To many people are giving him credit for this idea, for that policy... My point is he's just a front man doing the bidding of Musk and Moscow. I don't see that as minor.
So basically be asvdistracting and irrational on foreign policies as possible while underhandedly setting in motion an internal coup of the governmental personnel and cyber systems using people unapproved by Congress to usurp the Legislative Branch's constitutional powers. An autogolpe.
We need to say the whole quote. They're "flooding the zone with shit." That's the entire plan, paint the world with shit until dying, old, shitting limp pricked fools are all that that's left.
Hitler sending out his Fuhrer Directives did the same thing so as to overwhelm his opponents and get control before anyone got their shit together and could stop him. The Trumpenfuhrer is succeeding at doing the same while the Democrats dance to his tune and people protest politely against Nazis.
It's a time for fierce compassion. Be fierce, do an activity everyday. It's self care. Be the rain, the howling wind, and the mountainous wave. Be the storm. Pass it on.
Political punditry is one of the most repugnant forms of journalism. Don’t ever use a term like “flood the zone” to describe a coup ever again. This isn’t a goddamned game.
I didn't overlook that. You shouldn't either.
Get a set and call it what it is.
- Sincerely,
The Price of Eggs
It's a time for fierce compassion. Be fierce, do an activity everyday. It's self care. Be the rain, the howling wind, and the mountainous wave. Be the storm. Pass it on. re
Just USAID helped create & support US agriculture jobs.
Cutting off USAID also cuts off farmers who are already suffering from Trump's first term
These fascists are doing so much so fast that they are attempting to overwhelm both the legal system and us.
Do you part and resist.
Get orders? Refuse.
They say you’re fired? Make them move you.