I'm not gonna block, but I am going to repeat for about the millionth time since 2015: we need to accept that Trump wins votes because a lot of Americans like what he's selling and there's not a magic combination Democrats can unlock that changes that.
Reposted from
Erin Fogg
Blocking everyone claiming a potential Trump win has anything to do with any Harris policy and not to do with a real amount of people desperately seeking permission to do incredible amounts of violent racist sexist ableist transphobic fascism
Liberals always make a huge mistake underestimating the appeal of blood and soil patriotism
also: how many posts have you seen about car insurance rates
also: data I saw, Latin men huge shift to trump; sexism seems likely ???
This is an important distinction, because it you go by economic standards, Biden won the working class in 2020 and when the numbers come out I suspect Kamala will too, albeit by a smaller margin.
The cost of food and rent is absurdly high and while I believe this is deliberate greed and an effort to undermine Bidens relative success with the economy. However that success has largely benefited the wealthy.
The US is more politically polarized by education level than by age or sex, or between whites vs Latinos.
there is a magic combination:
talk about car insurance rates, not stuff that matters only to college educated people in Cambridge MA
talk about how imports turned so many towns into ghettos
probably other stuff like that
IRA/CHIPS are literally corporate welfare, to complex for anyone to understand, and huge jobs in GOP strongholds
Sam Rayburn and Tip O'Neill would be aghast
imports don't destroy factory jobs, but do provide cheap stuff for said CEPs
immigration destroys low wage American jobs, but provides cheap nannies/gardeners/restaurant staff (I have looked at the econ lit on mariel and find in unpursuavsive)
Not that there aren't plenty of folks who like what he's selling, but if the agiprop funded media vanished tomorrow the GOP wouldn't be a national party.
They did so in great detail meanwhile the president-elect can barely get through a sentence without taking opposing stances.
true, Trump today is not Trump 2016
but Racism and Xenophobia will beat plans almsot always
It brings them comfort as much as it brings us distress.
The question is: how can take what we know about who they are and the country we want the US to be and get it back to that place?
And now that’s faded away.
It's been the strategy three times now
people like it.
this joint is profoundly ill.
and agree re no magic "unlock"
Having people like what you're selling is how you win elections, and the democrats were so arrogant that they threw away chance after chance to adopt massively popular policies and win this thing easily
Selfishness at the core.
They are less diligent about the “how”.
The counter sure as hell ain't to run a woman. I wish it was the magic bullet, but it sure looks like a damned close call in election that should be a team blue easy win. Dems, vote for lame white hetero dudes in primaries.