Well those fella's gotta get their viral 'LA burning' content somehow! think of the follows! that's their LIVELYHOODS! What do you want, for their lives to go up in flames?????
You Know the Laws that Apply to Flying A Drone! Follow Them And Don't put Our Firefighters in Danger Themselved Because you're to Lazy or Stupid to Follow Those Guidelines and laws!
We send out planes there to help our neighbours, your selfish, thoughtless dumbasses damage one of them, all while your President-elect and MAGA mocks California and thinks Canada should be invaded. What a fucking timeline.
Dangerous voyeurism. I read the acct of a New Orleans victim, a paraplegic whose wheelchair and legs were shattered. He was screaming for help but could only see people filming him. No one helped him. Wtf
feels like this is only gonna escalate due not just to hobbyists and Influencers but also so many people want 1sthand images of disasters because they don't totally trust the media anymore, they're curating their personal infostreams
Maybe all of social media should collapse so everyone in the country no longer has the ego boost of seeing their footage online. Because, obviously, that's all some people have to live for.
I've updated my Substack of fire maps with a map of which neighborhoods voted for Bass and for Caruso in the 2022 election for mayor, and a few other things such as a very good link-collection site for aid, shelters, pet shelters, etc. https://ericrasmusen.substack.com/p/palisades-fire-maps-a-link-page
But that does have to be enabled and registered - it's a way to ID legal fliers, but baddies could just ignore it. And there are a lot of low-end ones that don't have it at all. BUT every fragment that survived the crash probably has enough info to easily trace the chain of purchase/ownership.
Right, but an older flagship DJI, Autel, Skidio or Parot, or many cheap off-brand photo-drones (even newer ones) might be up there sans RID, and they're big enough to cause problems, unfortunately.
Not to mention DJI are banned in many areas and are geofenced off from restricted airspace (which palisades currently is) if they’re up to date on software to fly, they can’t be doing it without identifying themselves and being tracked.
They too have a signature and they can record their flight paths and duration on the sat network. Things have to talk to each other… there’s identification.
The drone hit the wing and caused a hole in it. Luckily, it missed the fuel tanks. The drone remained embedded in the wing. Officials now have the drone.
There’s no way to connect to the sat network and fcc frequency without being identified. Only a FPV or 250g or less consumer or homemade drone could be unregistered at the present.
I don't think that's correct - an older drone without RID can fly with an add-on broadcast module, but it's not communicating with a particular drone in any way that that would grant it permission to fly, since a registered unit can apply to a whole fleet.
Average consumer drone lifespan is 2-4 years. 5 years max. So in reality it would be pretty tricky to be flying a large drone without real ID in these areas without one or two system safeguards in place denying entry (geofencing /already banned areas)
Furthermore all drone manufacturers must equip real id from point of sale from Dec 16, 2022 and on if that drone is over 250g. Even drones like the DJI MINI 4 Pro are below that weight at point of sale and they STILL have real ID.
I can’t even fly my old mavic 3 next to my local police dept that has a DJI ban, or at the golf course next to the airport. They know from your position (sats) , not your fcc broadcast signal)
Older DJI drones are geofenced off from no fly zones and temporary restricted air space, which is what this area is at the moment. If DJI can geofence off the drone, it’s using the sat network to do that. They all have to communicate with and identify to the sat network. Unless they’re masking …
God damnit. Probably was a recreational drone pilot trying to see the action. Frankly the FAA should require recreational licenses, the risk someone poses by flying a drone without understanding airspace and traffic rules is the same, regardless of intended use.
Like so many other things, unethical humans focused mainly on making $ create products that can be both good &/or dangerous but don't care about or conceal the dangers & sell the products before the law can catch up 🤦
LAST SUMMER we lost two young firefighters and that hurt our countries hearts! They were young and protecting us!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay out of their way and keep them safe!!!
Air Attack spotted another drone about 15 minutes ago. People really out here endangering the lives of these fire fighters and pilots. They already have to watch for hazards like power lines and these jerks looking for “content” making it more difficult.
This is how MAGA Twitter sees the #LAFires
Now those would be deterrents for others.
* Go to https://disasterassistance.gov
* Download the FEMA app
* Call (800) 621-3362
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay out of their way and keep them safe!!!
Your drone clicks ARENT WORTH THEIR LIVES!!
Just spitballing here