just released some horrible criminals back on our streets. Not only the J6 folks but others he pardoned since January 21 2025. Very few immigrants break our laws. I'm not sure why he keeps LYING about this!
Europe is stealing his thunder this weekend. They have proven his decision to side with Putin.he has forfeited the title of Leader of the Free World..so he's making up more lies and attacking more countries.
I lived in Europe for almost three years while I was in grad school. I didn’t want to come back THEN, and that was 12 years ago. We should be so lucky to be more like Europe.
his new mission get everyone talking about something else. Democrats need to die on this hill. Trump wants to abandon NATO and the UN. That will only help Russia, China and N. Korea. Fuck that @schumer.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social organize the democrats & book every RW podcast & News ch.
Err, Donnie, we're not worried about those things cause they are your delusions and even your suckers aren't seeing you do anything but rip off Americans and mess up the economy while sucking up to the enemy and attacking our allies.
And of course Pootin emptied its prisons of all that to shore up its invading army as they started losing and before that deliberately committed unimaginable atrocities on Ukrainians
This boggles my mind daily - that this installed convicted felon rapist racist misogynist malignant narcissist imbecile who couldn't text C-A-T without spellcheck is even given the code to the White House men's room and is allowed to ruin our lives.
Trump is a bloody idiot. His one brain cell is clearly not understanding that Europe is nothing like what he is suggesting. He is a.complete flaccid dick.
WHY? Bc the one thing he actually read, My New Order by Adolf Hitler, is his bedside bible (Vanity Fair, 9/1990). Same guy that dictated Mein Kampf -I guess it’s got ideas about land and having room. Note that his ex wife who reported it, died from a fall or possible “fall” down the steps in 2022.
Oh, like the Tate brothers rape machine you let INTO the country. You respect rapists, I despise rapists & I absolutely HATE POS who treats other ppl like scum, when he’s the scum
It’s been six weeks and this is the 1st time I’ve heard this “concern”. He’s so full of BS I don’t understand how people believe this s**t. Oh ok, removing the millions he lied about it. Get real. I’d believe the tooth fairy was real before this
If we stop worrying about Putin, we might just end up like Ukraine. But sure, let’s focus on made-up movie villains instead of actual threats to democracy.
Europe is taking the lead in the negotiations with Ukraine and putin. ZELENSKY is ready to sign a deal if trump doesn't fuck it up. TRUMP IS ONLY OUT FOR HIMSELF.
Immigrants is a diversion what is really happening in the US. They are the black sheep like the Jews in WWII. Don’t focus on the immigrants and focus on Putin. And does he know that Moskou is officially in Europe?
We do worry about that, but frankly Trump you have been actively letting those people in, even negotiating to let Romanian let them leave.. and they are now living in florida.
Funny since we have a pedo rapist as president who just brought the Tate brothers here, a ketamine addict rifling through sensitive info and a heroine addict in charge of HHS🤔
I think we need to worry about these gangsters, rapists, and pedophiles entering our country.. and we need to arrest anyone that facilitates their arrival here in the United States. Let's start with whoever got that piece of shit rapist andrew tate into this country.
The US would be lucky to end up the Europe. Clean energy, health care, great infrastructure and transit, accessible higher education, good jobs, concern for each other.
It’s all about the pipeline. The Nazis are going for monopolization on power and utilities, basically raping their land of its natural resources. It’s about power, money, and imprisonment using AI and energy resources.
Truth Social has no numbers.
The ONLY AMUSING part, is that I'M SURE he thought EUROPE was just one, you know like France or England etc.
Then we can see if Putin crashes too. Coincidentally.
May this regime's demise be swift and severe.
We care about eachother over here.
Because why shouldn’t usa want money to get the fuck outta there!!?? 🙄
I can't stop laughing.. If only we had 45k gun deaths a year, 38trillion debt, no healthcare, and a bunch of racist brainfarts leading us!!
putin must be under real pressure to let
trump acting this way.
FUCK! Trump is a goddamn idiot.
Let me do my thing with Putin and let him have our country! Worry about these things that don't exist and aren't an existential threat to the existence of our country!!
Murderer, drug lord, gang leader.
...with free at point of use health-care, good public education, a better social security safety net, and no fecking orange shitgibbon.
There, fixed it for you Donold 😎
Can we please be like Europe?
Tate brothers good
Got it
Can he get people to keep looking under the bed while he slashes their jobs and benefits?
Your president is a traitor to democracy.
Do the opposite of whatever trump says.
Seriously there are no fucking words for this!
what a low IQ moron. president dumb fuck
just STFU and die.
The deflections no longer work. That schtick is old.
Ppl are waking up…just check those repub town halls and how the spineless slither away or deflect.
I’m done with their crap 💩 and lies.
I want the GQP who supported the Flotus to be tried and convicted for treason.
lol 😂 omg this guy is such a loser
Rapists adore rapists.
Or is it he TRULY doesn’t understand what asylum means?