Christian Nationalist Josh Brecheen doesn't know shit about the Bible, Christianity, or the words of Jesus Christ. And he's wasting taxpayer dollars on some effort to try and bigdick the Sermon on the Mount.
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He knows, but he also knows his base is either ignorant, or so rabid that they'll ignore the teachings of Jesus just to exercise their hatred and greed.
Fuck that guy - even if this resolution passes, it won't change what is right and true.
The extent to which they insist their extremist narratives align perfectly w/Christianity is nothing short of delusional. They’ve bastardized Christianity almost beyond recognition - & all because they crave permission to nurture their racism, misogyny & nationalism, as opposed to repenting of it.
He’s gonna have to add the US Conference of Catholic Bishops as they came out with a statement that’s is very similar in sentiment to Bishop Budde’s (who is Episcopalian) words to Trump.
Pretty much gone. Now the State of Oklahoma wants Christian schools to be in the public school system, funded by taxpayers. I will bet when this issue reaches our corrupt Supreme Court, they’ll allow it.
Those clowns don't just dick-ride the orange douche, they sit and spin on it. They do tricks on the tiny 🍄. A lot of reverse cowgirl.
The most pitiful cucks the world has ever endured.
I remember when they merely *thought* Obama and democrats would try to get him a third term. They lost 100% of their shit over it, even though no one actually mentioned it. I guess things are different now. Isn't that interesting.
I think it's up to all decent Americans to reach out and tell Bishop Mariann Budde that what she did was awesome, and no apologies are necessary. We have her back!
Great idea! I called the number for the Washington D.C. Diocese and all I got was a recording (no surprise). I really want to talk to a person and voice my support. I'm going to try and call back on Monday.
“I’m going to fully condemn an Episcopal bishop for echoing the words of Christ” - well I guess he’s setting himself up so he can meet his cult leader in hell
All these Christian Nationalist White Supremacists do is hide behind the Bible like a shield but following nothing about the true teachings of Jesus. They are INFERIOR not SUPERIOR!!! Imbecile followers think they are for the Bible & that Devil Donnie False Idol is leading them-but it is to HELL!
Agree!!! More from the party of Christianity, Family Values, Law & Order, Freedom of Speech...more like diarrhea of the mouth & CONstipation of the brain. t-RUMP's taint is full of surprizes!
Wrong, Devil worshiper, that is exactly what Jesus and the Bible says, Trump should know that being he is a Bible sales man, but he was clueless and out of place in church, makes sense because Devil worship is way different from a church mass, what a bunch of heathens, and I am Agnostic.
Fuck that guy - even if this resolution passes, it won't change what is right and true.
more like distilled
"Not It!"
The most pitiful cucks the world has ever endured.
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